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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I would suggest adding Diving given the current issues there. I’m curious to know why Sports Climbing was included. I don’t see any major flaws with the qualification system.
  2. I went with Rugby Sevens because it’s a pretty solid qualification system. 4 from the world tour, continental champions, and a final world qualifier. Also worth noting, in my opinion, field hockey and handball. Most team sports qualification systems left a lot to be desired this cycle though.
  3. With this rule change, have all met the world championship criteria for a women’s basic quota.
  4. Yep, substantial changes to the qualification system. Link: Requirements for the women’s basic quota have been changed as well: “The basic quota for one (1) female athlete will be assigned to all NOCs who have at least one (1) female athlete scoring less than 330 FIS points (including penalty) at one (1) individual competition held at the FIS Nordic World Championships 2021 (including the qualification race) or at the FIS Under-23 World Championships 2021.”
  5. Wonder how St. Lucia got away with getting tripartite quotas in both one person dingy events?
  6. The EOC seems to be confirming each sports’ place in the program independently.
  7. Padel has been added the 2023 European Games:
  8. They don’t climb the same Boulder. There are 3 sections of two Boulders each. Each time around a team nominates one man to climb a Boulder and one women to climb the other Boulder. I do believe their allowed to give each other beta and other support though. The other major difference is that they only see the Boulder when they go to climb it, not during the observation period before. They also have 5 minutes, instead of 4 minutes, to top the Boulder. The climbing press I follow seemed to like the idea. It was getting good reviews from the climbing journalists there. I haven’t seen much about the athletes opinion though.
  9. Results from the inaugural Mixed Team Boulder competition:
  10. I’ve been doing some mock qualification/quota allocation systems. Rowing needs to lose 24 quotas. It’s easy to lose 8 by bringing the doubles/pairs events down to 12 entries from 13. That leaves 8 quotas per gender left that need to be removed. There’s no perfect remedy for removing those quotas from the current allocation. The options (as I see them) are: lose the 7th boat in eights, lose some quotas in single sculls, or lose a boat in the quadruple/fours. I think it’s going to be a tough decision for World Rowing, and it will definitely have an impact on the future of the sport.
  11. Well, 8 of the 10 songs I wanted to be top 10 are in the top 10. I can’t believe there were four countries with zeros...
  12. I’m pretty pleased with the jury vote.
  13. Based on the lyrics of Duncan’s new song...He’s ours now @heywoodu
  14. For me... 1. 2. 3. Honorable mentions to -
  15. I watching with my mom and our favorites so far are
  16. For me, these are the bottom five sports at the moment... Golf - The IGF/IOC has had trouble attracting the best players. That said, golf is globally popular. You can find golf courses all around the world. Venue can also host other sports (Athletics, Equestrian, or even Cross Country Skiing as demonstrated by Pyeongchang 2018). Sailing - World Sailing is struggling to stay afloat financially, and the sport presents a lot of broadcast challenges. That said, it’s a good sport for universality. Plus, sailing as both a sport and skill/trade has been around for a long time, so it’s a natural for inclusion on the Olympic program. Modern Pentathlon - It’s likely the least popular sport on the Olympic program due to poor coverage, confusing competition formats, and exclusivity in who can even participate/practice the sport. That said, it’s a historic sport. It’s the one sport created specifically for the Olympic Games, and so it makes a good novelty. Boxing - The sport has had well documented issues with governance and bout judging. That said, this another good sport for universality. It also is one of the most historic and commonly practiced sports. Weightlifting - Another sport that suffers from poor governance. It’s also experienced rampant doping. It’s another historic sport that’s also good for universality purposes. That’s my look/opinion at the sports I see towards the bottom of the program. However, I think the current Olympic program is right about where it needs to be. I’d only drop sports on the basis of governance issues, rampant doping, cost effectiveness, decline global popularity, etc.
  17. You raise great points. For me, the negatives outweigh the positives at the moment. However, I think if both sports manage to clean up their act in the future they would absolutely be welcome back on the Olympic program.
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