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[OFF TOPIC] Weird or different terms related to sports in your language

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I was reading the list of topics and the national thread of Slovakia had the sentence "Cesta do Tokia" added to it. Then I remembered that in Portuguese we usually say "cesta" (literally: basket) when someone scores (one, two or three points, it doesn't matter) in basketball. This made me curious about other languages, since there might be different or unique terms related to sports and we have people from all over the world here, so I would like us to share what we might know.

As a side note, it's amusing that in Portuguese the name of the country Peru refers to both turkey (the animal, not the country) and a penis. Their slogan, "arriba Perú", is sometimes understood by Portuguese speakers as "rise up, cock". :lol:

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Cesta (read - Tsesta) is Road in Slovak and Czech languages :d  and Perú in Slovak language literally means They wash (in washing machine) :p



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I feel like the majority of you probably most of our English slang when it comes to sports, but I’d be happy to share if you guys want me to

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 6/14/2018 at 7:50 PM, hckosice said:

Cesta (read - Tsesta) is Road in Slovak and Czech languages :d  and Perú in Slovak language literally means They wash (in washing machine) :p




road we say put, but in some areas cesta is also used :d

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  On 6/14/2018 at 8:04 PM, DaniSRB said:

road we say put, but in some areas cesta is also used :d



Can I guess, somewhere around Vojvodina ? :d

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Well, after spending so many time in NZ, I learned it's better to use word "cheer" when I want to cheer for some team, athlete, or anyone instead of "root" cause it means something very different :lol: Of course, paired with for, has the same meaning as cheer for but... you never know :d 

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We use fight for every sport and every activity in Italy... like "Le ragazze del sincronizzato lotteranno per l'oro" (the syncronette girls will fight for the gold) :p  

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Oh!! In the US, we tell kids to shag the balls (which means retrieve them from outside or off the field) in youth sports. Apparently, and this is according to some visiting British football coaches, it has a very different meaning in the UK :d

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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