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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Men's K1 Final Results Vit PRINDIS 81.90 Giovanni DE GENNARO 82.65 Peter KAUZER 82.92 Rank Athletes Nation Result 4 Vavrinec HRADILEK 86.06 5 Mario LEITNER 86.40 6 Felix OSCHMAUTZ 86.42 7 Jiri PRSKAVEC 87.41 8 Adam GONSENICA 89.87 9 Joseph CLARKE 90.21 10 Martin DOUGOUD 135.67
  2. The quota is for the country. Your NOC has to decide who you want to send (or decline the quota which would be obviously absurd). Teunissen was in the final today, she is still very young and talented, but Wegman is more experienced and I believe she would do better in Tokyo artificial track than in natural difficult one in Ivrea
  3. Salut a tous. Je ne peux pas trouver la selection francaise pour les JO en Canoe Slalom. J´ai l´impression de l´avoir deja vu qq part, mais je ne me souviens pas ou. Sil vous plait, est-ce que qq sait les noms de l´equipe pour Tokyo ? Merci
  4. Interesting result also in internal qualifier where the reigning Olympic Champion in M K1 Joseph Clarke failed to qualify and Bradley Forbes-Cryands will represent in M K1, Also GB representative in W K1 is quite surprisingly the C1 specialist Kimberley Woods other W K1 names for Tokyo Eliška Mintálová Kateřina Kudejová Eva Tercelj Ricarda Funk
  5. Women's K1 Final Results Corinna KUHNLE 91.42 Eva TERCELJ 91.89 Ricarda FUNK 95.34 Final Results Here
  6. Women's K1 Final Results Corinna KUHNLE 91.42 Eva TERCELJ 91.89 Ricarda FUNK 95.34 Rank Athletes Nation Result 4 Klaudia ZWOLINSKA 95.99 5 Kimberley WOODS 96.72 6 Camille PRIGENT 98.36 7 Lena TEUNISSEN 106.66 8 Maialen CHOURRAUT 107.83 9 Naemi BRAENDLE 110.09 10 Elena APEL 145.39
  7. I'm at a big disadvantage compared to you boys, coming from a country with absolutely no interest or popularity in combat sports and with even lower TV or other media time coverage (Changed miraculously a bit in wrestling after the medal collecting festival of our new Russian armada in this sport) although I like to watch combat sports during the Olympics like judo or wrestling, the inability to understand or even know the basic rules (ie it's not my fault, I basically have nowhere to learn them in this country ) is quite an unpleasant experience when watching. So I go for wrestling here, since it is what I follow a bit more lately, then Judo and Boxing. In the bottom side Fencing (I have absolutely not a single clue about this sport, watching regularly at Olympics, but still can not find even which weapon is which ...and I am not starting to even speak about rules..attaque de droite, touche de gauche, is all what I am able to notice during matches ) and Tae Kwon Do ? man, must be a fun sport but even petanque has more media attention here. Last Olympics we had in our TV only 5-10 minutes highlights without commentary
  8. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 UPDATED POST 12th Qualified Athlete Eliška MINTÁLOVÁ - CANOEING SLALOM (K1 W) Eliška Mintálová si zabezpečila účasť v Tokiu V internej kvalifikácii predstihla Janu Dukátovú a vybojovala si Olympijský debut Eliška Mintálová Slovenská kajakárka Eliška Mintálová sa predstaví na olympijských hrách v Tokiu. Miestenku získala na ME vo vodnom slalome v internej kvalifikácii na úkor Jany Dukátovej. Ani jedna sa však neprebojovala do finále, ktoré bolo na programe od 14.07 h. V K1 mužov sa medzi elitnú desiatku dostal iba Adam Gonšenica, ktorý v semifinále zaostal za víťazom Felixom Oschmautzom z Rakúska o 3,68 sekundy. Veľkú smolu mal Jakub Grigar, ktorý prišiel do cieľa na priebežnom druhom mieste, ale dodatočne mu pripísali 50-sekundovú penalizáciu za minutú tretiu bránku. Slováci však mali možnosť podať protest. Tretí slovenský kajakár Martin Halčin bol pätnásty s mankom 5,01 s na víťaza. Finále kajakárov sa začalo od 14.41 h. Mintálovej ušla účasť medzi najlepšou desiatkou iba o osem stotín, keď bola so štyrmi trestnými sekundami jedenásta. Na víťazku Maialen Chourrautovú zo Španielska stratila 3,15 s. Dukátovej jazda nevyšla, hoci "ťukla" iba raz, bola výrazne pomalšia a skončila sedemnásta s mankom 6,84 sekundy na Chourrautovú. "Je to také zvláštne, keďže som skončila jedenásta, ale zároveň som si vypádlovala miestenku do Tokia, takže je to pre mňa veľká emócia," povedala Mintálová na facebooku Slovenskej kanoistiky. Slovenky vybojovali miestenku na OH už pred dvoma rokmi na majstrovstvách sveta. V Ivrei sa rozhodovalo, ktorá pocestuje do Japonska. V hre zostali iba Dukátová a 22-ročná Mintálová, ktorú čaká premiéra pod piatimi kruhmi. Okrem nej má istotu účasti v Tokiu iba jej kolega z K1 mužov Jakub Grigar.
