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Date and event Gold Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Bronze Medal Winner Athletes

:BRA Brazil

:CAN Canada

:CHN China

:CZE Czech Republic

:EGY Egypt

:EST Estonia

:FRA France

:GEO Georgia

:GER Germany

:GBR Great Britain 

:HUN Hungary

:ITA Italy

:IRI Iran

:JPN Japan

:KOR Korea

:MEX Mexico

:POL Poland

:ROU Romania

:RUS Russia

:SUI Switzerland

:UKR Ukraine


:VEN Venezuela

:WHT Any Other



[ /hide]

Edited by Dunadan
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Individual General Standing

as of January 29th, 2017

Rank User Nation Change Jolly # Avg. Points
1 ady48 :ROU 0   1 900 900
2 Ufilov :POL 0   1 700 700
3 bestmen :ALG 0   1 585 585
4 Dunadan :ITA 0   1 510 510
5 rybak :POL 0   1 455 455
6 hckosice :SVK 0   1 405 405
7 africaboy :ROU 0   1 365 365
8 amen09 :TUN 0   1 335 335
9 Pavlo :POL 0   1 310 310
10 vinipereira :BRA 0   1 290 290
11 tuniscof :TUN 0   1 275 275
12 Crolympic :CRO 0   1 265 265
13 Agger :DEN 0   1 255 255
14 Henry_Leon :ITA 0   1 245 245
15 Dolby :IND 0   1 235 235
16 Gianlu33 :ITA 0   1 225 225
17 vlad :ROU 0   1 215 215
18 mihamiha :SLO 0   1 205 205
19 Federer91 :BUL 0   1 195 195
20 dcro :CRO 0   1 185 185
21 MCMXC :GBR 0   1 178 178
22 SteveParker :ITA 0   1 171 171
23 heywoodu :NED 0   1 164 164
24 titicow :BRA 0   1 157 157
25 wpwells :USA 0   1 150 150




Team General Standing

as of January 29th, 2017

Rank Nation Points Change User 1


User 1

User 2


User 2

User 3


User 3

1 :ROU 1480 0 ady48 900 africaboy 365 vlad 215
2 :POL 1465 0 Ufilov 700 rybak 455 Pavlo 310
3 :ITA 980 0 Dunadan 510 Henry_Leon 245 Gianlu33 225
4 :TUN 610 0 amen09 335 tuniscof 275 - 0
5 :ALG 585 0 bestmen 585 - 0 - 0
6 :CRO 450 0 Crolympic 265 dcro 185 - 0
7 :BRA 447 0 vinipereira 290 titicow 157 - 0
8 :SVK 405 0 hckosice 405 - 0 - 0
9 :DEN 255 0 Agger 255 - 0 - 0
10 :IND 235 0 Dolby 235 - 0 - 0
11 :SLO 205 0 mihamiha 205 - 0 - 0
12 :BUL 195 0 Federer91 195 - 0 - 0
13 :GBR 178 0 MCMXC 178 - 0 - 0
14 :NED 164 0 heywoodu 164 - 0 - 0
15 :USA 150 0 wpwells 150 - 0 - 0




Individual Medal Count

as of January 29th, 2017

Rank User Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ROU ady48 1 0 0 1
2 :POL Ufilov 0 1 0 1
3 :ALG bestmen 0 0 1 1
Total :smiley_emoticons_olympia: 1 1 1 3




Team Medal Count

as of January 29th, 2017

Rank User Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 :ROU Romania 1 0 0 1
2 :POL Poland 0 1 0 1
3 :ALG Algeria 0 0 1 1
Total :smiley_emoticons_olympia: 1 1 1 3




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Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

"There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."



Competition Details
City :BAH Nassau :BAH
Start Date April 27th, 2017
End Date May 7th, 2017
Participants TBD
Gold :WHT  TBD  :WHT
Silver :WHT  TBD  :WHT
Bronze :WHT  TBD  :WHT







In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

  • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
  • Copy the selected content
  • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
  • Paste the copied content ( When infromation "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
  • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
  • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





For this Prediction Contest you are predicting goal difference for each match. 

To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - goal difference for each match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column. If your prediction is that the match will end in a draw at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out), then type a 0 in either T1 or T2 Cell (or in both, if you wish). For All matches (both Group stage and Knockout round) result at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out) will count as final result.



Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU 2   :SEN Senegal
April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH   0 :SUI Switzerland


Scoring system: Basic number of points is 5

If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 5 points regardless of the goal difference.

If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 5+5=10 points.

Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.



Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU 2   :SEN Senegal


If Ecuador wins by 4, you will earn 8 points [5 pts for correct winner + 3 pts for goal difference: (5-2)]

If Ecuador wins by 2, you will earn 10 points [5 pts for correct winner + 5 pts for goal difference]

If Ecuador wins by 8, you will earn 5 points [5 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-6) - no negative points]

If Senegal wins by 1, you will earn 2 points [0 pts for correct winner + 2 pts for goal difference: (5-3)]

If Senegal wins by 3 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-5)]


Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH   0 :SUI Switzerland


If the match ends in a draw at the end of eventual overtime (BEFORE penalties/shoot out), you will earn 10 points automatically.

If either team wins by 1, you will earn 4 points [0 pts for correct winner + 4 pts for goal difference: (5-1)]

If either team wins by 5 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference]


In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

  • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.25
  • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
  • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2


TB Rules

If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



Contestant 1: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 2x7

Contestant 2: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 1x7

Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


Contestant with most points wins the competition.


The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Championship - April 27th, h. 15:30 (GMT -4).


If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, ECU - SEN 1 means Senegal beats Ecuador by 1. ECU 1 SEN means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



You don't have permission to view this hidden content



If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.








You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.






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Preliminary Round

April 27th - May 2nd, 2017

16 Nations, 4 Groups, 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for Quarterfinals


Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 27th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Ecuador :ECU     :SEN Senegal
April 27th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH     :SUI Switzerland
April 29th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :ECU Ecuador
April 29th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Senegal :SEN     :BAH Bahamas
May 1st 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Switzerland :SUI     :SEN Senegal
May 1st 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Bahamas :BAH     :ECU Ecuador



Group B

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 27th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Iran :IRI     :MEX Mexico
April 27th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Nigeria :NGR     :ITA Italy
April 29th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :IRI Iran
April 29th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Mexico :MEX     :NGR Nigeria
May 1st 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Italy :ITA     :MEX Mexico
May 1st 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Nigeria :NGR     :IRI Iran



Group C

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 28th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Portugal :POR     :PAN Panama
April 28th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau UA Emirates :UAE     :PAR Paraguay
April 30th 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :POR Portugal
April 30th 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Panama :PAN     :UAE UA Emirates
May 2nd 2017, h. 17:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Paraguay :PAR     :PAN Panama
May 2nd 2017, h. 20:00, Nassau Stadium, Nassau UA Emirates :UAE     :POR Portugal



Group D

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
April 28th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Japan :JPN     :POL Poland
April 28th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :FRP Tahiti
April 30th 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Tahiti :FRP     :JPN Japan
April 30th 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Poland :POL     :BRA Brazil
May 2nd 2017, h. 15:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Tahiti :FRP     :POL Poland
May 2nd 2017, h. 18:30, Nassau Stadium, Nassau Brazil :BRA     :JPN Japan



[ /hide]


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Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

You don't need to be an expert to take part in a Prediction Contest. 

If a mistake penalizes you, always keep in mind that everyone is in good faith.



Competition Details
Cities :GER Cologne - Paris :FRA
Start Date May 5th, 2017
End Date May 21st, 2017
Participants TBD
Silver :WHT TBD :WHT
Bronze :WHT TBD :WHT







In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

  • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
  • Copy the selected content
  • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
  • Paste the copied content ( When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
  • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
  • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





For this Prediction Contest you are predicting goal difference for each match. Every match ends with a winner (there are no ties, draws).

To do that, you have to write in empty Cell a number - goal difference for each match. If your prediction is that Team 1 is going to win, you should type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T1 Column. If your prediction is that Team 2 is going to win, then type goal difference in appropriate Cell of T2 Column




Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE 2   :RUS Russia
May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA   1 :GER Germany


Scoring system: Basic number of points is 5

If you predict right winner for a match, you will get 5 points regardless of the goal difference.

If your prediction is perfect (correct winner + correct goal difference) you will earn 5+5=10 points.

Depending on difference between your prediction and actual result, earned points will differ.




Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE 2   :RUS Russia


If Sweden wins by 4, you will earn 8 points [5 pts for correct winner + 3 pts for goal difference: (5-2)]

If Sweden wins by 2, you will earn 10 points [5 pts for correct winner + 5 pts for goal difference]

If Sweden wins by 8, you will earn 5 points [5 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-6) - no negative points]

If Russia wins by 1, you will earn 2 points [0 pts for correct winner + 2 pts for goal difference: (5-3)]

If Russia wins by 3 or more, you will earn 0 points [0 pts for correct winner + 0 pts for goal difference: (5-5)]


In the Knockout Round, points will be multiplied by:

  • In the Quarterfinals, points will be multiplied by 1.25
  • In the Semifinals, points will be multiplied by 1.5
  • In the Medal Matches, points will be multiplied by 2



TB Rules

If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

Number or perfect predictions throughout the contest will be compared for the involved contestants. If they are still tied, number of second best scores will be compared, then number of third best results and so on.



Contestant 1: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 2x7

Contestant 2: 3x10, 2x9, 2x8, 1x7

Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


Contestant with most points wins the competition.


The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Tournament - May 5th, h. 16:15 (GMT +2).


If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send your predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, USA - GER 2 means Germany beats United States by 2. USA 2 GER means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



You don't have permission to view this hidden content



If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.




You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




Start Copying Here


[ hide]

Preliminary Round

May 5th - May 16th, 2017

16 Nations, 2 Groups, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th from each Group qualify to Quarterfinals.


Group A

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :RUS Russia
May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :GER Germany
May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :DEN Denmark
May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :ITA Italy
May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :SWE Sweden
May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :RUS Russia
May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :DEN Denmark
May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :SVK Slovakia
May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :RUS Russia
May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :SWE Sweden
May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :LAT Latvia
May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :DEN Denmark
May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne United States :USA     :ITA Italy
May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :GER Germany
May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :DEN Denmark
May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :LAT Latvia
May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :ITA Italy
May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :GER Germany
May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Latvia :LAT     :USA United States
May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :SVK Slovakia
May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Italy :ITA     :GER Germany
May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Slovakia :SVK     :USA United States
May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :SWE Sweden
May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Denmark :DEN     :ITA Italy
May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :LAT Latvia
May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Sweden :SWE     :SVK Slovakia
May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Russia :RUS     :USA United States
May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, Lanxess Arena, Cologne Germany :GER     :LAT Latvia



Group B

Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2
May 5th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :BLR Belarus
May 5th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :CAN Canada
May 6th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :SLO Slovenia
May 6th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :CZE Czech Republic
May 6th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :FRA France
May 7th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :CAN Canada
May 7th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :FRA France
May 7th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :SUI Switzerland
May 8th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :CAN Canada
May 8th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :CZE Czech Republic
May 9th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :NOR Norway
May 9th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :FRA France
May 10th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :BLR Belarus
May 10th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Finland :FIN     :SLO Slovenia
May 11th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :NOR Norway
May 11th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :FRA France
May 12th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :SLO Slovenia
May 12th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :BLR Belarus
May 13th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Norway :NOR     :FIN Finland
May 13th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Slovenia :SLO     :BLR Belarus
May 13th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :SUI Switzerland
May 14th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :CZE Czech Republic
May 14th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Switzerland :SUI     :FIN Finland
May 15th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :NOR Norway
May 15th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris France :FRA     :SLO Slovenia
May 16th 2017, h. 12:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Belarus :BLR     :NOR Norway
May 16th 2017, h. 16:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Czech Republic :CZE     :SUI Switzerland
May 16th 2017, h. 20:15, AccorHotels Arena, Paris Canada :CAN     :FIN Finland



[ /hide]


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Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

"Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction

because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature"



Competition Details
City :FRA Paris :FRA
Start Date May 28th, 2017
End Date June 11th, 2017
Participants TBD
Silver :WHT TBD :WHT
Bronze :WHT TBD :WHT






In order to post your predictions, you have to do the following:

  • Select with your mouse specified content of the Post named Prediction Contest Design
  • Copy the selected content
  • Go to Reply Box at the end of the Page, click on "Reply to this topic"
  • Paste the copied content (When information "You have pasted content with formatting" appears at the end of the Reply Box, ignore it, it will disappear eventually. DO NOT click on "Remove formatting" under any circumstances)
  • Once you have specified content in new Post, start making your predictions according to the Rules
  • To post your predictions, click on "Submit Reply" button





This Prediction Contest consists of two parts

In the first part of the Contest, you are predicting only winning players for First, Second, Third and Fourth Rounds, not scores.

