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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I’m not super worried yet, there’s still a few months for things to play out, but I’m concerned about losing too much should the games be cancelled. Cancellation would really harm the Japanese economy I’d imagine.
  2. @heywoodu @Agger @Jinzha @justony we should form a “Totallympics” team and do this: (explanation below) I’ve wanted to do it for ever, but I’ve never been prepared. I think I could do it this year (the mobile phone app version), and I’d love to do it as a team. Essentially, what happens is: Everybody in the world starts the race at the same time (no matter where they are). Their is a “chase” car that chases the runners at a pre-set pace. The goal is to go as far as you can before the “catcher” car catches you. At the “flagship” runs a bunch of people (thousands) come together and are chased by a physical car. Everybody else uses the app (which is what I’d be down to do with y’all). There are two options for the “app run”. First, you can go to a smaller version of a “flagship” run where there’s no chase car, but there’s still a tone of people, and you get a bib and what not. The second option is you download the app, and you run (wherever you want with service/data) until the app tells you the car has caught you. I’d love to form team and see how we can do. I’m not sure about price, but from my understanding the app run should be free, or quiet cheap (though this is a fundraiser for spinal injury research, so it’d honestly be rude not to pay a little).
  3. Alrighty, 4 consecutive days of running in the bag. Managed to get my 2 mile (3.22km ish) time under 18:00. My PR at that distance is 14:30, so still quite a way to go before I’m in that kind of shape, but at least I’m doing pretty well for my first week running.
  4. @JoshMartini007 does positioning here matter for the final world qualifier? (For those who don’t qualify)
  5. Has anyone noticed how empty the arena has been? I mean there’s been a few hundred awesome very vocal supporters, but not much more than that. I’m not complaining, it just seems like they should have chosen a smaller venue. Hopefully the venue is much more full in 2022...
  6. Olympic Museum is pretty cool. They do a lot of interactive exhibits where kids can learn/play the Olympic sports. It’s located in a park along the shore of the lake there in Lausanne. They have concerts, the Olympics torch relays often stop by, the have running events, etc. They have a bunch of displays inside: all the torches, a bunch of photos, Olympic posters/programs, old results, uniforms, they show Olympic Channel programs, etc. I’d actually really love to visit, but it’s just so expensive to travel to Switzerland (and even more so Lausanne).
  7. Well there’s a huge climbing community in Los Angeles, and it’s a first time sport. There’s also the upcoming LA games, so there will definitely be some heightened interest. At the moment, I believe I’ll be fine, but if cases start springing up in US... I’d rather stay home and play if safe, especially since my sister has a weak immune system (kidney issues).
  8. Track Cycling and Biathlon are “must see” sports in person. I loved going to the velodrome when the World Cup cake to LA a few years ago.
  9. Losing China was just as bad because they host everything. I agree sports are about to be hit hard though. I’m hoping I still feel safe to attend the Pan Am Climbing Qualifier when it comes around this weekend.
  10. I saw Dick Pound trending in the US, so I knew instantly that the news was bad:
  11. Austria and Switzerland have both confirmed cases now. Bahrain confirmed 9 today.
  12. 6 months until the 2020 Summer Paralympic Games!!!
  13. I’ll be at the Pan Am Climbing Champs all weekend, and I still have a paper to write for university (on top of a few exams). I’ll try to have it done this week, but there’s a small chance I’ll need until next week to do it. Hopefully, I can get it done today/tomorrow
  14. Tenerife got its first case as well today.
  15. Yes, I was already preparing to make one for here by sheer coincidence
  16. What are the non-core sports proposed? Anything fun/unusual?
  17. With this drama around the Commonwealth Games, I thought I’d ask the following question. Does anyone actually care about the medal table? I have never once in my life cared where the US anyone else finished on the medal table. I only care about how many countries won gold, and how many countries won medals. The medal table is nice for me because I can see both of those data points easily, and I can see how medals an individual country won. I’m not really concerned with the actual placing, and I think countries that put an emphasis on their placing have a poor strategy for success.
  18. Something about this song (sung by any singer) brings me back to it in times of need. I don’t know Macedonian/Bulgarian, and don’t have any connection to that area. However, this song has continually got me through life’s troubles, and I find myself listening to it again tonight. The lyrics are very curious. On one hand it’s sad reflection on death, on the other hand it feels like the beginning of life. I didn’t want to post this in the music thread becuase it means more to me personally than any of the songs in there ever will. I thought I’d share though, since it’s been so good to me.
  19. Woah, this was a nice surprise to come across.
  20. Sanders in hot water from the Democrats for three reasons this week: 1. He tweeted out that the Republican, not Democratic establishment can stop his election (which actually played very well no matter how the media/parties tried to spin that one) 2. He said that their are part’s of Castro’s Cuba worth praising (of which I agree), and he denounced Castro in that same speech. Interestingly conservatives haven’t attacked him much on this one, but moderates have been pounding him on it. This is interesting because moderates have long maintained that Bernie isn’t a socialist, but now that their down badly in the polls... 3. Sanders came out in support of a progressive democratic candidate running against Pelosi in the primary (which also seems to be playing much better than the party wants it too) As near we near the one week out mark from Super Tuesday, the gloves are coming off. A party divided against itself cannot stand...
  21. So, in looking at this from a communications standpoint, this argument would conserved through, or even highly through. Here’s how I, as a communications student and as a communicator, come to that conclusion. Oliver cites multiple sources, embraces both the pro’s and con’s, uses primary and secondary sources, uses appropriate language for the subject matter, and formats/speaks about the material in a manner this his target audience understands. He has a clean argument, and line of logic. His argument is well explained and supported, and it’s clear that it’s connecting with his audience. Now, obviously there are people who disagree with his argument, or otherwise have issues with it, but in terms of being a well explained, thoughtful, and communicated speech he would score highly. I will add that while his argument may not cover everything about Modi (and I’m certain it doesn’t), it gives a good base of knowledge about the “issue/subject” (in this case Modi). People who watch the speech now know where to direct their line of questioning, and they can begin to formulate their opinion on the matter.
  22. I don’t think Slumdog Millionaire is a creditable source at all, but it does reflect themes of India that we see through primary sources. Also, the guy in the green shirt in that interview is my hero. I could never be for someone who supports one religious group over another. Well, I guess there’s a difference/line in that case depending on the circumstances. Modi doesn’t meet the qualifications for me there I guess. I think you’d also be surprised with how through John Oliver can be...
  23. This primary has turned incredibly nasty in the course of three days. I don’t see a single democrat getting more than 40% in the election is this is how we’re going to behave. I’ll straight refuse to vote for a non-Bernie Democrat at this point.
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