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[OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2017


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4 minutes ago, rybak said:

We'll see, there is 33 songs left to publish, it can be difficult to keep Italy on first place, especially when out of nowhere an good song will selected :p Do you like any other song except Italian? :)


Sure, the french song is amazing, i love it. The finnish song is great too

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Not impressed so far. I'm tempted to say Italy's worst song since the comeback, but that doesn't really say a lot, as they've been very good more or less every year.


So far France is my personal favorite.

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Dnia 12.02.2017 o 01:48, Gianlu33 napisał:

And this is Gabbani three days ago whit his monkey :lol: 


I just read that songwriter of Francesco song want destroy this perfect song by cut one verse or removed some words, as current version of song is 37 seconds too long for Eurovision rules, also want added some words in English that people who don't know could know about what is song :cry::facepalm::zip::smash:

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3 hours ago, rybak said:

I just read that songwriter of Francesco song want destroy this perfect song by cut one verse or removed some words, as current version of song is 37 seconds too long for Eurovision rules, also want added some words in English that people who don't know could know about what is song :cry::facepalm::zip::smash:

What stupid choice :crazy:

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3 new songs


:HUN  Joci Pápai - Origo (language Hungarian, plus some phrases on Romani)



:POL  Kasia Moś - Flashlight  (language English)



:MLT  Claudia Faniello - Breathlessly  (language English)


Hungarian song is very interesting, plus it's really nice to hear Hungarian for one more time on ESC stage. Song from Poland is just old-fashioned and only good thing there is Kasia's voice. And Maltese one is really great, just amazing ballad. 


For now my faves are Italy, Malta and Switzerland. Far the worst are Germany and Spain

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On 16/2/2017 at 17:30, rybak said:

I just read that songwriter of Francesco song want destroy this perfect song by cut one verse or removed some words, as current version of song is 37 seconds too long for Eurovision rules, also want added some words in English that people who don't know could know about what is song :cry::facepalm::zip::smash:

In a recent interview Gabbani said that probabily he'll sing only in Italian :clap:

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