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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Yeah, that’s another big stereotype here. I’ve found it to be largely true actually.
  2. 3 more deaths from coronavirus in Washington. It’s sounds like it’s ripping through a nursing home
  3. Soap is much, much more effective. The CDC essentially said “fuck hand sanitizer, get yo ass some soap.”
  4. Everyone in the US saw the Netherlands as the land of weed until Canada became the promised land last year.
  5. The only French stereotype I know is that we refer to French people as “frogs”. I’m not quite sure why though?
  6. In these times, it’s important to remember what brings us together. This is a true moment of solidarity heard around the country:
  7. Because the party is scared shitless that Bernie will win. If we’re going to have another white dude, at least let it be a progressive one
  8. I really enjoyed my self this weekend. This competition was so awesome, and I’m so glad I was given the opportunity to report on it in person. I learned so much as a journalist, and witnessed much as a fan of the sport. I made some great connections, and thank you all for helping me get here.
  9. Full report:
  10. 15 year old (maybe 16) Colin Duffy is going to Tokyo! Major upset.
  11. The same is mostly true in the US.
  12. Just about to start, tweet at me if you need any questions answered.
  13. Memorabilia is rather expensive, so passing on that. I’ve seen some pins, so maybe I’ll try my luck at that. I do plan ask to take one of their posters at the end of the competition. I already got athlete interviews, so I’m a happy man.
  14. Alrighty, we’re about an hour out from day two. I’ll be “live tweeting” again, and you can expect another comprehensive review. I’m just hanging in the press room writing a few articles, but I think it might be time to go and explore the venue and outdoor festival a bit.
  15. Actually that’s not true because some people are voting for him with the sole intention of creating the perfect conditions for a era of progressive politics.
  16. I seriously don’t understand why you think that. Jews are one of the most far-left voting blocks in the US.
  17. Yep, you’ve stumbled on to the greatest issue or the Democratic Party. This is a fight for the heart of the left in the United States, and it’s a brutal one. It’s clear that that young voters are not happy with the right, with the status quo, or with more moderates. Most people I know, who are on the left, my age support Bernie or Warren. Most of their parents support Biden, Buttigieg, or Bloomberg. As I’ve continuesly maintained, Jewish votes in the US tend to swing hard left, and Bernie would have their support. Indian-Americans are generally conservative, or at least seen as conservative, yes. Though again, younger Indian-Americans have actually started to become a little more left. Young Muslims are almost all on the left too. The biggest opposition group to the left in the US, besides your average conservatives, are the Protestants (aka Evangelicals). They swing hard, hard right and generally go against everything the Bible says and stands for when casting their votes. Statistics and actual voting have shown that Sanders attracts the Independents. Where he loses a shiton of support is amongst Moderates, hence why I say this is a battle for the heart of the party more than for the office of President at this point. If we lose this election I’ll blame the Moderates once again instead of the Conservatives.
  18. No, it has to do with whom people say they’d be willing to vote for as a second choice, and who has support that crosses the various ideological groups in the party. Even I would be willing to support Warren.
  19. A clip of him lifting in Rio went viral if a remember. The dude was a tank, and was someone you always anticipated seeing something amazing from. I follow Paralympics sports enough to be aware of him, so it’s really sad day for the Paralympic community.
  20. They’re sports where white dudes try to avoid killing themselves in awesome ways
  21. Could have been worse. Pétanque was close to being added too. Going to their website is like visiting a black hole. I’m almost positive it’s where information goes to die.
  22. It’s one of the fifty US states. I’m pretty sure like 5 people live there. It’s literally the most useless and forgotten state. It’s the East Coast. One of the thirteen original colonies that broke away Great Britain (before becoming best friends with them 150 years later ). It was formed following a religious dispute.
  23. Rhode Island with the their first case.
  24. Yeah, I trust neither North Korean, Taiwan, or Chinese media here. Unlike many, I don’t think the Chinese are trying to engage in a massive conspiracy with this thing, but I am sad they tried to cover it up a first.
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