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Athletics EAA European Championships 2018

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9 minutes ago, Xander said:

How is Pryshchepa invisible if she won the previous ECH :mumble:Had 1:58.82 at the Diamond League last year, 1:58.60 at the 2016 DL and ran out of 2 mins at the Olympics?


Has she been injured last year? I mean, she only competed in June and July and only in small competitions (with one exception in the DL where she finished somewhere in the back), same thing this year. And after her last European title, only some finishes in the back in the DL.


Hopefully at least now we'll get to see her compete on a higher level instead of just see her finish in the back for two years (or a bit higher up in small competitions) only to suddenly show up in 2020 again. As an athletics fan, I want to see the champions actually compete at a high level not only during championships.

Edited by heywoodu


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According to the German coach, there's a chance the women and men will start at the same time, 10.55 


Edit: which is now the most likely situation, as long sa the fire brigade gives it the all-clear.

Edited by heywoodu


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23 минуты назад, heywoodu сказал:

Has she been injured last year? I mean, she only competed in June and July and only in small competitions (with one exception in the DL where she finished somewhere in the back), same thing this year. And after her last European title, only some finishes in the back in the DL.


Hopefully at least now we'll get to see her compete on a higher level instead of just see her finish in the back for two years (or a bit higher up in small competitions) only to suddenly show up in 2020 again. As an athletics fan, I want to see the champions actually compete at a high level not only during championships.

Yes, she was injured. She recovered right until the beginning of this season.

She's already competed at the DL what else do you want?))) Also the competition is high and it's hard to get there, you know, they can't take everyone. I want her to see her there more often but they don't invite her. Maybe after the 2nd ECH title... Not to mention that all trips which aren't funded by the federation should be funded by the athletes themselves. In order to improve she has to take part only with the best athletes. Or she will be destined to run with the weaker group of athletes and show low results because there's no point in running on alone without a powerful "train".


ps. And she was denied the WCH because she took DL instead of the NCH, to earn money (can't blame her).

Edited by Xander
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Well, that's a fun ride of disappointment, since I only had enough time to watch the women's race and now I'll be leaving in 40 minutes with nothing :wall:

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11 minutes ago, Jur said:

Two races together... I hate that :(

Yep...I guess they did it like this so that at least not both groups of athletes would see their whole schedule messed up. 


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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Dunadan:

What a great organization. Women starting the 20 km with men :facepalm:Unworthy of an European Championship.

What else should they have done in your opinion? Just take the risk and let the ladies start despite having doubts on whether its safe?


Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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3 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

What else should they have done in your opinion? Just take the risk and let the ladies start despite having doubts on whether its safe?


One option might have been to postpone the men as well and let them start after the postponed women's race, but then like I wrote before both groups of athletes would have a messed up schedule.

Another, arguably better option could be to let the men start as scheduled (assuming the fire brigade gives the all clear by then of course) and have the women go after the men's race, although I can imagine that might cause problems with the closure of roads and stuff like that.



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vor einer Stunde schrieb heywoodu:

Yeah, a decent throw for gold and 61 meters for the other medals....this was one of the few times where I was glad they didn't give too much attention to a field event on TV, I've rarely seen a poorer level in a major championships final. 

A decent throw for gold? You realize that this was a championships record, meaning that noone threw farther at european championships ever, not even someone like Spotakova? This would have been enough for gold at the last olympics and the last two world championships. Of course Hussong didnt have to do more given that noone challenged her and the other were probably shocked by her opening throw, although in qualification it was already the same, so maybe the conditions also werent very good for javelin throw. On the mens side the level was also clearly worse than all season long with 85 m winning bronze.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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