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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. If Wikipedia is to be trusted, it would appear that Tokyo 2020 will set a new record for the number of countries competing in the sport of Canoeing at the Olympic Games. The previous record would be 57 from Beijing 2008, and the new record would be 58 in Tokyo Belgium earning that reallocation didn’t change the total in anyway since Cook Islands and Belgium already had other athletes qualified.
  2. Users are given the opportunity to throw a sport off the Olympic program, and y’all aren’t choosing Boxing or Weightlifting This was the easiest poll yet. I went straight to weightlifting and pressed submit vote I love weightlifting, but there’s just too many problems at the moment.
  4. @heywoodu maybe you’d appreciate the acoustic version more
  5. If it’s the same terminology the X Games use, it’s a para-sport category.
  6. I’m shocked by being eliminated, and even more shocked by qualifying
  7. I feel really bad for . I like both songs, but I just don’t like the live performances as much.
  8. Nice to see BMX Flatland getting some attention. Enjoyable interval act. These duets between contemporary dancers and BMX Flatland riders are becoming more popular. I’ve seen this concept in a few different performances now.
  9. Based off tonight’s performances, here’s the 10 countries I’d like to see move on to the grand final:
  10. I like Samanta’s song a lot, but I’m not the biggest fan of this performance.
  11. Personally hoping that advance on the grand final. Here we go!
  12. FINA says the qualification system was updated on May 5, 2021. Link:
  13. Yes, he seems to be in good form. I don’t want to jinx anything for him, so I’ll just leave it at that.
  14. Yeah, mountain biking used to award tripartite quota places, but no longer does under the current qualification system.
  15. From what I understand, the majority of Europeans don’t want the US in Eurovision. However, the American Song Contest is supposed to take place next year (50 states + DC + territories), so that might be interesting.
  16. Well, are among my top 5 favorite songs for this edition, so I’d like to see them all move on.
  17. Hands down the best performance of the night from Malta
  18. Audible boos for Israel before the start of the performance.
  19. Sports Climbing makes it’s Eurovision debut (I think)
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