To do that, you have to Copy/Paste or Type the name of the Athlete from the first Column (named First Round) into appropriate Cells in Columns named First Round WinnerSecond Round WinnerThird Round Winner and Fourth Round Winner.

NOTE: When you Copy/Paste or Type the names, PLEASE, make it sure that the names you are entering in empty cells are THE SAME AS THE NAMES IN PREDICTION DESIGN TABLE. In other words, if you have "Petra Kvitova (2)" in first column, you should have "Petra Kvitova (2)" through your draw, and not "P. Kvitova" or only "Petra Kvitova". If you see only "Novak Djokovic (1)" PLEASE, don't write "Novak Đoković" or "Novak Djoković" Just copy/paste as you see it. 



Women's Singles

First Round First Round Winner Second Round Winner
Bethanie Mattek-Sands Evgeniya Rodina Petra Kvitova (15)
Evgeniya Rodina
Julia Boserup Petra Kvitova (15)
Petra Kvitova (15)


Scoring system for the first part of the Contest:

For each correct First Round Winner you will earn      - 1 Point

For each correct Second Round Winner you will earn - 2 Points

For each correct Third Round Winner you will earn     - 4 Points

For each correct Fourth Round Winner you will earn   - 8 Points

You don't need to have both players correct for a particular match in order to earn Points.

If any match finishes with walkover - it won't be counted.

If any match finishes with retirement of one player, it still will be counted.


In the second part of the Contest, which starts with Quarterfinals, you are predicting both - a Winner and a Set Score for each match. From Semifinals onward, you will predict Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles and Mixed Doubles matches as well.

To do that, you have to write in empty Cells a number of Sets won by each Athlete (or Doubles Team). If your prediction is that Athlete 1 is going to win, you should type appropriate number of Sets won by that player (3 for Men's Singles, 2 for all other categories) in appropriate Cell of A1 Column and do the same for Athlete 2 of that match-up. If your prediction is that Athlete 2 is going to win, then do the same accordingly.



Women's Singles Quarterfinals

Date and Venue Athlete 1 A1 A2 Athlete 2
June 6th, h. 11:00, Philippe Chatrier, Paris Angelique Kerber :GER 2 1 :RUS Svetlana Kuznetsova
June 6th, h. 13:00, Philippe Chatrier, Paris Simona Halep :ROU 0 2 :POL Agnieska Radwanska


Scoring system for the second part of the Contest:


  • 10 Points - Correct Winner+Correct Set Ratio
  • 6 Points   - Correct Winner+Wrong Set Ratio
  • 0 Points   - Wrong Winner


  • 12 Points - Correct Winner+Correct Set Ratio
  • 8 Points   - Correct Winner+Wrong Set Ratio
  • 0 Points   - Wrong Winner


  • 14 Points - Correct Winner+Correct Set Ratio
  • 10 Points - Correct Winner+Wrong Set Ratio
  • 0 Points   - Wrong Winner

If any match finishes with walkover - it won't be counted.

If any match finishes with retirement of one player - you will earn points only for correct winner.


TB Rules

If two or more contestants have the same number of points at the end, Tie-Break rule will be applied to break the tie.

Number or perfect predictions from Quarterfinals to Finals will be compared for the involved contestants. If involved contestants are still tied, number of correct winners from Quarterfinals to Finals will be compared, then number of correct Fourth Round Winners, and so on.



Contestant 1: 4, 8, 9, 3

Contestant 2: 4, 8, 8, 4

Contestant 1 will be placed ahead of Contestant 2.


Contestant with most points wins the competition.


The Ranking is determined by the Sum of Points the Contestant scores in all predicted Matches.


You can enter the Contest whenever you want. The moment you post your predictions is the moment when you are entering the Contest and your points will be calculated for all the matches you predicted AND which haven't started. 

In order to earn points from the start, you should post your predictions before the start of the first match of the Tournament - May 28th, h. 11:00 (GMT +2).


