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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2018

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Well, I thought that I should get sentimental, since it's the 10th edition of TISC, let's enter it the way that we started it, with a song in Lithuanian language by Saulės Kliošas :)



Saulės Kliošas - Įkvėpk ir Nepaleisk (Breathe In and Don't Let Go)



Šviesiam liūdesy / In a sadness that's bright
Įkvėpus giliai, bandysiu Tave paleisti / With a deep breath, I'll try to let you go
Kaip viską pamiršt / How to forget everything
Nenoriu labai atrodyt silpnai, man gaila / I really don't want to look weak, what a pity


Aš žinau, aš žinau, aš žinau / Oh I know, oh I know, oh I know
Vistiek tavim tikiu / I still believe in you
Aš žinau, aš žinau, nežinai / Oh I know, oh I know, you don't know
Tavęs niekad nepamiršiu / That I will never forget you


Oh oh, oh oh / [error #404 - intranslatable]
Oh oh, oh oh
Tavęs niekad nepamiršiu / I will never forget you


Kaltint Tave / Blaming you
Taip daugiau lengviau / Is so much easier
Jaučiuosi ramiau, nepyki / That's how I cope, don't be angry with me

Aš stengsiuos gyvent / I'll try to live on
Man laikas padės / With time it will get better
Taip sako visi – nelengva / That's what everyone says - not easy


Aš žinau, aš žinau, aš žinau / Oh I know, oh I know, oh I know
Vistiek tavim tikiu / I still believe in you
Aš žinau, aš žinau nežinai / Oh I know, oh I know, you don't know

Tavęs niekad nepamiršiu / That I will never forget you


Oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh
Tavęs niekad nepamiršiu / I will never forget you


Įkvėpk ir nepaleisk / Breathe in and don't let go

Įkvėpk ir nepaleisk / Breathe in and don't let go


Tu Įkvėpk ir nepaleisk / Just breathe in and don't let go

Edited by Werloc
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14 minutes ago, konig said:

I have the same feeling about the jury of Norway.


He was active today. In any case, here's a friendly reminder to @Skijumpingmaster. :)


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15 minutes ago, konig said:

I have the same feeling about the jury of Norway.

Your spam must stay strong and formidable :yes

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1 minute ago, dcro said:


He was active today. In any case, here's a friendly reminder to @Skijumpingmaster. :)

I dont watch for Estonia, im quiet for the rest.

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1 minute ago, dcro said:


He was active today. In any case, here's a friendly reminder to @Skijumpingmaster. :)

Friendly?! I'd say it's about time for an aggressive reminder :spank:




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