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  1. Press conference about lifting restrictions right now !!! 4 Phases. the 1st phase will start already this wednesday 22nd April 1st Phase from this Wednesday Open all shops with max 300m2 (Under current measures, Obligatory Masks and gloves, the shops will must to have disinfectants at the entrance of the store, 2m distance must be applied and at the same time only 1 people per 25m2 of the area) Open all services with max 300m2 (Under current measures, Obligatory Masks and gloves, the shops will must to have disinfectants at the entrance of the store, 2m distance must be applied and at the same time only 1 people per 25m2 of the area) Open all Public catering (restaurants, food stores, and other fast foods facilities) - But the entrance will be still forbidden for the public, the meats will be served only through the window Open Outdoor Sporting facilities - But only for the non-contact sports - without dressing rooms - without public attendance - without WC or showers accommodation - But only for the long periode clients - without food Outdoor markets (Under current measures, Obligatory Masks and gloves, each seller will must have disinfectants, 2m distance must be applied) Open all car, vehicle stores. including used cars services 2nd Phase depending on how the situation will develop (the earliest possible date in 2 weeks) accommodation - Also for the short periode clients - without food in common dinning rooms - food can be however delivered at room - with WC and showers - without other services Open all Barber Shops, Pedicure and Manicure shops (Under current measures, Obligatory Masks and gloves, the shops will must to have disinfectants at the entrance of the store, 2m distance must be applied and at the same time only 1 people per 25m2 of the area) Open all Outdoor turistic attractions Taxi Services will be reopened also for the public Kids clubs and facilities for U10 children Masses (and other religious events) and Weddings with more than 4 and lower than 15 hosts 3rd Phase depending on how the situation will develop after the 2nd phase (the earliest possible date 2 weeks after the 2nd phase) Open all shops with max 1000m2 (Under current measures, Obligatory Masks and gloves, the shops will must to have disinfectants at the entrance of the store, 2m distance must be applied and at the same time only 1 people per 25m2 of the area) Open all services with max 1000m2 (Under current measures, Obligatory Masks and gloves, the shops will must to have disinfectants at the entrance of the store, 2m distance must be applied and at the same time only 1 people per 25m2 of the area) Open all Public catering, Pubs and outdoor gardens and terraces (Under some restrictions will be announced later) Masages, Sports reconditioning rehabilitation activities (Only dry procedures) Museums, Galleries, Libraries and exhibition halls 4th Phase depending on how the situation will develop after the 3rdd phase (the earliest possible date 1 month after the 3rd phase) Cinemas, Theaters Pools Mass Events Shopping centers Schools (All) Indoor sports facilities Sport Events Hotels and other accomodations facilities
  2. Well, that was possible few days ago. Now we dropped down after some our Roma slums and 2 entire retirement houses exploded. I think Bulgaria is clearly ahead now in Europe Here it is Taipei who is daily given as an example (+ our big brother CZE we will follow everytime ) Btw, quite interesting is that in the previous days some international leaders called our political representatives to ask them about the corona crisis here and the handling. Few days ago our PM said that Mike Pompeo suddenly called him...I would never believe before that the guy even know that Slovakia exists... or our president announced that the pope himself called her and was interested about the handling of the whole situation. at the end she even got an audience in June in Vatican (not sure she is going to attend lol), then she had to invite him to Slovakia, apparently he answered positively
  3. That would be really sad to stop our canoe slalom olympic medal streak in Tokyo. this is the only sport we won a medal at every single olympics we participated since the independence. 1996 1G Michal Martikán C1 M 2000 1G Peter and Pavol Hochschorner C2 M, 1S Michal Martikán C1 M, 1B Juraj Minčík C1 M 2004 2G Elena Kaliská K1 W, Peter and Pavol Hochschorner C2 M, 1S Michal Martikán C1 M 2008 3G Michal Martikán C1 M, Elena Kaliská K1 W, Peter and Pavol Hochschorner C2 M 2012 2B Michal Martikán C1 M, Peter and Pavol Hochschorner C2 M 2016 1G Ladislav and Peter Škantár C2 M, 1S Matej Beňuš C1 M
  4. IIHF finally released the last missing match from the last years WCh vs including the opening ceremony. one of our best hockey games for a while. It was an interesting experience to follow it with live-time english commentary poor commentators they were completely silent for the whole last minute of the match, I've never experienced anything like that. I copied the video starting the last minute of the game
  5. 3323 Tests yesterday - 72 Positive confirmed cases (25 clients and 11 employees from the Retirement House in Martin that´s now the second completely quarantined retirement house in the country after the one in Pezinok, police already investigating how the disease and spread entered there. Rest either Roma slums or repatriated people in national quarantine facilities, ) So 1161 Confirmed cases in Slovakia (+72 Yesterday), 3323 Tests Yesterday (44276 in Total) 11 Deaths (+1 Yesterday - yep, again from the retirement house in Pezinok, 7th already), 229 Fully recovered patients (+16 Yesterday) 212 Hospitalized, 8 in serious condition ICU beds, 2 in very critical under artificial lung ventilation