If you want to use Jolly in this Prediction Contest (which will double your Points for General Standings), Copy and Paste the following picture at the top of your Prediction Post



You can add Jolly in your Post until the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest. You can't remove a Jolly you have submitted after the start of the first Match of the Prediction Contest.


You can EDIT your predictions whenever you want until the start of the first match of the Prediction Design Post. Once competition starts, you are not allowed to edit your post and any further changes will be ignored. On contestant's request, edited predictions will be accepted, but contestant will earn 0 points for finished matches and the matches that have started. Moment at the latest editing will be considered as the entry moment, in other words. 


Qualifiers: If it happens that the main draws are already known, but qualifiers are yet to be determined and their placement in the draw, you can fill in the draw according to the Rules (meaning - you are putting in Qualifier 10 if Qualifier 10 appears in the first Column).

Once qualifiers are placed in the draw, I will put the names in Prediction Design post. If there is still time to edit your predictions, you are allowed to do so.

In Tennis there is always possibility of Draw Changes because of late Withdrawals. If there will be such late changes, all "new" 1st Round Matches involving all moved Athletes will not be counted. It means you can receive Points for right predicted 1st Round winning Athlete only if the Match started with both Athletes from the Prediction Design Table.

You will be allowed to edit your Predictions (if you want) for the 2nd to 4th Round Matches involving moved Athletes, but only before the start of the first Match of the 2nd Round. All other editing will be ignored.
But please - before you edit, send a PM to the manager, otherwise editing will be ignored completely.


You can fill in Men's and Women's Singles Draws in separate posts if you want to.


If you want to comment on this Prediction Contest, please use Prediction Contests - Discussion Thread 2016 only.


If you have problem with the format, you can post your predictions in simplified format. Also, if the forum is down, or you cannot access the forum for any reason, you can send you predictions on e-mail: Make sure your predictions are understandable. For instance, A. Kerber 2-1 means Angelique Kerber wins 2-1. Kerber 2 means nothing. And please, write your Totallympics username so the contest manager can know who actually sent predictions.


Every contestant MUST HIDE own predictions. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same with "[ /hide]" at the end of prediction post too. The hidden content will appear to other users as follows:



You don't have permission to view this hidden content



If you have any other questions concerning this prediction contest, problems with format, editing etc... please, contact the contest manager via Personal Message.


Edited by tuniscof
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You MUST hide your post. To do that, you have only to delete the space between the bracket "[" and the text "hide" in "[ hide]" at the beginning of prediction post. Do the same at the end of prediction post with "[ /hide]" too.




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Men's Singles

First Round First Round Winner Second Round Winner Third Round Winner Fourth Round Winner
:GBR Andy Murray (1)



:RUS Andrey Kuznetsov
:FRA Laurent Lokoli (WC)


