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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Great results for Jordan. Another win for the Olympic medal
  2. What shame.. Referee starts to help Serbia.
  3. Congrats Finally the host country starts to win
  4. Altra giornata sotto tono per gli sport individuali... Meno ale che ci sono gli sport di squadra! In tanto tra circa 3 anni ci saranno le Universiadi di Napoli 2019
  5. What shame, again a military salute at Olympics
  6. It's a great moment for your history! Congrats, i hope that it's only the starts and I hope that the sport will help your country in the economical and social growht. Good luck
  7. Finally a medal for India and for Tunisia Great day for Japan
  8. Amazing race whit a lot of attendance in all the circuit
  9. Bye bye Poland It's the better results for our. I can't wait for Brazil-Argentina
  10. Our women's team in semifinals Boys, now it's your turn
  11. What disaster for Iran. Finally the most amazing sport starts. It's sad that we'll havent any athletes. We have great talent like Roberto Botta and, in the next 4-5 years, maybe Chiara d'Arco.
  12. Brazil in final, congrats. Thanks for this amazing show and congrats to the Dutch athletes too
  13. Again It's the 2nd mistake for the K.O.T
  14. I was very very optimist. I think that no anyone in Italy expected this results but my prediction is exact
  15. Very nice set. For me the winner of this match will win the gold medal.
  16. I don't know nothing about this sport but Serbia is on fire!
  17. And after the RS:X we'll lose another medal..
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