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Hey all totallympians


Just an update on when the Olympic contests will open.


I have been quite occupied lately. I'm Germany at the moment to visit my girlfriend, so time for the forum is limited.


I'm going to open the Swimming contest tomorrow. The entry list is finished as I think I got the favourites there. I have a few questions left to do for the Bet contest. Hopefully I can be done with that by Tuesday to open. The Miscellaneous contests should open Thursday at latest.

Also the team event contest with picking the medallists has been scratched. I would encourage people to check out the fanzone for the olympics as there will be contest for team events there, bracket challenge. 


The finals standings for the EURO 2020 and Copa America 2021 prediction contests will be done by tomorrow. If I get time before the olympics I will do an updated version of the General Standings and Medal Tables.



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Final Standing available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :wIND: sounak
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wITA: Henry_Leon
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg :wPOL: Monzanator



It will be a very short presentation of the three medallists this time as my time is limited these days. A big congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @sounak with the gold medal, @Henry_Leon with the silver medal and @Monzanator with the bronze medal.

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Final Standing available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :wITA: Gianlu33
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wBRA: juliosilva
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg :wBRA: Herberth10 



It will be a very short presentation of the three medallists this time as my time is limited these days. A big congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @Gianlu33 with the gold medal, @juliosilva with the silver medal and @Herberth10 with the bronze medal.

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Just a couple of remarks.


Should question #78 have "all three team events"?


Question #112 would sound a lot better with "Italy will finish 6th.", just to avoid a double negation. I know I was the one who suggested it. :d


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