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Totallympics International Song Contest - Special Event


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Tokyo Story - Yasujirō Ozu


Tokyo Story (Tôkyô monogatari, 1953) is, without a doubt, one of the finest movie pictures ever created.



Its author Yasujiro Ozu is known for his signature style; static camera and minimalist story-telling.




Fun facts on Yasujiro Ozu...

  • Almost exclusively filmed with a static camera, positioned just a few feet above the ground. His characters tend to look directly into the camera during dialogues.
  • Recurring themes of Ozu are changes in post-war Japanese family and society. Sometimes dealing with Westernization of Japanese values.
  • All his films take place in Tokyo.
  • All his films feature moving trains, even if only for a second and somewhere in background. They represent a passage of time.
  • Ozu died on his 60th birthday.


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Well, I kinda hesitated what I would contribute to Japan Day (if i wanted to post a documentary on how the residents survived the 2011 earthquake/tsunami or anime shows that have been a ratings hit in the United States) but in the end, I'm posting a day in the life of what they're called a "sushi master". Enjoy!


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Hopefully, I’m not stealing this one from @Wumo.


I’d like to share one of Japan’s most unique, traditional sports: Bo Taoshi 




“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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When talking about Japanese food, you can't forget about ramen.

I've come across this video about one of Japan's most famous ramen restaurants, Ichiran. This restaurant also offers an interesting dining experience that includes customising your ramen per oder sheet and lots of privacy. 


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The last traditional sport I will present on this day will be Aikido. Aikido is yet another martial art sport in Japan that works with defensive manuevers that is closely linked with philosophy and principles. The concept is similar to judo, with the aim being to redirect an opponents, but the philosophy tends to be different. Aikido also has its origins in jiu-jitsu but focuses more on a peaceful approach of harmlessly redirecting attacks. Aikido is purely defensive and is not supposed to have any attack maneuvers, other than moves done for distraction. Aikido perhaps has the most non-violent philosophy comapred to judo.


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6 minutes ago, Wumo said:

The last traditional sport I will present on this day will be Aikido. Aikido is yet another martial art sport in Japan that works with defensive manuevers that is closely linked with philosophy and principles. The concept is similar to judo, with the aim being to redirect an opponents, but the philosophy tends to be different. Aikido also has its origins in jiu-jitsu but focuses more on a peaceful approach of harmlessly redirecting attacks. Aikido is purely defensive and is not supposed to have any attack maneuvers, other than moves done for distraction. Aikido perhaps has the most non-violent philosophy comapred to judo.


Aikido also doesn’t hold competitions (to my knowledge). The IF only holds demonstrations at the multi sports games they get invited to. 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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3 hours ago, kungshamra71 said:

Another bit of how crazy Japan can be, with a song from a group called AKB48. 


This is a group of i-have-know-idea-how-many-but-definitely-too-many girls who is extremely popular in Japan. So much that they even have their very own cafe in the heart of Akihabara neighborhood in Tokyo, with a shop filled with souvenirs (some of them quite disturbing) and a coffee/bar where grown adult men go seat to watch in full screen videoclips from AKB48 songs.


They have many songs, I'll share the one that it was passing all the time in the stores/shopping areas when i went there about two years ago. Not my style of music, but I can say that on the flight back me and my girlfriend had this song stuck in the head after hearing so many times




Also there is an event where people vote on their favorite girl from the band (with codes they get by buying their stuff haha) and then the most voted girls get picked up for the main videoclips.


I learned all this because we were in japan during the time where they were doing the show/ceremony of revealing the fans votes on the TV and we got so perplexed with it that we went to wikipedia to try to understand what the hell was going on :lol:


Ok, booking my tickets to Tokyo now but i must not forget to pack my headphones with me ! because 5 minutes more of this music and i will probably want to kill myself  :evil:

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