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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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3 hours ago, heywoodu said:

On which, according to experts, the vaccines most likely will work as well. Bit of a panic reaction to shut down everything from the UK in a matter of hours now (the Netherlands stopped all flights from the UK during the last night, out of the blue), but alright. Let's see how it goes.


In Portugal they just decided now to forbid entry from anyone coming from UK, except for Portuguese people, and for those they demand PCR negative test.

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On 14/12/2020 at 12:09, heywoodu said:

'Hard lockdown' incoming from tonight on, apparently, although I'm still annoyed by the use of the term lockdown (Wuhan had a lockdown). Partially due to a huge increase in new daily cases (going from 6k earlier in the month to nearly 10k a day now) and partially because of Germany's decision to close a whole lot of stuff tihs week, which would otherwise lead to half of Germany going to the Netherlands - history has shown that's not a good idea.


Apparently only supermarkets, bakeries, pharmacies and such will remain open, but that's all your standard 2020 stuff in Europe/the world anyway :p 


No way gyms remain open, so we'll have to improvise (maybe with some tyres or heavy bags) for a certain Brazilian Totallympian to keep up the strength training if coming here this week actually works out :d 

Interesting thing, this whole new spike of cases are about two weeks after the black friday (where i guess you know how too many people went to the shops because.... korting!...).


Maybe it's coincidence, but still interesting

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On 16/12/2020 at 21:42, heywoodu said:

I have (at least since I got my job in June) and it has been glorious. I wish this part can stay forever, with going to the office being only optional once this has all blown over :cheer: 


No 30-40+ people running and yelling around the office (which I heard from colleagues who've been there longer), meaning I wouldn't be able to get any work done.


90% of the communication done in chats on Teams, meaning most of the important things being said can easily be found instead of having to dig through one's own memory.


I can have 5 conversations at the same time, since they're all on Teams it is super easy to keep track of them without having to juggle them in my mind, and I can take a bit of time to answer appropriately.


Instead of having to get ready for work 1,5 hour before the start time (travel time etc), I can get ready 5 minutes before the start time.


As soon as the workday is done, private time starts, instead of first having to travel all the way back home.


I can turn on the TV to some sports (without sound of course, to not get distracted) to keep an eye on.


During my break, I can lean back in my comfy chair and watch some TV or something instead of having lunch at work.




I'm working from home since march or april (i dont know, from the first lockdown basically) with no prediction on when to return to the office.


I like it, but i must say i miss a bit the social part with the team. Online team events help, but it's not the same...


Where do you work btw, in Amsterdam?

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7 hours ago, kungshamra71 said:


I'm working from home since march or april (i dont know, from the first lockdown basically) with no prediction on when to return to the office.


I like it, but i must say i miss a bit the social part with the team. Online team events help, but it's not the same...


Where do you work btw, in Amsterdam?

Amersfoort :d 


Well, Nunspeet mostly this year :lol: But Amersfoort is where the office is. Perfect location in the center of the country and not even a 5-minute walk away from the train station.


I would like the social part a bit more sometimes, but am really glad it's not every day. The people are not the problem, the noise would be :p 


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A lot of winter sports are competing and many summer Olympic sports events like badminton are expcting to resume soon. Athletes are counting on these to collect points for Olympic quotas. Is there gonna be a general vaccination plan for athletes helping them international traveling? IOC should do something. 


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