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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2017

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4 minutes ago, uk12points said:

I see no reason why @Federer91 cannot step in for @stefanbg and vote for Bulgaria! 


I will extend the deadline by 24 hours as some users have said they don't have the time during the week to vote and would appreciate a weekend day to sort their vote out and I can understand this, so the deadline will be extended until 24:00 1st April 2017. 


I'm now only worried about @Il_qar as all other users have either contacted me or been online in the last few hours! :fingers:

Including @stefanbg?

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6 minutes ago, bestmen said:

i hope that you will respect the calendar, if you add 1 day why not 1 month or one year


things become long and boring

It's better add 2-3 days or losing a country? So, i think that is better losing time than losing people :d 

Edited by Gianlu33
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if you don't respect the calendar you don't respect the rules ,you just accept everything coming from friends  so the level is low





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LOL federer sent the vote after less of 1 hour ,i said 1 hour because the forum dosn't show the minutes  means that he didn't really listen to all the songs

to make one correct comparaison you should appreciate and listen again again and again , he just sent the 12 countires that he likes


it's not about saving the last countries but you have to save the highest LEVEL , make this edition FAKE without quality








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Ok, so let's add another rule. :p


"Late replacement of jury member(s) shall be allowed on TISC committee discretion in case that it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that the already registered jury member(s) will not be able to send their votes before the selected deadline."


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