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[OFF TOPIC] Totallympics Vote for Eurovision Song Contest 2018

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  On 5/5/2018 at 6:35 PM, Gianlu33 said:

I follow SanRemo like a religion (like almost all Italian),so I know the Meta/Moro song :p



Ok :p 

Then here is little spolier from their first rehearsal :d


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So, My Top10 is (after all second rehearsals):


12 - :EST Estonia

10 - :CYP Cyprus

8 - :DEN Denmark

7 - :FRA France

6 - :GRE Greece

5 - :LAT Latvia

4 - :NED Netherlands

3 - :FIN Finland

2 - :ITA Italy

1 - :MNE Montenegro 



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A lot of great songs this year. Even I like our song I will not vote for Serbia, that's fair enough 

So my votes based on second rehearsal are:


12 pt :ISR Israel

10 pt :FRA France

08 pt :GRE Greece

07 pt :CYP Cyprus

06 pt :CZE Czech Republic 

05 pt :BEL Belgium 

04 pt :AUS Australia

03 pt :ESP Spain

02 pt :ITA Italy 

01 pt :LTU Lithuania


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My top 10


12 - :ISR Israel

10 - :BUL Bulgaria

8 - :MLT Malta

7 - :FIN Finland

6 - :GBR United Kingdom

5 - :CYP Cyprus

4 - :MKD Macedonia

3 - :POL Poland

2 - :CRO Croatia

1 - :FRA France

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12 points - :HUN

10 points - :SUI

8 points - :ESP

7 points - :ITA

6 points - :CZE

5 points - :NOR

4 points - :FIN

3 points - :MKD

2 points - :SLO

1 point - :RUS

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12 - :ISL Iceland

10 - :LTU Lithuania

8 - :POR Portugal

7 - :GBR Great Britain

6 - :CYP Cyprus

5 - :SUI Switzerland

4 - :SLO Slovenia

3 - :IRL Ireland

2 - :SMR San Marino

1 - :SWE Sweden

Edited by dcro


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Only watched the final, but my votes go to..............


12 - :MDA

10 - :NOR

8 - :DEN

7 - :IRL

6 - :UKR

5 - :SWE

4 - :CZE

3 - :NED

2 - :FIN

1 - :CYP

Edited by MCMXC
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So, Eurovision Song Contest 2018 is over and here are the final results of voting of Totallympics users:


1. :FRAFrance - 56
2. :CYPCyprus - 40
3. :IRL Ireland - 38
4. :ISR Israel - 37
5. :BUL Bulgaria - 27

6. :ESP Spain - 26
7. :MDA Moldova - 24
8. :CZE Czech Republic - 23
9. :GER Germany - 23
10. :DEN Denmark - 21
11. :SUI Switzerland - 20
12. :GRE Greece - 20
13. :GBR United Kingdom - 20
14. :SWE Sweden -  18
15. :EST Estonia - 18
16. :NOR Norway - 17
17. :POR Portugal - 16
18. :ITA Italy - 16
19. :FIN Finland - 16
20. :MKD F.Y.R. Macedonia - 13
21. :AUT Austria - 13
22. :AUS Australia - 12
23. :HUN Hungary - 12
24. :ISL Iceland - 12
25. :UKR Ukraine - 11
26. :LTU Lithuania - 11
27. :MLT Malta -  8
28. :LAT Latvia - 7
29. :NED Netherlands - 7
30. :AZE Azerbaijan - 7
31. :BLR Belarus - 7
32. :SLO Slovenia - 6
33. :MNE Montenegro - 6
34. :ALB Albania - 5
35. :BEL Belgium - 5
36. :CRO Croatia - 3
37. :POL Poland - 3
38. :SMR San Marino - 2
39. :RUS Russia - 1

40. :ARM Armenia - 0

40. :GEO Georgia - 0

40. :ROU Romania - 0

40. :SRB Serbia - 0


:FRA France is real winner :p

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