  9. Men's K1 Semifinal Results The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Athletes will qualify for the Final Rank Athletes Nation Result 1 Felix OSCHMAUTZ 80.88 2 Giovanni DE GENNARO 82.09 3 Martin DOUGOUD 82.66 4 Peter KAUZER 82.76 5 Joseph CLARKE 82.87 6 Mario LEITNER 82.95 7 Jiri PRSKAVEC 83.73 8 Vit PRINDIS 83.80 9 Vavrinec HRADILEK 84.26 10 Adam GONSENICA 84.56 11 Hannes AIGNER 84.81 12 Krzysztof MAJERCZAK 84.92 13 Antoine LAUNAY 85.38 14 Martin SRABOTNIK 85.65 15 Martin HALCIN 85.89 16 Joan CRESPO 85.93 17 Christopher BOWERS 86.34 18 David LLORENTE 86.49 19 Boris NEVEU 86.70 19 Jakob WEGER 86.70 21 Bradley FORBES-CRYANS 87.79 22 Mathieu BIAZIZZO 87.98 23 Christian DE DIONIGI 88.46 24 Noel HENDRICK 88.58 25 Pavel EIGEL 88.62 26 Sergei MAIMISTOV 88.63 27 Michal PASIUT 90.27 28 Nikita GUBENKO 93.10 29 Marcel POTOCNY 96.29 30 Gabriel DE COSTER 97.58 31 Igor TSVIET 100.28 32 Erik HOLMER 102.39 33 Fredrik WAHLEN 124.39 34 Jakub GRIGAR 132.67 35 Stefan HENGST 132.82 36 Gelindo CHIARELLO 145.74 37 Alistair MCCREERY 153.99 38 Niko TESTEN 212.93 39 Tim MAXEINER 241.59 40 Isak OHRSTROM 250.24
  10. Protest failed. I am still not entirely sure this was a 50 for Grigar, but ok. let it be, was not the most important race and Grigar delivered here great runs and look being in good form, very promising for Tokyo.
  11. I always repeat it during every competition. There no sport with bigger importance of home (water) advantage than canoe slalom.
  12. C1 is tomorrow. but seeing our luck here today, I guarantee you we will not win it
  13. Not sure this was a 50 for Grigar. Expecting protest of our team
  14. for what ? that we missed the final ? or that our most experienced athlete lost the internal battle to inexperienced young girl ?
  15. Pending official results (have to wait the mandatory 15 minutes of reviews after the race) the K1 M quota has just been won by Krzysztof Majerczak for but lets wait the official results
  16. No final for in W K1. Eliška Mintálová finished 11th some 8 hundreds behind last 10th finalist Zwolinska of but it is enough for her to celebrate her Olympic debut. W K1 Quota for Eliška Mintálová Double Olympian Jana Dukátová 5th in Lodon 2012 and 4th in Rio 2016 failed to win our internal quota and will be registered now only as alternate for Tokyo. In other hand Naomi Braendle confirmed her great form and quota here. Semifinals Results here
  17. Women's K1 Semifinal Results The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Athletes will qualify for the Final Rank Athletes Nation Result 1 Maialen CHOURRAUT 96.43 2 Naemi BRAENDLE 96.64 3 Kimberley WOODS 97.50 4 Eva TERCELJ 97.96 5 Ricarda FUNK 98.30 6 Elena APEL 98.39 7 Corinna KUHNLE 98.42 8 Camille PRIGENT 98.91 9 Lena TEUNISSEN 99.36 10 Klaudia ZWOLINSKA 99.50 11 Eliska MINTALOVA 99.58 12 Ajda NOVAK 99.81 13 Ursa KRAGELJ 100.12 14 Marie-Zelia LAFONT 100.17 15 Antonie GALUSKOVA 100.82 16 Viktoriia US 101.25 17 Jana DUKATOVA 103.27 18 Viktoria WOLFFHARDT 103.33 19 Kseniia KRYLOVA 104.25 20 Romane PRIGENT 106.20 21 Natalia PACIERPNIK 114.01 22 Laura PELLICER CHICA 129.92 23 Stefanie HORN 143.74 24 Martina WEGMAN 150.65 25 Fiona PENNIE 151.10 26 Veronika VOJTOVA 153.08 27 Cindy POESCHEL 156.18 28 Katerina MINARIK KUDEJOVA 171.27 29 Alsu MINAZOVA 253.50 30 Laia SORRIBES 351.83
  18. Road to Riga Exhibition Games May 7th, 2021 (13 Days to Go)- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Germany 1 - 4 Belarus (0-2, 1-0, 0-2) Switzerland cancelled (Division I A) France (-, -, -) Czech Republic 2 - 1 Slovakia (0-0, 1-1, 1-0)
  19. Troubles in Switzerland. They had to cancel the exhibition matches between Switzerland and France (both in Fribourg) scheduled for Today and Tomorrow. The reason is a positive test for coronavirus in the team. As the Swiss Ice Hockey Association reported on its website, the French national team played against Italy last weekend. Two days after the match, the teams learned of two positive cases that occurred in the Italian team. As consequence last Tuesday's exhibition game between Switzerland and Italy had to be canceled, as well as Friday's match between the Helvetians and France due to the incubation period. However, subsequent PCR tests revealed one coronavirus case in the French team. Therefore, the organizers in Fribourg canceled not only todays match, but also the second Saturday's match. The Swiss prematurely even ended the preparatory camp in Cham. All players and members of the team now will have to pass another round of PCR tests. Coach Patrick Fischer's team will then meet next Tuesday, May 11, and will fly to Latvia two days later. The final two exhibition games against the world Champs host Latvia will take place in Riga on 14 and 15 May.
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