  6. The quarantining of some Roma slums was arguably the best thing we did. the one in Žehra is in absolutely critical situation, there was confirmed community spread in the whole ghetto. the locals do not follow the appointments at all...despite being quarantined and guarded by the police and army forces, they still gather outside of their homes in the street, nobody is isolated at home, they do not wear masks. don´t have any basic hygienical habits... sorry but the complete isolation and quarantining of the ghetto and disallowing the locals to go to the neighborhood cities to shop and eventually spread the infection was the most sensible and only possible solution to avoid the total disaster, meanwhile the infection also appeared in some other Roma settlements in the country which were also locked. (we have 1088 similar slums in the country, and many locals returned from GB in early March when we didn´t have the forced national quarantine for returning slovak citizens, they were just asked to isolate themseves at their homes...obviously these people didn´t do that, they continued to met their families and other people in the slums...result now we have a huge problem (the rule of forced quarantine in national facilities across the country were established only in the second part of everybody entering the country (not living in 30km of the borders) have to be immediatelly placed in a national quarantne facility)
  7. wait. we don´t have any curfew here. the only curfew was during Easter, otherwise people are free to go run, biking or whatever they want...just not gathering and must wear masks...they are just asked to stay at home (but not ordered) and people are mostly disciplined this is why the streets are generally empty, but if you want to go shopping, running or I don´t know just watching the grass rising you are free to do by wearing mask and beiing with max 1 more person in company
  8. haha I guess none personally, but I know a lot of people who were waiting for this for years (we have a inportant hungarian minority who had to loose their HUN citizenship if they wanted to have the SVK one, now they will be able to regain back also their second citizenship) This is one of the weirdest laws we had, consequences of having dumb parties ruling the country for decades... our citizens who applied for and obtained citizenship in another country automatically lost Slovak citizenship, it was also valid for foreigners, as soon as they acquired Slovak citizenship they had to renounce their previous citizenship, otherwise the Slovak one could not be acquired. This will mainly help as I mentioned the Hungarian minority here, but also the czech minority...or viewing at sports for example Anastasiya Kuzmina now may be able to regain back her Russian citizenship, Rory Sabbatini his South-African one, wrestlers their previous russian etc...
  9. Slovakia will finally allow dual citizenship !!! We are full gaz in the coronavirus crisis, but do not forget that Slovakia has a completely new governement that started basically on the day 1 of the pandemic start in the country... yep nothing to envy.. but anyway, even despite the covid-19 obvious priority they have to work also on the other "normal" daily problems of the country and fulfillment of the elections campaign promises, today they are going to unveil their program. The prime minister already advises that it will also include, for example, a proposal that the Slovak Republic will allow Slovak citizens living long-term in the territory of another state to acquire the citizenship of that state without losing Slovak citizenship. That´s already a Huge step back to the normal thinking in normal countries.
  10. 3144 Tests yesterday- 40 New positive cases. 2 new deaths (1 from the retirement house in Pezinok (60 clients (almost all) and 19 employees are positve, 6 clients already passed away... currently the obscure thngs that happened in this facility and the quarantined roma slums, especially the one in Žehra where it is expected that almost everybody is or will be very soon infected... are the main issues in the country and the top headline of these days here right now) and 38 fully recovered patients So we have now 1089 Confirmed cases in Slovakia (+40 yesterday), 3104 Tests yesterday (39864 tests in total) 11 Deaths (+2 Yesterday), 203 Healed (+38 yesterday) around 200 hospitalized, 10 in serious condition and 2 in Critical.
  11. that second sentence itself should answer your first question but to be fair he led our team to score one unexected win,average_statistics
  12. 72 new confirmed cases (Again mainly returning people isolated in different national quarantine facilities and also people from the Roma slums especially the one in Žehra is now categorized as place of epidemy...) New NR in tests yesterday, for the first time the country tested more than 3 thousands people in one single day. 3279 tests yesterday - 72 positive. So the inevitable had to come, we surpassed the "magic "1k" barier" 1049 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+72 Yesterday), 3279 Tests yesterday - NR (37737 Tests in total) 9 Deaths (+1 again from the retirement house in Pezinok already 6 their clients passed away in the last days), 167 Healed (+0) 203 Hospitalized, 7 in serious condition (under ventilators), 3 in very Critical (ICU) Police continue the investigations (under strict hygienic measures) in the Retirement house in Pezinok, several persons were already took to the interrogation room and the director of the facility already was fired. in the quarantined Roma slums they began to pay the social assistances to the residents. for this reason, they have placed a mobile postal center. the Ministers of the finances, inferir and social issues also came to see the situation but to finish in a positive side, they finally opened the new cycling bridge for public
