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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I mean they were willing accessories to the crime, so people do have a point.
  2. The police are incapable of learning...
  3. It’s good to hear that you got the multi-sports experience at least. I haven’t quite decided between volunteer or media yet for the 2022 World Games. I don’t think any of those processes will open until next summer at the earliest, so I’ll wait and see where I am then. USOPC isn’t supporting the event from my understanding. They just don’t wish to be involved. Birmingham win the bid because cities bid for the World Games, not the NOC. The process is open to any city/collection of cities. I think the U.S. will get a better kit this time. Yeah, I’m not sure how that works. They supported the ANOC Beach Games because they are a member of ANOC.
  4. I will say that experts also predicted mass social movements. Damn, they called their shot there.
  5. I actually think that police attacks on journalists have increased public anger directed at police and the national government.
  6. COVID’s out the window, the U.S. is about be hit with a trifecta. Possible rapid spread of a semi-deadly virus, major economic depression, and years of anger playing out on the national stage in the form of protests and riots. I always said this year was going to be a fun one in the U.S., but I had never imagined this in my wildest dreams. Europe needs to be careful that they don’t get swept into this mess either.
  7. They’ve had more issues with the police and National Guard then they’ve had with the protestors.
  8. NOT ONE MENTION OF REFORM! Not one mention of how poor police culture lead us to these protests. Not one comment about police who have been misbehaving this week. Not one mention of how he’ll protect Americans who are protesting peacefully. Not one mention about bringing Americans together to create constructive change and true peace. He did mention: Making sure American’s rights to their second amendment are protected. Using the military against states who disagree with him. Some dumb shit about magically making law and order happen right then. We’ve 44 President’s and now 1 Racist, Sexist, Facist Dictator.
  9. Trump just threatened Civil War on national television. We are one civilian being shot away from Civil War and violent insurgency. He is threatening to turn the military on the American people.
  10. Interesting, neither of those dates are ideal. We might be witnessing the beginning of the end of the end of the CAC Games, which is a crying shame. I believe these are the oldest multi-sports after the Olympics in the world. The first edition was in 1926. They beat the British Empire Games by 4 years. That’s 25 years before the Mediterranean Games, Pan American Games, and Asian Games (which all began in 1951). There’s an even further gap to the Pacific Games (which started in 1963), and African Games (which started in 1965). It would be a huge loss to lose such a historic event no matter how you feel about it. I can see how Panama 2022 organizers are in a rough place though. There’s something like 25 (yes, you reas that right) multi-sports games scheduled for 2022 now; not to mention all the rescheduled world championships and the late World Cup.
  11. Things that have been suggested, and some things I would suggest: - Conflict de-escalation training - Sensitivity training/local culture training - more community outreach programs (programs that have police and communities come together for constructive purposes) - Demilitarization of police - Get rid of enforcement quotas (many departments force their officers to make a certain number of arrests, busts, stops a month) - mental wellness evaluations (help officers cope with what they experience, and help them solve their own problems in constructive manners) - neighborhood watch/community council programs Of course none of this would ever happen the United States is where science, research, and intelligence goes to die.
  12. People who are in favor of the protests and want reform to get a sense of heightened moral from this, and it does show the government that this could affect ties with countries we’re close in the future should we need to call on our allies at some point. Some there’s no immediate tangible effect, but there is a spiritual/mental affect which could help in the long run.
  13. Who declared the State of Emergency? Township, City, County, Special District, State Government, or Federal Government. In this case, which ever the highest entity that calls it is “in charge” I believe...Again, this is something most people don’t study, and I’m not sure it’s all that well defined in some cases.
  14. It’s complicated. I’m not quite sure I fully understand how it works to be honest. It’s not well defined in the Constitution. Police fall under the individual States. However, police departments are special federal districts, which means they special rules like school districts, health districts, etc. John Oliver did a good piece explaining special districts of you want to learn more. National Guard is a federal entity, but each state has their own. I have no clue how that system works if I’m being honest. I do know that these aren’t “combat soldiers” (though they can be ordered into combat (my dad almost was almost deployed into Desert Storm)). They act like normal civilians except they attend training/service sessions either once a week or once a month (can’t remember which). They also have to be ready for a call to action. Their my duty is protecting the homefront (I.e. domestic guard). Police do not have to take a back seat. In most cases the police and National Guard will work together on whatever issue. I’m not sure who has “final say” though. Powers granted to the federal government must be respected in all parts of the U.S. However, any power not directly given to the federal government is fair game for the State’s under the 10th Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. The focus of our government is “power sharing and power balancing.” There’s no one entity that really ever has a “final say” under law. Congress can pass a law, but the President can veto it, but then they could override then veto with enough votes, but then the Supreme Court could strike the law down, but then the law could be rewritten to comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling etc.
