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Wrestling Qualification for Summer Olympic Games 2016

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For the first time in Olympic history, France and Poland failed to send any of their athletes in the men's Greco-Roman wrestling. 

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Wow! What an unbelievable record for Jesse Thielke! He'll be rising star in Rio 2016, and indeed upset a number of notable Olympians: Ildar Hafizov and Spenser Mango at the Olympic trials, and now, Péter Módós and Revaz Lashkhi (both Olympic medalists from London 2012) at the last-chance meet of the Olympic Qualifying Tournament. He also capped off the men's Greco-Roman roster for Team USA, as RaVaughn Perkins (66 kg) and Joe Rau (98 kg) failed to reach the semifinals in their respective division.

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somehow I missed the semifinal, but it seems Sourian won 8-0 in the semifinal and qualified for Rio. :thumbup::clap::clap::clap:

I know he had an easy draw, but I am still impressed. There was a big pressure on him to qualify since this was his 4`th chance!!!

I don´t think any other wrestler in Iran would get 4 chances to qualify for the olimpics, but to be honest nobody deserves it more than Sourian. So it was the right decision to send him to Istanbul. After his lost in the 3`rd qualifier I was concerned that they will send somebody else to Istanbul,but once again Mohammad Bana made the right decision. Kudos to him and to Sourian.


Now we have a full freestyle team and a full greco team in Rio.

Edited by ledon
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  On 5/6/2016 at 9:11 AM, MHSN said:

^ That's not going to happen, yes that's true IOC recommended that long time ago back in 2004 if I'm not wrong but in general Greco-Roman is more popular around the world (not in my country though) specially in Europe. Lalovic (UWW president) himself is from Serbia, freestyle doesn't even exist in his country :d



In fact, I even read somewhere that Greco-Roman events for women are into consideration but I don't know how realistic it will be. :d

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  On 5/5/2016 at 4:17 PM, MHSN said:

ok here is my preview



with 24 wrestlers the situation is quite unfair as we have 8 in top and 16 wrestlers in bottom half ! but luckily our wrestler is in top half this time. Sourian can't complain about the draw at all. out of his 10 possible serious opponents he got only two of them in this half, Lizatovic and Tsymbaliuk ! Sourian is the clear favorite here, even though he is in a bad shape but still I think he is capable of handle this draw, he lost in Mongolia only and only because he ran out of gas. which can also happen here if his opponents manage to tire him and resist for 4-5 minutes against him, Sourian's plan A is obviously trying to make a quick 8-0 score. otherwise second period will be really hard for him. beside those two wrestlers , he has one very serious problem in Israel ! I expect this guy to beat his Italian opponent but Ukraine can beat him in second round, but this is not guaranteed.

in bottom half we will have a hell of a competition. we have Angelov, Lashkhi, Amoyan and Modos plus the Turk. people know crazy things happen whenever Turkey hosts a competition, specially in wrestling. in a normal situation I would give more change to Aneglov but despite beating Sourian in mongolia he didn't impress at all, I want to make a bold guess here, I expect Islamov of Moldova to qualify !

I expect Iran and Moldova to qualify.



almost a balanced draw, in top half we have Ozel (former world medalist at 71), Vardanyan multiple World and Olympic medalists and a tough Chinese guy Zheng. plus few other guys from Moldova and USA. I would give a chance to Stas of BUL but he was terrible recently. it's hard to pick one wrestler in this half

bottm half we have a very tough match in first round Chunayev vs Etlinger, I expect the winner of this match to go all the way to the final but we still have few other decent wrestlers there, the Armenian guy wrestling for France, the Kazakh guy, Belarus and Tallroth of Sweden

I expect Turkey and Azerbaijan to qualify (and I hope I'm wrong)



easier top half as usual, we have an interesting first round match between Kobnov and Rosengren, this guy Kobonov wasn't around for a while, I used to like him in his prime days, not sure about his current shape beside these guys we have Pyshkov of Ukraine and a guy from Belarus and another one from Bulgaria , beside them I want to give a change to Escobar of Mexico, I hope he makes it even though his chance is slim.

