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[OFF TOPIC] Your Own Excercise Thread


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As a curling player (8 national medals etc) I am planning to improve my physical level during the off-season in the summer.



 PBs going in to the summer:

bench press: 110 kg

squat: 132.5 kg

clean and jerk: 65kg

pull ups: 12

dips: 22

3000m running: 11:39

5000m running: 21:52

10 000m running: 45.58


curling singles skills event: 86 (out of 96 points)



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  • 2 weeks later...

So tomorrow's the big day.


The shape isn't quite as good as 2 years ago meaning that I'm not targeting my PB but will most likely go for a time at about 2 hours



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Well. Ended out just following the people around me. Meant that I wouldn't be going for negative splits but a more even pace.

Felt a bit hot during the first half hour or so, but luckily I started out with a bottle that I could just throw away at the first water depot.

After the 18 km mark it felt like a bit too much. I walked for 100m or so twice. And yet I managed to go below the 2 hour mark!

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  • 6 months later...
1 minute ago, Swewi said:

Swedish championship bronze medal in mixed double curling today:)

Congratulations !!!!!!!!


any YouTube highlights available? 😉


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  • 2 months later...

After about half a year of more serious training I finally ran a new PB again! 10 km in 38:45!:clap:


In other news I will also slowly start to learn to be a youth trainer at our local athletics club.

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