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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Really dude, I came for the wholesome pictures, not a practical joke
  2. No, setting up an embassy in Jerusalem only proves that you are loyal to a certain unpopular Israeli Prime Minister. Plus, he definitely only did it as a vanity project so that his name would be praised. Well he’s both a fascist and a white supremacist, so make of that what you will.
  3. Like I said, an election between spoiled milk and arsenic. Both are bad options. I argued strongly against both. Unfortunately, we have to chose one now. I won’t be choosing a NAZI, so it is, what it is.
  4. There’s not a name better though. Easily my favorite name to say.
  5. Well yeah. Someone’s gotta make sure grandpa doesn’t accidentally say something insensitive. He’s not a bad guy, he’s just a little of touch. Difficulty reading could be connected to his stutter. His mental shortcomings are probably part age, and part health issue.
  6. Capitalizing on the opportunity presented by Covid. It also gives them a long time to develop a solid brand. Plus, like I said, this presents a lot of merchandising opportunities.
  7. So this is how Tokyo plans to finance the rescheduled Olympic Games huh?
  8. Consensus on the logo(s) seems to be that most people like the concept, but feel like the execution is lacking. I feel that way too. They’ve got eight years, so maybe they’ll have some time to make some popular changes. I will say from a communications point-of-view, this is ingenious. It really makes the Games feel focused on the athletes and local community. It plays to many of the values Angelenos pride themselves on. It’s also a great marketing strategy. Merchandising should be really strong since people will have some different logos to chose from, or even try to collect. Plus, they have eight years to add more styles, make alterations, etc.
  9. Huge win for progressives! Moderates may have stolen the Presidential candidacy from us, but we’re stealing the House from them.
  10. Intermediate sprint and climbing points were pretty interesting too.
  11. It’s not a GIF, per say, but yeah, pretty much. Each different A was designed by local athletes, celebrities, and artists. The logo is always changing, and represents the awesome diversity and culture of LA. If you go to the LA28 YouTube Channel, you can see a lot of the stories behind the different A’s
  12. Man, great stage 4. I just managed to watch some highlights, but that was awesome. This is shaping up to be a great tour.
  13. Statement from the website: “Los Angeles is more than a city. It's a mindset. A movement. Millions of people speaking hundreds of languages coming together under two iconic letters. LA is an infinite canvas to pursue your wildest dreams.” Damn true.
  14. I’m so proud right now. I really do have high hopes for LA2028 now.
  15. I love the concept. I love that athletes and locals were involved in creating the logo. I probably would have preferred a singular logo, but this is a really cool and innovative idea.
  16. Here’s all of the unique A’s that are used in the “ever-changing” logo (and who they are designed by):
  17. LA2028 has announced their logo(s) (emphasis on plural)! The logo will be ever-changing to reflect the diversity of LA. Olympians, Paralympians, Celebrities (such as Billie Ellish and Reece Witherspoon), and local artists have made contributions to the logo. ITG Reporting: More info:
  18. Either way, the election is really a lot closer than it should be. This just shows what a massive failure the Democratic Party is at the moment.
  19. Yep, this is absolutely true. Easily one of the biggest reasons I have refused to endorse or join the Democratic Party. Also, the party is much more divided than the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is split between Moderates, Liberal Elites, Liberal Working Class, Democratic-Socialists, and other Far-Left groups. The Republican Party is Conservatives and Far-Right Conservatives, and they generally tend to be a united front against anything progressive, liberal, or against Christian religion. The Democratic Party isn’t so much a party, as much as, a lose collection of everyone not Republican. It has a serious identity crisis they we continue to see play out as moderates and progressives battle tooth and nail against each other in hotly contested primaries and party elections. This is also true. Californians (speaking as one) and New Yorkers very much view themselves as better than most of the other states. In fact, we have a biter rivalry with New York for this reason. This does lie at odds with our core social beliefs, and it’s an interesting phenomenon. The GOP isn’t giving people shit, but they are great a showing what the Democrats aren’t giving people. Plus, like I said above, they stand as a strong, united front, and voters like that.
  20. LA2028 released a sick new trailer. The LA2028 LOC also released the following statement today. I love the sentiments in the statement. LA is totally both a place and mindset. I think we have a little ways to go before making the rest of the statement true though.
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