  15. I always did love Amsterdam I agree though that protesting domestic issues in the U.S. isn’t really worth throwing away Covid-19 measures. At least when people chose a street to march down, people can stay relatively distanced, but once you pack a square, all bets are off. Hopefully, everyone was wearing a mask and following hygienic measures so that the spread was limited (if happening at this particular gathering).
  16. They don’t control anything if you don’t give them the time of day People just need to learn to think about information critically, and to fact-check anything they read.
  17. Says me. I’ve lived in this country for my entire life. I’ve seen our police do horrific shit constantly. I don’t trust the officers in my own community to act as they should. I’ve see and heard officers use racial slurs constantly in conversations, and I see some of the gross shit they share on social media. I’ve seen how they’ve treated my black and brown friends. I never seen one attempt conflict resolution. I’ve never seen one attempt anything outside of brute force to solve a situation. Also, it’s always convenient to blame the media isn’t. I get that broadcast journalism is biased and only it for the money (this is something I believe personally). However, they’re are many reputable, honest, and necessary media organizations in existence.
  18. Not really sure about your second source either @heywoodu...I mean she posts some crazy shit.
  19. The treatment of blacks by U.S. officers is often compared to the treatment of Palestinians by Israelis actually.
  20. So you’re in to Info Wars huh? According to a ProPublica (watchdog publication), who lives on a block near that homeless man (knows him by name), InfoWars and affiliates came in and set this whole scenario up. I’m not saying bad shit isn’t happening, we just live in an age where elaborate camera set ups, deep fakes, and misinformation are rampant. My general rule for determining what has happened, is that I need one primary source, and one reputable journalistic source backing it up.
  21. There’s not much else to talk about at the moment, so I don’t think anyone cares. I debating about asking more questions. We usually do a little weekly podcast for Totallympics Media, but we’ve been off lately because of Covid-19. Maybe an interview about your experiences at the World Games would be a good way to bring it back this summer if you’re interested. If you’re down for that, we talk more in Twitter DMs about the details. Yeah, I’ve noticed we look more like the Hobo Olympic Team than the U.S. National Team when it comes to the World Games. In fairness, at least we had an actual flag bearer (which is more than some other countries could say). It’s unfortunate the U.S. didn’t give you guys the “Olympic experience” though. Our sport climbers were barred from the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics because the (then) USOC refused to send athletes in “non-Olympic sports” (which was a lame excuse, since sport climbing is on the program in 2020 (and probably here to stay for a while)). I heard that the games were really popular in Central European, but it’s nice to hear confirmation of that. I’m not super hopeful Birmingham 2022 (World Games, not Commonwealth Games) will catch the attention of the public. I will say the LOC is doing their best. They’ve had a great outreach program at local schools to get kids interested, and they’ve toured Alabama to drum up so interest in the local communities. I would imagine they’ll strike some type of broadcast deal with FOX, NBC, or ESPN (though ISB will be the host broadcaster again thankfully (which means the world feed will good as long as you have a vpn)), but I would imagine that the games won’t get a ton of air-time (though I’d love to surprised). The World Games did start right here in the Golden State in 1987, so maybe there’s still some lingering interest (though I doubt it). Maybe the tournament would have been better (for the Polish) without the Americans in hindsight The French, Russians, Italians, Germans, Chinese always get kitted-out no matter what games it is. That’s a great story. When my dad graduated from U of Montana, he didn’t try out for any teams. He did pretty much go right into coaching American Football, Athletics, and Wrestling though. He coached quite a few high school state champions in Athletics and Wrestling in Oregon. American Football was always his favorite child though. He got invited to coach in Finland, and was ready to go, but that fell through at the last minute. It’s a good thing too, since he met my mother right after that
  22. A translation website that can’t pick up on certain parts of the language is my guess...
  23. Seattle’s 12th man comes to mind when talking about teams who would suffer without spectators. Though, Football teams in Germany seem to be getting along just fine without fans. BVB even recreated some of the normal atmosphere with artificial noise. Of course it’s not the same, but at it gets the player’s head in the game, and reminds them about the loyal support they have. Just a sidenote: Let’s all be thankful for how far technology has come. Even just 2/3 decades ago, this would have been an impossible situation for many leagues since they are wouldn’t be able to land TV deals. Now I can legitimately broadcast sports events right from my phone (I’m not joking their are apps that let you use phone(s) as cameras, and a tablet as broadcast control (It’s pretty damn cool) (family table tennis tournaments have never been so exciting)).
  24. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of those around here at the moment
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