:SVK Martin Klizan
:CYP Marcos Baghdatis    
:ESP Nicolas Almagro
:ARG Guido Pella (Q)  
:ARG Juan Martin Del Potro (29)
:USA John Isner (21)      
:AUS Jordan Thompson
:ITA Paolo Lorenzi  
:LTU Ricardas Berankis
:RUS Karen Khachanov    
:CHI Nicolas Jarry (Q)
:GER Jan-Lennard Struff  
:CZE Tomas Berdych (13)
:GER Alexander Zverev (9)        
:ESP Fernando Verdasco
:FRA Pierre-Hugues Herbert  
:USA Jared Donaldson
:BIH Damir Dzumhur    
:ARG Nicolas Kicker
:FRA Maxime Hamou (Q)  
:URU Pablo Cuevas (22)
:USA Sam Querrey (27)      
:KOR Hyeon Chung
:USA Ernesto Escobedo  
:UZB Denis Istomin
:MDA Radu Albot    
:FRA Jeremy Chardy
:AUS Thanasi Kokkinakis  
:JPN Kei Nishikori (8)
:SUI Stan Wawrinka (3)        
:SVK Jozef Kovalik (Q)
:UKR Alexandr Dolgopolov  
:ARG Carlos Berlocq
:COL Santiago Giraldo (Q)    
:ITA Andreas Seppi
:USA Frances Tiafoe  
:ITA Fabio Fognini (28)
:FRA Richard Gasquet (24)      
:BEL Arthur De Greef (Q)
:RUS Teymuraz Gabashvili (Q)  
:DOM Victor Estrella Burgos
:BRA Thiago Monteiro    
:FRA Alexandre Muller (WC)
:GER Dustin Brown  
:FRA Gael Monfils (15)
:FRA Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (12)        
:ARG Renzo Olivo
:GBR Kyle Edmund  
:POR Gastao Elias
:RSA Kevin Anderson    
:TUN Malek Jaziri
:GER Philipp Kohlschreiber  
:AUS Nick Kyrgios (18)
:ESP David Ferrer (30)      
:USA Donald Young
:ESP Feliciano Lopez  
:USA Bjorn Fratangelo (Q)
:RUS Konstantin Kravchuk    
:ARG Federico Delbonis
:LAT Ernests Gulbis  
:CRO Marin Cilic (7)
:CAN Milos Raonic (5)        
:BEL Steve Darcis
:BRA Rogerio Dutra Silva  
:RUS Mikhail Youhzny
:ARG Marco Trungelliti (Q)    
:FRA Quentin Halys (WC)
:ESP Guillermo Garcia-Lopez  
:LUX Gilles Muller (26)
:ESP Pablo Carreno Busta (20)      
:GER Florian Mayer
:JPN Taro Daniel (Q)  
:POL Jerzy Janowicz
:ESP Tommy Robredo    
:GBR Daniel Evans
:FRA Stephane Robert  
:BUL Grigor Dimitrov (11)
:USA Jack Sock (14)        
:CZE Jiri Vesely
:GBR Aljaz Bedene  
:USA Ryan Harrison
:KAZ Mikhail Kukushkin    
:USA Tennys Sandgren (WC)
:AUS John Millman  
:ESP Roberto Bautista Agut (17)
:FRA Gilles Simon (31)      
:GEO Nikoloz Basilashvili
:SRB Viktor Troicki  
:RUS Evgeny Donskoy
:NED Robin Haase    
:AUS Alex De Minaur (WC)
:FRA Benoit Paire  
:ESP Rafael Nadal (4)
:AUT Dominic Thiem (6)        
:AUS Bernard Tomic
:ITA Simone Bolelli (Q)  
:FRA Nicolas Mahut
:FRA Mathias Bourgue (WC)    
:CRO Borna Coric
:JPN Yuichi Sugita  
:USA Steve Johnson (25)
:CRO Ivo Karlovic (23)      
:GRE Stefanos Tsitsipas (Q)
:ARG Horacio Zeballos  
:FRA Adrian Mannarino
:TPE Yen-Hsun Lu    
:UKR Sergiy Stakhovsky (Q)
:FRA Paul-Henri Mathieu (Q)  
:BEL David Goffin (10)
:FRA Lucas Pouille (16)        
:FRA Julien Benneteau (WC)
:BRA Thomaz Bellucci  
:SRB Dusan Lajovic
:FRA Benjamin Bonzi (WC)    
:RUS Daniil Medvedev
:ROU Marius Copil (Q)  
:ESP Albert Ramos-Vinolas (19)
:GER Mischa Zverev (32)      
:ITA Stefano Napolitano (Q)
:RUS Andrey Rublev (LL)  
:ARG Diego Schwartzman
:POR Joao Sousa    
:SRB Janko Tipsarevic
:ESP Marcel Granollers  
:SRB Novak Djokovic (2)



Women's Singles

First Round First Round Winner Second Round Winner Third Round Winner Fourth Round Winner
:GER Angelique Kerber (1)



