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Rhythmic Gymnastics FIG World Cup 2021

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Stage 1 in Sofia (BUL)


Women's All-Around

Gold::ISR Linoy Ashram 98.450

Silver::BUL Boryana Kaleyn 98.250

Bronze::BLR Alina Harnasko 96.150


Women's  Team All-Around

Gold::BUL Bulgaria 44.150

Silver::JPN Japan 37.770

Bronze::AZE Azerbaijan 37.450

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All of our experts have been saying how stupid the scoring system has been been in the Groups. On friday our girls got a record breaking for the sport score of 44.150 on the 5 balls composition. And they were saying that things can go even higher, because there are loopholes in the system. It would be possible when Russia takes notes on what we did, that things can go up to 50 points eventually.

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Stage 1 in Sofia (BUL)


Women's 5 Balls

Gold::BUL Bulgaria 39.800

Silver::JPN Japan 39.700

Bronze::RUS Russia 33.500*


*Russia B Team



Women's Clubs

Gold::BUL Boryana Kaleyn 26.100

Silver: :ITA Sofia Raffaeli 24.950

Bronze: :BUL Katrin Taseva 24.500


Women's Ribbon

Gold::BUL Boryana Keleyn 22.100

Silver: :BLR Anastasia Salos 21.600

Bronze::ITA Sofia Raffaeli 21.350

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Mexico needed only 0.2 more to get a medal. It's the first time they finished fourth place in a World Cup event. Previously, they finished fourth in a World Challenge Cup event. I hope they eventually earn a medal this year. 

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