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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. When referring to the “President of the United States,” even if you’re just using “President,” grammar rules say it has to be capitalized. Even if I don’t endorse him as President, I do endorse good grammar (even if I often don’t display it on here).
  2. Comedy writers couldn’t make this shit up. “...your Favorite President, me...” This is clinical level narcissism. Also, if you have to actually say “your favorite President, me” (I even fixed the grammar for him), then you probably aren’t people’s favorite President. Just saying.
  3. Not quite. Heywoodu can’t really belong to himself unless he was born asexually, which seems highly unlikely given my knowledge of human anatomy. From what I understand, we could have Bruna Heywooduová though
  4. Yes, because I too go to “” for all the most accurate news. Their motto I think I actually lost a couple brain cells visiting that website. I’m a little insulted that people consider that journalism. It’s entertainment at best, conspiracy reporting at worst.
  5. Routes for 2020 World Championships:
  6. I did find out that Powless’ mother was a Olympian in 1992 today. She ran for Guam in the marathon. So there’s your fun fact of the day courtesy of the peeps over at Olympedia.
  7. Yep, the season is off to a fanatic start as Chiefs fans boo during the moment of silence for racial equality.
  8. I know the NFL season starts tonight because “National Anthem” is treading on Twitter We already had one team refuse to take the field for the anthem (though they will absolutely play the match), and a player on the other team take a knee for the anthem. It’s going to be a fun season
  9. I know a little about this controversy because it started in the US last week. From what I’ve read, “Cuties” is a French film that explores a young girl (tween, early teen) finding herself and connecting to a different culture through hip hop. According to the Director, the film is an attack on the hyper-sexualization of young girls. It did very well at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival from what I understand. Netflix has marketed it poorly (understatement), and has been excused of trying to sexualize the young girls. This article does a really good job of summarizing and explaining the controversy around the film:
  10. Some fun footage from the early days of BMX
  11. I don’t see anything wrong the disciplinary decisions made today. I agree with what @heywoodu said.
  12. I had a short, but informative, conversation with the pilot of the Israeli Bobsleigh Team today. He’s also the skeleton athlete that represented them at the 2018 Winter Olympics. He shared an article to Reddit about the Israeli team’s goals for the next couple of years. They’re aiming for 4-man qualification at Beijing 2022, and then for a medal in 2026. Apparently the federation has found a strong sponsor that is willing to support them. It sounds like he (and others) are trying to organize Israel into a legitimate and competitive sliding program. He also gave me a little bit of backstory on himself. He learned to slide through YouTube. I feel like I learn about more and more athletes who learned their sports through YouTube. Definitely one of the positive sides of social media and technology is that sports of have become more accessible for athletes around the world. He also told me a little about the 4-man team. The team has quite a unique ethnic, religious, and sexuality makeup. The pilot (AJ) is a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and is member of the Jewish faith. His crew are all Druze Arabs. I just thought that was interesting enough to share on here.
  13. Right, but Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Apple, and HBO have all released movies directly to their platforms for free* *besides the streaming platform monthly/yearly fee
  14. Now I definitely have to watch all the highlights and interviews
  15. $30 + streaming platform fee seems a little excessive to me. Plus, if Netflix, Hulu, Amazon release a film it’s generally free (besides the streaming platform fees, which aren’t bad).
  16. I know people will be upset about this, but our public health situation isn’t suitable to celebrating a holiday like this. I’ll just have to buy a big bag of candy for myself this year (at least now I can justify that purchase ).
  17. Thankfully, My family and I have been largely unaffected, but the devastation to my beautiful states (and our equally beautiful neighbors) is unimaginable.
  18. @hckosice What’s the tradition with those stones? I can see her placing one on the memorial, and it’s obvious others were placed there.
  19. Is the India National Thread the first thread on Totallympics to be more than 1,000 pages?
  20. So in the span of 11 stages, we’ve gone from “the green jersey is rigged in favor of Sagan,” to “the green jersey is rigged against Sagan.” I’ll have to watch the highlights later today to see what happened.
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