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  1. The American website Bloomberg writes an article where it highlights how Slovakia manages so far the fight against coronavirus. In the article, they evaluate that the significant key was the speed of implementation of the measures, according to the epidemiologist from Vienna, Slovakia acted correctly. you don´t see articles about Slovakia in foreign medias often and positive ones almost never
  2. Yesterdays recap: New NR in testing, for the first time more than 5 thousands people were tested in one single day. 5472 tests revealed 7 new cases. The total amount of tests surpassed the 80k. Sadly we have to add 2 new deaths to the stats, in other hand 61 patients received their second negative test and are now considered fully recovered so right now we have 885 active cases in the country. 180 of them need hospitalization, 8 of them are in ICU beds, no one currently need artificial lung ventilation. So right now in Slovakia 1391 Confirmed Cases (+7 Yesterday), 5472 Tests Yesterday - NR (81338 in Total) 22 Deaths (+2 Yesterday), 484 Fully Recovered (+61 Yesterday)
  3. that´s what I meant. crazy european
  4. because Lidl is Lidl you have supermarkets and you have Lidl, no one will tell you, I'm going to the supermarket if he wants to go to the lidl, he will say, I'm going to the lidl. yes, I know crazy europeans
  5. Discount supermarket chain, mostly offering products of their own production (imitations of well-known brands and products) at cheaper prices. And as I learned today (except SVK and CZE) in other countries they also offer products of other producers and renowed brands
  6. In Kaufland we have them here but not in Lidl. They exclusively sell only their own products. That´s actually surprising for me to find such different policies, one learn something new everday I guess
  7. well Pilsner, Budweiser and defintely Heineken are quite famous brands, also I know Tyskie or Lech so that´s the difference between POL and CZE/SVK then, here for some reasons they don´t sell them in Lidl. I really don´t know why... for example there not even Coca Cola or Marlboro in Lidl here...
  8. Quite interesting, here in Lidl you can not find Bažant or other more let say "renowned" brands. Only their own products. Isn´t the same policy in Poland ?
  9. Ah I see, well, I was first surprised to read Bažant in Lidl, to be honest Anyway Žatecký is a Czech beer Not so very different then, here it varies from 0.45 to 0.70 EUR per 0.5l bottle or can,
  10. Seriously the most funny add I remember. Briliant work Now I am really curious how much cost SVK beer in Poland ?
  11. The most freaking hilarious add for beer I spotted in my life, I just can not that guy
  12. 1767 Tests 3 Positive results, 2 more deaths and 20 new healed patients this is the yesterdays recap, so currently we have 961 active cases, 175 of them need hospitalization, 6 are in ICU, currently no one is under artificial lung ventilation So right now in Slovakia 1384 Confirmed Cases (+3 Yesterday), 1767 Tests Yesterday (75866 in Total) 20 Deaths (+2 Yesterday), 423 Fully Recovered (+20 Yesterday) Couple of last days the things looks quite well, the amount of new cases is dropping and the amount of recovered people is rising, hopefully this trend will continue like that until the vaccine will be finally invented. The good numbers right now are a consequence of good dicipline of the people respecting the measures and recommendations of the experts but certainly the most effective measure is the obligatory masks wearing Also the president of the Republic thanked the citizens for their discipline, while reminding that we should continue to follow the regulations, measures and not slow down. so far we are doing good she said, but let's not destroy it, we must continue, nothing is still won yet. However the life is slowly returning to the normal, many people and companies returned to the office also the athletes finally starting with first basic trainings
  13. I believe first he has to qualify for the games, I think he is still not
  14. Michal Martikán enjoying his flag bearer moment. but some random guy in french uniform ? jumping around steal our delegation TV time
  15. Need some time travel but just spotted future miss hckošice in that weird uzbek uniform
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