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Snowboard at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022

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And that does it for the quotas.


Men's Slopestyle/Big Air Quotas (before reallocation)


4 quotas:


:CAN Canada, :JPN Japan, :USA United States


3 quotas:


:NOR Norway


2 quotas:


:FIN Finland, :GER Germany, :SWE Sweden, :SUI Switzerland


1 quota:


:AUS Australia, :AUT Austria, :CHN China, :ITA Italy, :NED Netherlands, :NZL New Zealand, :ROC ROC


Reserves: :BEL, :SUI, :NOR, :SUI, :FRA


Women's Slopestyle/Big Air Quotas (before reallocation)


4 quotas:


:CAN Canada, :JPN Japan, :USA United States


2 quotas:


:FIN Finland, :NZL New Zealand, :NOR Norway


1 quota:


:AUS Australia, :AUT Austria, :BEL Belgium, :CHN China, :CZE Czechia, :FRA France, :GER, Germany, :GBR Great Britain, :NED Netherlands, :SLO Slovenia, :SUI Switzerland, :SVK Slovakia


Reserves: :SUI, :CRO, :ROC, :ESP, :BEL



Men's Halfpipe Quotas (before reallocation)


4 quotas:


:JPN Japan, :USA United States


3 quotas:


:CHN China, :GER Germany, :SUI Switzerland


2 quotas:


:AUS Australia


1 quota:


:CAN Canada, :FRA France, :IRL Ireland, :ITA Italy, :NZL New Zealand, :SLO Slovenia


Reserves: :ITA, :CHN, :CAN, :KOR, :SUI


New Zealand's athlete isn't eligible so that quota should go to Italy.


Women's Halfpipe Quotas (before reallocation)


4 quotas:


:CHN China, :JPN Japan, :USA United States


3 quotas:


:SUI Switzerland


2 quotas:


:CAN Canada, :KOR South Korea


1 quota:


:AUS Australia, :CZE Czechia, :GER Germany, :HUN Hungary, :MLT Malta, :ESP Spain


Reserves: :CAN, :SUI (yep, that's it. And the IOC thought it would be a good idea to add one more women's quota and get rid of 5 men's quotas :facepalm:). Korea has an ineligible women so Canada should get that spot.


Snowboarding Qualification Summary (including removing ineligible athletes)


:AUS Australia: 11

:AUT Austria: 15

:BEL Belgium: 1

:BUL Bulgaria: 1

:CAN Canada: 25

:CHN China: 13

:CZE Czechia: 6 (Sarka Pancochova takes up two quotas)

:FIN Finland: 4

:FRA France: 9

:GER Germany: 18

:GBR Great Britain: 3

:HUN Hungary: 1

:IRL Ireland: 1

:ITA Italy: 17

:JPN Japan: 21

:MLT Malta: 1

:NED Netherlands: 4

:NZL New Zealand: 3

:NOR Norway: 5

:POL Poland: 5

:ROC ROC: 13

:SVK Slovakia: 1

:SLO Slovenia: 5

:KOR South Korea: 4

:ESP Spain: 2

:SWE Sweden: 2

:SUI Switzerland: 21

:UKR Ukraine: 1

:USA United States: 25


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  On 1/16/2022 at 4:59 AM, JoshMartini007 said:

Hopefully Hungary's athlete is better than Elizabeth Swaney was in 2018.


She is, as she was part of Canada's junior team and switched.

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5th :SVK appearence in Snowboarding at the Winter Olympics and 2nd in a row after PyeongChang 2018.


Klaudia Medlová qualified for her second Olympics (Competed already in PC 2018, was among the qualified already for Sochi but sadly had to pull out shortly before the games due serious injury )


Congrats Klaudia :thumbup:

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  On 1/16/2022 at 4:46 AM, Topicmaster1010 said:

Women's Slopestyle/Big Air Quotas (before reallocation)


One of the Norwegians is long retired. That reallocation will happen and will move us once again to the first reserve spot. :p


For the second one... Either Switzerland would have to decline a reallocation, or the Canadian Sommer Gendron is not getting selected (since she hasn't competed since March... of 2020).


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I think we don't even have the girls to fulfill our quota places...for sure, there's no chance we send 2 of them in any freestyle discipline...

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:KOR declines a women’s halfpipe quota. Next in line is :CAN, followed by :SUI.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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surprisingly, :ITA Italy will use all of their quota also in women's snowboardcross...


this is our Olympic squad (pending official announcement, but sure at 100%)...



  • Michela Moioli (2018 Olympic Champion)
  • Sofia Belinghieri
  • Caterina Carpano (surprising nominèe)
  • Francesca Gallina



  • Filippo Ferrari
  • Tommaso Leoni
  • Lorenzo Sommariva
  • Omar Visintin (back after fracturing an arm at the beginning of this season)
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:NZL declines a men’s halfpipe quota, should go to :ITA

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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:CAN has declined one quota in women’s slopestyle/big air. All other quotas have been accepted except in PGS, where no action has been taken yet.


:SUI will get the quota. @dcro :CRO is first alternate.


:USA confirmed all their quotas, including the men’s PGS one.

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