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Upcoming Qualification Events for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

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CEV Beach Volleyball

The Final event will be held in The Hague (Scheveningen), The Netherlands from 23rd to 26th June 2021

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Even though these meetings won't be listed here on the first page, you might be interested.


April is supposed to be the decisive months for German swimmers. There are four meetings in April, which are FINA approved qualification meetings. And after these four meetings, the German swimming team will be completed. Or at least this is the plan.


The four meetings are:


Würzburg, April 3rd - 4th

Magdeburg, April 9th - 11th

Berlin, April 16 - 18th

Dortmund, April 17th - 18th 


Source (in german), including a list of the entry timed german swimmers are supposed to be swim and the already qualified athletes: Quali-Finale in Berliner Bubble | So kommen die DSV-Asse zu Olympia - SWIM.DE

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FIG has scheduled the panamerican competitions for all three disciplines. Rio de Janeiro, :BRA will be the host


Artistic -  from 4th to 6th June


Rhythmic - 11st to 13rd June


Trampoline -  11st to 13rd June

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  On 3/15/2021 at 12:31 PM, Benolympique said:

Oceania Qualification Event  table tennis CANCELLED


where did you see that beno?

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We have three qualification events for skateboard : 


  • Dew Tour, TBA, 17-23 may
  • Street world championships, Rome (ITA), 31 may-6 june
  • Park world championships, TBA, 14-20 june


source :

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If the Oceania qualifier isn't rescheduled the quotas will go to the highest ranked eligible nations in the May World Rankings. Currently :NZL leads for men's singles, :VAN for women's singles and :AUS for mixed doubles.


Of course it is quite likely New Zealand will decline their quota so it will then go to Vanuatu.

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