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1 godzinę temu, Olympian1010 napisał:

Hearst was NOT a journalist either. They are men that buy out struggling outlets, and then use them as political tools. Murdoch (and Hearst) were never trained in journalism or communications, and neither worked as a journalist. Journalists are pawns in a political game for them. That is not how my profession should work. They are dictators. There is little difference between Mussolini and them (besides they belong to opposing sides of the political problem). I fact, Mussolini was an actual journalist, so is more qualified than those two idiots. 

Hearst and Murdoch are the definition of fake news. I know I called Poland a land of racist pricks, but calling Murdoch and Hearst journalists is more of an insult (and less true)


Two words: Citizen Kane. 



Edited by monte88
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hace 11 horas, Monzanator dijo:

I don't care about abortion & same-sex marriage whatsoever. I'm against it but I'm not gonna flock the streets to protest it. It's a waste of my time. If our government passes the bills one day, I'll accept it and move on. It's not gonna change my life whatsoever. 


You say you are not religious and that you don't care enough to protest, yet you are against those things (so, not "neutral"). Why are you against something that doesn't seem to affect you in any way then?

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6 minutes ago, LDOG said:


You say you are not religious and that you don't care enough to protest, yet you are against those things (so, not "neutral"). Why are you against something that doesn't seem to affect you in any way then?


Because I'm tired of the non-stop propaganda in the media. I've heard about abortion for the past 20 years and I'm sick of it. Yet I'm gonna hear about it for the next 30 years most likely.

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16 minutes ago, LDOG said:


You say you are not religious and that you don't care enough to protest, yet you are against those things (so, not "neutral"). Why are you against something that doesn't seem to affect you in any way then?


People who are against same-sex marriage have never in the history of the world been able to give only one semi-decent argument about it other than either "But the Bible!!" or "Because it's gross!". Don't even bother.


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hace 6 minutos, Monzanator dijo:


Because I'm tired of the non-stop propaganda in the media. I've heard about abortion for the past 20 years and I'm sick of it. Yet I'm gonna hear about it for the next 30 years most likely.


You mean propaganda for or against it? I don't know how it's in Poland but it's always a very divisive issue, so I imagine the debate would never stop regardless if it's legalized or not. There will always be people that will defend either position to death.


Anyway, I suspect you meant to tell me you're tired of the propaganda in favor (Sorry in advance if that's not the case).


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2 hours ago, Monzanator said:


Wildfires are like a common thing for centuries though? How can you pin the latest one on climate changes? It's a nonsense assumption.

Climate change increases the risk of a wildfire, fire seasons are longer and these fires become more dangerous.

1 million hectares have been burnt in New South Wales and it's only mid November.


Our fire season ends in March!

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1 hour ago, Olympian1010 said:

Aren’t the conservatives in power. I thought Turnbull was a conservative. To be honest, I’m not a familiar with my politics Down Under as I should be.

Turnbull isn't even in power anymore.

He was replaced by Scott Morrison in 2018 where he won the 2019 election against labour party leader bill shorten who later stepped down.

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5 hours ago, LDOG said:


You mean propaganda for or against it? I don't know how it's in Poland but it's always a very divisive issue, so I imagine the debate would never stop regardless if it's legalized or not. There will always be people that will defend either position to death.


Anyway, I suspect you meant to tell me you're tired of the propaganda in favor (Sorry in advance if that's not the case).


Both. There is a children poem about two dancing Michaels - "Two Michaels have danced, one was big, one was small, when the big one started dancing, then the other started dancing, when the smaller stopped to dance then the other stopped to dance". And that's exactly what happens, when the topic of abortion comes out. I think that we have one of the stricter abortion law in the UE (at least comparing to the other conservative country, Hungary, where it's 100% legal until the 12th week I think) - it can be done only after diagnosis of life threatened by the pregnancy (for mother), hard illness of the fetus (genetic, deformations etc.) or if the pregnancy is a result of a crime (rape). The so-called "pro-life" movements are strictly against this "compromise" (old women, known for their blind devotion to the Church - what I'm saying as a Catholic, stand on the streets with a big banners showing disguisting photos of aborted fetus in blood with the sign "Abortion is a murder") and at least two times a year there is a long discussion about making this law even stricter. Of course, they are supported by the Polish Church, which has a strong influence on many people (less and less, but still), which leads them to be usually heard by right-wing/central politicians (even those calling themselves "liberal"), but even they do not want such a strict law (except for the far-right) and it's strange to see the ruling party protecting the Church everywhere, the tradition and the God on their banners, but listening to bishop saying "they are bad because they don't introduce the full abortion ban". However, every such a discussion (usually backing the citizen's law project which is from time to time brought to parliament) causes the answer of left-wing politicians, who want to make the law more liberal (which in fact means abortion as an "emergency contraception").

These "pro-life" movements (by their opponents called "anti-choice movements") are never about the people - neither the ill, often terminally ill children, whose few-days-long life is only one big suffer, nor the mother, who needs to watch it and live for nine months with a thought that she will suffer at the birth only to give a birth to a child, whose suffer she will watch - it's all about the Church ideology (although they say they "protect" the children - those unwanted usually end up in a trash, lately a homeless man found a new-born in a plastic bag). Of course, no one says about adopting those unwanted children.

Lately I read a good thought about Polish Church - "The truly Polish Catholic is a Roman Catholic withouth all that Christian rubbish."

My opinion - this song is much more "pro-life" than all those movements and the Church:


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Oh, I forgot to mention - even though there are those three exceptions when the abortion is legal, the doctors might not do it, because of the "conscience clause". That was a very loud example (and it seems as lodu that they wrote about it abroad):

PS. Don't stick to much to this 90% of Catholics - it's not that religious country, many of them are just Catholics "on paper" or they go to the Church twice a year - for Christmas and Easter. The Church wedding (which often serves also as the civil one - that's the one good thing about our country's law close to the Church) is more and more often the show for the religious family (as well as christening, first communion or confirmation - the latter bitter-sweet called even by bishops as "the ceremony of farewell from the Church" as youngsters don't have any "formal" need to go to the Church anymore after that).

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7 hours ago, Monzanator said:


Get out of your idealistic bubble and smell the coffee, mate. I suppose you were really born in the wrong century. Murdoch IS the news and has more influence than 99.99% of people living on this planet.

Influence doesn’t make you a journalist. Hitler had some large influence too, but that didn’t make him a good leader, person, or journalist.


Controlling what gets known by the public doesn’t make a journalist, if anything it makes you a heavy handed dictator.

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