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13 hours ago, rybak said:

The second cake is...




Makowiec klasyczny - Przepis | Dr. Oetker


Poppy seed cake (commonly called Makowiec) - it's dough layered with ground poppy seeds, sugar (or honey) and dried fruit. Such baking usually takes three possible form of:

- cake or tart, where a thick layer of poppy seed mass is placed on a thin layer of dough
- oblong, spiral-shaped dough in the shape of a roller (the so-called poppy seed strudel) - made of yeast dough, shortbread and yeast dough, less often semi-shortcrust
- strudel - made of strudel, shortcrust or semi-shortcrust dough


Makowiec sułtański -


Poppy seeds intended for the mass should be properly prepared before grinding (or grating). One way is to scald (pour boiling water over) the grains in a sieve, then carefully drain and evaporate. Another method is to pour cold or hot milk or water over the poppy seeds and let them soak for a while - sometimes after boiling them. According to some recipes, after steaming or soaking the beans, they still need to be boiled. If the beans are soaked overnight, cooking for just a few minutes should suffice.


Makowiec na kruchym cieście - Przepis | Dr. Oetker


Prepared in this way, carefully drained poppy seeds were ground twice or three times in a meat grinder through a strainer with the smallest eyes, or grated in a makutra. Grated poppy seeds are further ground with sugar or honey, and then dried fruits such as chopped walnuts, almonds, soaked raisins, candied orange or lemon peel are added. In regional cuisines, the use of additives such as hazelnuts, prunes or pears is also found.

Baked poppy seed rolls are usually covered with white (boiled) frosting and decorated with raw poppy seeds or candied orange peel. The trade also includes strudels with chocolate coating.


Makowiec wielkanocny - Blog z apetytem


Makowiec is a typical Christmas Eve and Easter dish in Polish cuisine. In some parts of the country, it spread only after the Second World War, e.g. thanks to settlers from eastern Poland. Regionally, the poppy seed strudel takes the form of folded buns with a poppy seed filling.

In the past, poppy seed cake was hosted only on well-to-do tables. It was baked in ordinary houses only for special occasions, such as the aforementioned Christmas Eve and carnival, Easter and various family celebrations. 


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I used my time meant for listening to songs on Wrestling Qualifier . Now I realize I don't have much free time at least until Wednesday afternoon. Could the host jury give me 2 more days please? If it's hard I can still send today but I'm afraid it'll be injustice to the songs as I even lost the trimmed  songs list of some 20 odd which I listened when host jury voting window opened

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@Fly_like_a_don Well, everyone had 17 days to send their votes and even three weeks, if we consider when deadline to send the songs passed, I think that it was enough much time to decide about choosing 12+3 songs. I can't also extend time again and again, because firstly it would be unfair to other users who send votes on time and are waiting for next stage and second because I also need time to prepare templates and eveything related with Opening ceremony and grand final. I can give you max 1-2 hours more today, but that's all.

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10 minutes ago, Fly_like_a_don said:

So how much time left now at max

From this moment 2 hours and 41 minutes, but originally it would remain 41 minutes 

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4 minutes ago, rybak said:

From this moment 2 hours and 41 minutes, but originally it would remain 41 minutes 

I'll do it in under 2 hours . 

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So, since we are two hours away from closing the voting process there is time to present another traditional for Polish Easter dish, this dish is...




Żurek wielkanocny |


Żurek (żur, acidified flour soup) - soup made on the basis of a meat broth thickened with bread leaven, usually made of rye flour, having a characteristic sour taste. A specialty of regional Polish, Belarusian, Czech and Slovak cuisine as well as other northern Slavs. Prepared in combination with bone and vegetable broth, with the addition of dried mushrooms, or cooked with sausage, smoked pork bacon, ribs, and pork tail.


There are doubts as to whether żurek (sour rye soup) is the same as white borscht, because, for example, according to one tradition, the names sour soup and white borscht are used interchangeably. In other traditions, sour rye soup is a soup made of rye flour, and white borscht is based on wheat flour. On the other hand, other customs dictate that sour rye soup should be called acidified lenten soup served with egg or potatoes, while white borscht would be an acidified soup made on the basis of a broth of bacon and sausage. However, these are contradictions resulting from the displacement confusion throughout Poland. Żur is known for its leaven made of flour, because it was the most popular and the best preparation; nowadays it is also prepared with the use of wheat, oat or spelled leaven.


Przepis: Tradycyjny żurek wielkanocny -


Regional kitchens have their own various recipes. It is an Old Polish dish - hence it is sometimes called Old Polish sour rye soup. Sometimes served with separately cooked potatoes topped with melted bacon or bacon, smoked or steamed sausage, offal or boiled egg. In Upper Silesia, sourdough for sour rye soup is prepared from wholemeal rye flour. 

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