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[OFF TOPIC] Eurovision Song Contest 2022


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From all the Ukrainian people, I apologize for our stupid juries who have no brains. Poland (my 2nd place today) and Lithuania (my 6th place today), you are very cool

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2 hours ago, Cobi said:

Lausa Pausini being the best presenter ever.

Is this for real or sarcastic? Mostly asking because on Dutch social media I read the exact opposite, people saying she was a great singer, but should probably stay away from hosting any significant event because everything looked and sounded even more forced than it usually does at Eurovision :p 


Although Mika was not exactly much better :d 


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Here to share a couple of thoughts on yesterday's final.


:ITA Italy were my nr. 1 favourites coming into the competition. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine that they would deliver the very worst vocal performance of the entire evening. They were so off-key, it was very painful to watch and to listen. Mahmood butchered every single chorus like it was a piece of cake. Other countries that struggled with vocals a fair bit were: :FRA :GRE and I don't know if I can put Serbia in here, because that song was like half-talking and I don't even understand what that performance even was, so I'll avoid this topic. 


My personal top 5 of the night: :POR:SWE:NED:GBR:LTU and special thanks go to :ARM:ISL:SUI Sidenote: did not expect Lithuania to grow on me :d 


Am I okay with Ukraine winning? Looking at the statistics, if all those points didn't go to Ukraine, then the winner would've been Spain, so I'll be okay with Ukraine for today :p 


Anyways, pretty good average quality of Eurovision this year, there are songs that I don't like, but not that many where I could say that I utterly hate them. 


Lesson of the day: don't plan huge tours right up to your Eurovision marathon, because you'll end up like Italy :p (I was surprised there were so many positive comments, because you can literally hear that every single Brividi from Mahmood was a semi-tone if not more lower every time that the backing track joined back in, not to even mention all the other parts that were a semi-tone off)

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15 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Is this for real or sarcastic? Mostly asking because on Dutch social media I read the exact opposite, people saying she was a great singer, but should probably stay away from hosting any significant event because everything looked and sounded even more forced than it usually does at Eurovision :p 


Although Mika was not exactly much better :d 

Petra Mede and Mans Zelmerlow showed us what peak presenting is and it's only been downhill from there :d 

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1 minute ago, Werloc said:

Petra Mede and Mans Zelmerlow showed us what peak presenting is and it's only been downhill from there :d 

General rule of thumb: the more the text writers for the hosts keep jokes out of it, the better it is. Not a single host is really capable of delivering those cringy jokes. It does not exactly help if the camera direction is so bad that the huge autocue screens with the host's text are visible, like yesterday :lol: 


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Just now, heywoodu said:

General rule of thumb: the more the text writers for the hosts keep jokes out of it, the better it is. Not a single host is really capable of delivering those cringy jokes. It does not exactly help if the camera direction is so bad that the huge autocue screens with the host's text are visible, like yesterday :lol: 

Yeah, you basically just need to hope that they have natural charisma and can be funny unscripted.


But still, nothing is ever worse than vote presenters trying to be funny. Only time it worked was JAJA DINGDONG, but still it got ran into the ground. 

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1 minute ago, Werloc said:

Yeah, you basically just need to hope that they have natural charisma and can be funny unscripted.


But still, nothing is ever worse than vote presenters trying to be funny. Only time it worked was JAJA DINGDONG, but still it got ran into the ground. 

Yeah...seriously vote presenters, be enthustiastic, friendly, in a good mood, etc, that's all great and since it's a party, we do need that, but keep the actual jokes to your family :p 


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8 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

General rule of thumb: the more the text writers for the hosts keep jokes out of it, the better it is. Not a single host is really capable of delivering those cringy jokes. It does not exactly help if the camera direction is so bad that the huge autocue screens with the host's text are visible, like yesterday :lol: 

But then again... Is it really Eurovision without cringy jokes? :mumble:

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20 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Yeah...seriously vote presenters, be enthustiastic, friendly, in a good mood, etc, that's all great and since it's a party, we do need that, but keep the actual jokes to your family :p 

I felt literal pain when Vaidotas from the Roop just shuffled through all of the dance moves just to look relevant.


I'm honestly getting annoyed by how much they're milking every opportunity.


When they released their first post-Eurovision single, they wrote (Eurovision 2022) in parentheses to bait every one that they're participating again, every media outlet was writing about it and when they got their views and trending nr. 1, they just said lol, no we're not participating and changed the title. Also, they got to perform three songs in our national final.


After that they released a song where they had green screen costumes on in which they showed Ukrainian people suffering, singing about love just to be relatable to get to trending nr. 1


Then they released their next song one week before Eurovision, again, to milk the time period, because they don't get enough attention any other way, went to multiple Eurovision pre-parties, went to Italy as ambassadors where they were mingling everywhere and trying to overshadow Monika Liu at every step.


And of course, he even got to present the votes.


Hopefully they won't be able to milk Eurovision for the fourth year in a row, because it's getting ridiculous.

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So, I liked Serbia, Netherlands, Iceland and France. Norway a bit too. Perhaps I could deal with Ukraine.


Anyway - Eurovision being all about politics again? Groundbreaking! :lol: If only people who vote (both Jury and common) could separate music from filthy politics it would have more charm, like at the beginnings. I will take any day TISC voting over Eurovision voting :cool: TISC for the WIN!

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