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Men's Volleyball FIVB Nations League 2024


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Pools have just been announced for VNL 2024. As a reminder, the top five unqualified nations in the World Rankings (including an African country, which is pretty much guaranteed to be Egypt as no African nation will be competing in events that’ll add points towards their World Ranking) after the end of the preliminary phase will qualify for Paris. 

Here’s the countries still in contention:

:ITA Italy (342.43 pts)

:ARG Argentina (313.35 pts)

:SLO Slovenia (307.12 pts)

:SRB Serbia (253.22 pts)

:CUB Cuba (236.96 pts)

:NED Netherlands (214.58 pts)



:EGY Egypt (164.05 pts)


Italy, Argentina, Slovenia are safe. Final quota will most likely between Serbia and Cuba with only Netherlands playing as a potential spoiler should both of the above teams colapse. Egypt has pretty much locked up the African quota.

Week 1 (May 21-26, 2024)


Antalya, Turkey
:TUR Turkey

:POL Poland

:USA United States

:SLO Slovenia

:FRA France

:NED Netherlands

:CAN Canada

:BUL Bulgaria


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

:BRA Brazil

:ITA Italy

:ARG Argentina

:JPN Japan

:SRB Serbia

:IRI Iran

:CUB Cuba

:GER Germany


Week 2 (June 4- June 9, 2024)


TBD, Japan

:JPN Japan

:BRA Brazil

:POL Poland

:SLO Slovenia

:IRI Iran

:TUR Turkey

:BUL Bulgaria

:GER Germany


Ottawa, Canada

:CAN Canada

:ITA Italy

:USA United States

:FRA France

:ARG Argentina

:SRB Serbia

:NED Netherlands

:CUB Cuba 


Week 3 (June 18-23, 2024)


Ljubljana, Slovenia

:SLO Slovenia

:POL Poland

:ITA Italy

:ARG Argentina

:SRB Serbia

:TUR Turkey

:CUB Cuba

:BUL Bulgaria


TBC, Japan

:JPN Japan

:USA United States

:ITA Italy

:SRB Serbia

:CAN Canada

:NED Netherlands

:FRA France

:KOR South Korea

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One of :NED best players Bennie Tuinstra will also miss this year's VNL. He's not injured and there's no conflict between him and the federation (yet). Apparently the federation forgot to check a box in the signup process and now he's not elligible to play and the Dutch squad is only 29 players...


Dutch source:

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