And there we are. Brazilian federation posted the rankings and they did so with the, in my opinion, wrong interpretation. They got the same results as what I assume the coaches got, but different than mine. An email was sent about this and it has been corrected immediately, so oddly enough, from my little sofa in the Netherlands I was the only one who actually interpreted the criteria correctly in a language I barely speak, not even the federation that made the criteria did it correctly at first
Quite astonishing. Bruna Moura, Jaqueline Mourão, Eduarda Ribera and Mirlene Picin have qualified for the Trondheim world championships, that much was already clear. However, instead of Bruna and Eduarda, as the federation said and as everyone's coach seemed to think, it will be Bruna and Jaqueline doing the team sprint, because they are in fact the top-2 in the national sprint ranking.
I don’t know the offical reasoning, but I think it is to make fights more active and this will limit golden scores a lot. They probably didn’t want people fighting in long golden scores with limited attacks and they are playing on shidos. A 5 second hold down can cause a win!
More rules can be found here:
There will be a review after 2025 worldchampionships.
The last time that the Yuko was used was 2017.
The Koka score (belows Yuko) was last used 2008
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