:RUS Ekaterina Makarova
:UKR Lesia Tsurenko


:UKR Kateryna Kozlova (Q)
:USA Louisa Chirico    
:LAT Jelena Ostapenko
:PUR Monica Puig  
:ITA Roberta Vinci (31)
:AUS Samantha Stosur (23)      
:SVK Kristina Kucova
:BEL Kirsten Flipkens  
:LUX Mandy Minella
:USA Bethanie Mattek-Sands (Q)    
:RUS Evgeniya Rodina
:USA Julia Boserup  
:CZE Petra Kvitova (15)
:DEN Caroline Wozniacki (11)        
:AUS Jaimee Fourlis (WC)
:CAN Francoise Abanda (Q)  
:FRA Tessah Andrianjafitrimo (WC)
:USA Catherine Bellis    
:NED Quirine Lemoine (Q)
:AUS Ajla Tomljanovic  
:NED Kiki Bertens (18)
:CHN Shuai Zhang (32)      
:CRO Donna Vekic
:SUI Viktorija Golubic  
:BLR Aliaksandra Sasnovich
:ITA Camila Giorgi    
:FRA Oceane Dodin
:USA Christina McHale  
:RUS Svetlana Kuznetsova (8)
:ESP Garbine Muguruza (4)        
:ITA Francesca Schiavone
:EST Anett Kontaveit  
:ROU Monica Niculescu
:SWE Johanna Larsson    
:RUS Natalia Vikhlyantseva
:FRA Myrtille Georges (WC)  
:KAZ Yulia Putintseva (27)
:CRO Mirjana Lucic-Baroni (22)      
:TUR Cagla Buyukakcay
:NZL Marina Erakovic  
:USA Shelby Rogers
:ITA Sara Errani (Q)    
:JPN Misaki Doi
:USA Jennifer Brady  
:FRA Kristina Mladenovic (13)
:USA Venus Williams (10)        
:CHN Qiang Wang
:USA Amanda Anisimova (WC)  
:JPN Kurumi Nara
:SRB Jelena Jankovic    
:NED Richel Hogenkamp (Q)
:BEL Elise Mertens  
:AUS Daria Gavrilova (24)
:SUI Timea Bacsinszky (30)      
:ESP Sara Sorribes Tormo
:USA Madison Brengle  
:GER Julia Goerges
:TUN Ons Jabeur (LL)    
:ROU Ana Bogdan (Q)
:ESP Lara Arruabarrena  
:SVK Dominika Cibulkova (6)
:UKR Elina Svitolina (5)        
:KAZ Yaroslova Shvedova
:GER Mona Barthel  
:BUL Tsvetana Pironkova
:FRA Alizé Lim (WC)    
:POL Magda Linette
:MNE Danka Kovinic  
:CRO Ana Konjuh (29)
:LAT Anastasija Sevastova (17)      
:GER Annika Beck
:JPN Risa Ozaki  
:CAN Eugenie Bouchard
:UKR Kateryna Bondarenko    
:CRO Petra Martic (Q)
:AUS Ashleigh Barty  
:USA Madison Keys (12)
:RUS Elena Vesnina (14)        
:BRA Beatriz Haddad Maia (Q)
:USA Varvara Lepchenko  
:GER Andrea Petkovic
:ROU Sorana Cirstea    
:CHN Shuai Peng
:GRE Maria Sakkari  
:ESP Carla Suarez Navarro (21)
:RUS Daria Kasatkina (26)      
:BEL Yanina Wickmayer
:CZE Marketa Vondrousova (Q)  
:FRA Amandine Hesse (WC)
:CHN Ying-Ying Duan    
:GER Tatjana Maria
:SVK Jana Cepelova  
:ROU Simona Halep (3)
:GBR Johanna Konta (7)        
:TPE Su-Wei Hsieh
:JPN Miyu Kato (Q)  
:USA Taylor Townsend
:FRA Chloé Paquet (WC)    
:CZE Kristyna Pliskova
:JPN Nao Hibino  
:FRA Caroline Garcia (28)
:CZE Barbora Strycova (20)      
:USA Alison Riske
:FRA Alizé Cornet  
:HUN Timea Babos
:JPN Naomi Osaka    
:BEL Alison Van Uytvanck (Q)
:FRA Fiona Ferro (WC)  
:POL Agnieszka Radwanska (9)
:RUS Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (16)        
:ROU Patricia Maria Tig
:PAR Veronica Cepede Royg  
:CZE Lucie Safarova
:COL Mariana Duque-Marino    
:ROU Irina-Camelia Begu
:SVK Magdalena Rybarikova  
:USA Coco Vandeweghe (19)
:USA Lauren Davis (25)      
:GER Carina Witthoeft
:RUS Irina Khromacheva  
:FRA Pauline Parmentier
:RUS Ekaterina Alexandrova    
:CZE Katerina Siniakova
:CHN Saisai Zheng  
:CZE Karolina Pliskova (2)


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