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31 minutes ago, Agger said:

And then I went through getting 91 % for Sanders and Warren :lol:

Though it's very close with Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Steyer at 90 and only Bloomberg and Delaney below 80.

And Trump at 26. Guess he won't be getting my support :p

89% for Sanders and Warren. 

Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Delaney are right after with 88-86%.

I think Trump have to do a lot of campaigning to convince me. 15% is still 5% more than I expected. 



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1 minute ago, Dolby said:

Or a sign that you have a functioning brain? :mumble:


True. :p


But then again, I wouldn't be surprised if there are polls that artificially inflate certain options.


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28 minutes ago, dcro said:

This one is probably rigged. Always getting Trump as last (and by a margin) is iffy. :p

It's not that complicated to get Trump higher though :p 


Be an asshole in every question where being an asshole is an option is a good start.





Of course there are definitely things I agree with Trump about (it'd be nonsense to say one disagrees with literally everything), but yeah, simply not a lot :p Getting around 30% seems fair


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1 hour ago, heywoodu said:

For what it's worth :p I'll vote for that top guy of who I've never heard then! :) 


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Guess you don't live in Nevada or South Carolina :p 

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