  13. Always the same alibistic excuse, sorry, but this is like speaking to the wall...I can not anymore... Obviously there shortage of supply, Do you really think in Slovakia we have millions of respirators laying on the streets ? ofc we don´t. If a such big and ultra mega rich country like USA have shortage of supplies how on earth can a small country in the middle of nowhere in europe have them ? All the original mask and respirators we have are for doctors, nurses, other medical staff and people in 1st line in the fight against coronavirus. Ordinary people don´t have or are not even searching them. The thing is we really should stop to think that the state will always be here for us and take care of us. No the state will not care of us, the state will never help you or me. People have to move their ass and help themseves by their own. This is a difficult time we are facing, there not vaccine against this shit, people are dying quickly, and if I don´t want to die, or kill my parents or other relatives I should stop to naively grumble.....why I have to produce my own mask if I pay taxes bla bla bla etc ? ... no there lack of supplies, we must help ourselves by our own It need and require basically a coupe of minutes and very small skills to produce at home 3-4 or 5 home made masks from cotton or other similar textile (millions of tutorial videos on youtube), they are easily washable and you can wear them again and again on daily basis. ofc I know they are not 100% effective, but the thing is when everybody wear them they really works. With my mask I protect you, while with your mask you protect me !! Simple as that, really I don´t get what people are not understanding here...There not medicine so far, the only vaccine is discipline and masks. Look at the stats, countries with masks and others, do you really not see the differences ? CZE and SVK were the first countries in Europe to impose radical regulations and measures from the start, remember when people were laughing Slovakia with 10 infected closed borders airports schools everything and imposed mask wearing obligatory in the country ? yep, now if not (individual mistakes in a retirement house in Pezinok and in a couple of Roma ghettos) we would be still at around 700 infected (majority of them returning people from abroad) and 2 deaths... This is not coincidence, Taipei, Hong Kong or Singapore have low numbers as well thanks masks, even, the home made masks. It is not the distances, it is not the washing hands things people use everywhere, it is the masks that save lifes, just everybody must wear them.
  14. Isn´t this supposed to be the main goal ? The majority of the infected people are asymptomatic, they don´t even know they are infected, they show no symptoms at all (even during more than two weeks) but they still infect others. This is the main reason for the masks, but obviously only if everybody wear them, this is where WHO messed it completely.
  15. can you do your anti-totallympics results site propaganda outside of the forum at least
  16. Man, this thread is really not for me I hate reading, literally hate it. But I blame our school system for that, they forced us to read some really totally nonsensical and boring books. some of them were good medicine when I could not sleeping though... I guess the last book I read was the 10 little niggers aka 10 little indians aka and then there were none from A. Christie, this was some nice couple of years ago but in other hand I have a very interesting collection of our NOC official Olympics books (All from Seoul 1988 to PyeongChang 2018) + I added to my collection the Grenoble+Mexico City 1968 one and Oslo+Melbourne 1956 book as well, I found in our local antiquarian, and my uncle few years ago gave me the Tokyo 1964 book
  17. no but I saw the movie if it help you
  18. yeah that one is not really developed in Slovakia
  19. yep trout and carpe that´s basically all what you can catch here
  20. New NR 114 New confirmed cases yesterday from 2967 tests (New NR as well), 2 new deaths sadly (1 of them again from the quarantined retirement house in Pezinok) and 16 new recovered patients The majority of the confirmed cases are from the quarantined Roma ghettos and from the repatriated people isolated in several national quarantine facilities across the country So 977 Confirmed cases in Slovakia (+114 Yesterday - NR), 2967 Tests Yesterday - NR, ( 34458 in Total ) 8 Deaths (+2 Yesterday), 167 Healed (+16 Yesterday) 165 Hospitalized, 2 in Serious conditions (Under ventilation), 7 in Critical conditions (ICU) Anyway, Yesterday started the fishing season in Slovakia and I WANT this mask so bad ! I want, I want, I want ! the municipality of the capital Bratislava opened a "special quarantine vilage" for homeless people, where they will isolate the eventual positive homeless citizens of the capital From political view, from yesterday we FINALLY have a commander of the Slovak secret services agency "SIS" so this is the guy who will have in charge the Slovak James Bonds he was officially apointed yesterday by the president.
  21. Anyway, I still can not believe (I was shocked I must admit) that both Skúšame sa Nájst and Unikát got so few points, considering how incredible huge hits they were in both slovakia and czech republic but yeah, no english - no chance
  22. Update 4 new deaths today (3 from the already mentioned Retirement house in Pezinok this is gonna be a huge case here, someone will have to spend a long long time in jail) and 1 from Trnava hospital so now we have 6 deaths RIP
  23. 28 new cases yesterday (13 of them are still from the Retirement house in Pezinok) so baring them it is 15 new cases across the country yesterday. 1434 tests provided yesterday and new 38 patients are now fully healed. So 863 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+28 Yesterday), 1434 Tests yesterday (31491 in Total) 2 Deaths (+0), 151 Healed (+38) 141 Hospitalized, 4 in Serious condition (Ventilators), 5 in Critical (ICU) The Easter Curfew is over, but the life still can not return to normal due the continuing restrictions and measures It was already announced that the schools will not be re-opened before September, at Elementary schools no one will fall and all kids will advance to the higher class next year, For the final year of colleges and high schools, The written parts of the final exams are cancelled, the oral part will be held, but it is still not known how and when . The country decided to send back home our soldiers from Afghanistan, Now only 20 soldiers who are training local soldiers will stay there.
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