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Alpine Skiing at the Winter Olympic Games 2018

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  On 2/13/2018 at 7:07 AM, OlympicsFan said:

Someone quoted Fill earlier that in his opinion the conditions weren't unfair, so your argument isn't working (i hope you get why ...).

You are new, so it's not your fault that you don't know much about this forum, but normally when you come to a new place, you first observe and try to understand the situation, but clearly that doesn't seem to be your style. If you would have bothered to do some "research", you would have known that me complaining about Kuzmina had nothing to do with how the race went today (i even said that i would prefer Dahlmeier and Kuzmina both not winning a medal over both winning a medal, so the "until it went the way as you pleased" part sadly is complete nonsene, it never went the way i wanted ...), so your second point is also nonsense. Your argument basically is that i shouldn't complain about a certain person complaining all the time about everything, because i also complained about something ... makes sense. I don't want to say much about the "11-year old" part, that style of discussion is just childish/for people who have no point. I hope you learnt a bit about how to talk to other people/how to observe properly, this might help you in your daily life.


There are also other quotes but you only chose to highlight Fill’s. Okay lol. Had you watch the race closely you would see the wind impacting the races as many other posters did, yet here you are acting like they all had equal conditions.

anyway, my point was for someone that was on a near nervous breakdown while live commentating the biathlon sprint, you sure like to look off a high horse to people that don’t like unfair races. And what research? Do you expect to go read all your posts, I’m not here 24/7 like you to have all that time.

And hope you learn to address all the situation not just highlight the stuff that make your argument semi-believeable, eventhough I think you were only one of the two in this thread that found the conditions absolutely fair for everyone. Is it a coincidence that you’re in minority? Is this a conspriracy from other members to try to make a totally fair race seemed fair?


anyway, all I said was that Hirscher was lucky with his bib, as the conditions worsened and he wouldn’t have been able to post such time if had drawn a later bib, not sure what exactly do you find incorrect in this statement, considering I assume you watched the race

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  On 2/13/2018 at 2:00 PM, Shiffrin said:

There are also other quotes but you only chose to highlight Fill’s. Okay lol. Had you watch the race closely you would see the wind impacting the races as many other posters did, yet here you are acting like they all had equal conditions.

anyway, my point was for someone that was on a near nervous breakdown while live commentating the biathlon sprint, you sure like to look off a high horse to people that don’t like unfair races. And what research? Do you expect to go read all your posts, I’m not here 24/7 like you to have all that time.

And hope you learn to address all the situation not just highlight the stuff that make your argument semi-believeable, eventhough I think you were only one of the two in this thread that found the conditions absolutely fair for everyone. Is it a coincidence that you’re in minority? Is this a conspriracy from other members to try to make a totally fair race seemed fair?


anyway, all I said was that Hirscher was lucky with his bib, as the conditions worsened and he wouldn’t have been able to post such time if had drawn a later bib, not sure what exactly do you find incorrect in this statement, considering I assume you watched the race


I think at this point we can safely assume that we won't agree on this topic, but my main problem is something else: You are not able to discuss properly.

"Like a(n) 11 year old", "I'm not here 24/7 like you to have all that time", "... on a near nervous breakdown" and so on, you have to use personal attacks because you have no arguments. On this board this is no problem, because nothing you say could insult me, but i hope you don't use this in the real world, it would make you seem very uneducated. I would put it like this: Insulting someone is the easy way out, because you try to pull it onto a personal level, where arguments don't count, because you don't have any + by doing it you don't have to come up with real arguments and maybe face the possibility that you might be wrong.


- If you are not here 24/7, how exactly can you tell whether i am here 24/7 or not and how exactly would this have anything to do with our discussion anyway? You try to use the "i am not here 24/7 argument" in your favor, but basically you are saying "i don't have time to gather all the information i would need to lead a proper discussion", so actually your own argument strikes back here.

- I don't chose to highlight Fill's quotes, but you are trying to make it sound as if everyone agreed that the conditions were unfair, so i used his quotes to show that apparently it wasn't that obvious, but you are completely unable to acknowledge that. So the "... not just highlight the stuff that make(s) your argument semi-believable ..." argument also falls right back to you. I think it would be a great thing if this discussion would lead you to the conclusion that not everything is black or white as you try to make it seem.

- The "... not sure what exactly you find incorrect ..." part irritates me a bit to be honest. After leading this discussion for multiple hours, you still don't understand how i disagree with you? How can you try to lead a discussion with me, if you don't know how exactly we disagree?


Maybe they had different wind conditions, maybe not, the event is over and i think we can agree that the downhill results didn't have much of an impact anyway.

From the beginning my problem was that many people on here acted as if there was no doubt that the conditions were completely unfair, without having any proof/without adressing things that might contradict that (Fill's quotes, times of certain athletes). Here is how i would have liked the discussion to go:

- Someone should have explained, how exactly they knew that the wind had a negative effect and when exactly did it start? Why did everyone win time on Dreßen until the first intermediate and from the last intermediate to the finish?

- Why did Fill say that the conditions weren't unfair and why was Svindal only 0.07 behind Dreßen despite having a big mistake, if the conditions were unfair for him? Would you say that Svindal, despite making a big mistake, should normally still be ahead of Dreßen in an easy race that is only 1:19 minutes long? Shouldn't the training results and the most recent world cup results (Dreßen's win in Kitzbühel) lead us to the conclusion that they are about on the same level, so with a big mistake, Svindal should normally not be ahead of Dreßen?

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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Seriously it’s like talking to a wall. I know it’s been a while since the Kitz downhill, but even Dressen’s win there wasn’t completely fair.


Why was everyone losing crazy amount of times in the middle section? Why did Bennett, Kilde and Caviezel had such poor runs, losing most of the time in the middle section where camera crew showed the wind basically almost being hurricane-like during their bibs. They did not make any mistakes and they all had solid training runs, close or faster than Dressen. How would they suddenly lose up to 2 seconds and for example Kilde only behind faster a couple hundreds of Schwarz. 

Anyway, the race is over, we know it was unfair, but FIS won’t apologize for the mess anyway, which they’d probably only do if Austrians were the one who felt cheated from the race. Glad the race is going from the calendar on the men’s side, but too bad for the women’s side since it can be quite competitive at times especially the WC races last year.

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Unless someone builds an indoor alpine stadium the changes in weather throughout an event will always play a factor. You play the hand you were dealt and most athletes understand this. If not you'll get people complaining about the sun being in everyone's eyes for a 30 minute block before moving into a better angle.

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  On 2/13/2018 at 7:59 AM, crovitlaci said:


Then they should reduce slalom run to 30-35s.



Well probably a good idea would be to have two possible formats for combined: a "good weather" format (downhill + slalom) and a "replacement" format (super g + giant slalom). I'm not very expert, but I think that in this way it could had been possible to equalize better speed and technique, rather than simulating a downhill. If I'm not wrong, last season this kind of combined were actually held.

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  On 2/13/2018 at 10:01 PM, JoshMartini007 said:

Unless someone builds an indoor alpine stadium the changes in weather throughout an event will always play a factor. You play the hand you were dealt and most athletes understand this. If not you'll get people complaining about the sun being in everyone's eyes for a 30 minute block before moving into a better angle.



Thank you for this. It made me laugh and is totally true. :thumbup:

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