in bottom half we have a 3 time world champion at home, Cebi which makes him a clear favorite he has to wrestle Eisele of Germany in second round, Eisele beat him in Mongolia but this time will be a different story in Istanbul ! Starcevic is another favorite in this part who can be Cebi's next opponent in quarterfinal , the winner of that match most probably will make it to Rio. but we also have few other guys like Kazakevic (who cut weight down to 75 after losing at 85) Besleaga of MDA and the Japanese guy. still Cebi is the favorite mostly because of having referees on his side.

I expect Ukraine and Turkey to qualify



the most mysterious wrestler is BACK again ! this Gadzhiev guy (Russian wrestling for Kazakhstan) shows himself every four year for the Olympics ! he won a bronze in London and we didn't see him in serious competitions after that until here ! I don't know about his current shape but he has a dream draw here, I see only the Georgian guy (and maybe Lithuania) as serious competition for him. the Greek guy is also not bad.

bottom half is a different story, there are so many favorites here, 2014 World Champion Noumonvi, Kudla of Germany, the Austrian guy Hrustanovic, Omarov, Zugaj and last but not least the Turkish guy with their superhuman power at home.  most of these guys wrestled in both Serbia and Mnogolia and failed, I expect them to be exhausted, because of that Kudla of Germany is my pick here. his second round match vs Noumonvi can be the decider. my favorite here is Hrustanovic, he beat Noumonvi at worlds and has his chance here, Zugaj was terrbie recently so I don't count on him but he has a good path to the semifinal if he beats the Turk, Basar is nothing special but he is wrestling at home, so ...

I expect Kazakhstan and Germany to qualfiy



There are 3 good wrestlers in top half, actually 2 and half since it's hard to consider Vala a big favorite here. so I think it will be between Hassler and Ildem. for whatever reason Germans didn't send Hassler to previous tournaments, if he is fit he has a good chance . their other guy Ohler beat both Turk wrestlers in prevoius tournaments (one of them was Ildem) The Polish guy here can make surprise

we have one interestling matchup in bottom half, Bahrain vs Israel, I wonder what's Bahrain's policy in this case ! withdrawal or what ? if he wrestles, Abdelfatah has a good chance to make it, still the favorite here is Gadabadze who has a bye in first round ,we also have Rau (USA), Saikawa (JPN) and few more wrestlers from Kazakhstan, Italy and Lithuania here

I expect Turkey and Azerbaijan to qualify



in top half we have two favorite Euren and Chugoshvili, with Banak and Metodiev behind them, I feel sad for Chugoshvili, this poor guy was unlucky in Serbia and Mongolia, I think he is exhausted here, which makes me giving more chance to Euren who was disappointing in Mongolia

in bottom half I see Kajaia as the favorite, he has an easy path to the semifinal against either Deak-bardos or Lithuania. Deak-Bardos is older than 40 he used to be a great wrestler but he is a grandpa now ! I pick Kajaia

I expect Sweden and Georgia to qualify.




7/12. Not bad at all :yes

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  On 5/6/2016 at 2:35 PM, Quasit said:


In fact, I even read somewhere that Greco-Roman events for women are into consideration but I don't know how realistic it will be. :d


Yea with the Ioc seeminingly moving towarda a gender neutral event (for.ez canoeing and rowing will have same amount of events in 2020) the pressure will be on sports like wrestling to follow suit. However for ex. Synchro is only for women so kinda hypocritical if you ask me...

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  On 5/6/2016 at 2:52 PM, intoronto said:

Yea with the Ioc seeminingly moving towarda a gender neutral event (for.ez canoeing and rowing will have same amount of events in 2020) the pressure will be on sports like wrestling to follow suit. However for ex. Synchro is only for women so kinda hypocritical if you ask me...


synchro now has mixed duet, maybe in future it will replace women's duet

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