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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2018

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1 minutę temu, OlympicIRL napisał:


So far we have 4 returns: Chile, Egypt, Spain and Uruguay!

I thought that Spain taken part last time :d 

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Nat Bhairav - Pt. Shivkumar Sharma, Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia & Pt. Brij Bhushan Kabra


Music has been an integral part of life in Indian civilization for a long time. This has resulted in development of a number of musical instruments (Veena, Sitar) and style which are unique to India. Over time, with contact with other instruments, we have tried to incorporate those instruments in our unique style as well. This time, Indian jury has decided to showcase one such example of our rich heritage of Hindustani classical music. In this entry we have such a 'jugalbandi' of Flute (performed by Pt. Hariprasad Chaurasia), Santoor (performed by Pt. Shivkumar Sharma) and Guitar (performed by Pt. Brij Bhushan Kabra) along with Tabla. The Raga being performed is one of the most important Ragas: Nat Bhairava. This rendition of the Raga is from the 1967 album Call of the Valley.

Edited by Dolby
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Hassan Doss  is a Tunisian pop singer, composer, lyricist, director, producer and novelist


Hassen Doss Chatha / حسان الدوس شطحة



coming soon



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song released before 31 december 2013



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Il y a 15 heures , bestmen a déclaré:

amen your song is 2017 

and the indian video doesn't work 



no it's released in 2013

check the spoiler 

but i had put the link from the official channel 


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16 hours ago, bestmen said:

amen your song is 2017 

and the indian video doesn't work 



What is the problem you are facing with the Indian video?

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Just now, Dolby said:

What is the problem you are facing with the Indian video?

doesn't work , i have this message video removed

Video not available
This video is not available.




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