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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. FIS had an outdated Nations Cup ranking on their website since early March, which they said they'd update when all other disciplines finished their winter seasons (sort of weird, because...why? Why wait for snowboard slopestyle or something to finish before updating a cross-country ranking?) Now the whole thing has been removed today Come on, the season finished more than two weeks ago!
  2. Just to clarify: that doesn't mean there's usually only three or four songs I like, what I mean is that this is usually roughly the number of songs which I absolutely, 100% want to give points, no questions asked. The others that end up on my list generally are still songs I do like and find deserving of points, just a little less convincing.
  3. Eleven songs which I definitely want to give points is an incredibly high number though, normally it's maybe three or four
  4. The good news: I have selected songs I definitely want to give points The bad news: said selection consists of 11 songs
  5. The good news: it's been pulled 20 degrees straighter. The bad news: it's now at a bit of a dangerous angle.
  6. So she finally managed to leave the penalty lap?
  7. Excellent first race indeed by the way, especially that fight at the end is what makes the racing fan heart beat faster
  8. "What was he doing, changing his line!?!" Dear Mister Sir Vettel, Participants in most motorized and, in fact, non-motorized sports generally change the moving direction when a change of direction in the course - also called a curve or turn - is approaching. This is, in fact, normal behaviour, and is generally done to avoid things such as collisions with walls, which often have a negative end result. Kind regards, The world
  9. According to the Belgian commentator, Gent-Wevelgem is now a monument. Ugh
  10. We'll have a bit of a different finish than planned, because of a big fire close to the finish. Curious who knows the way best
  11. Oh, also no BORA again, just like in the E3 Friday. Still the quarantaine thing after Walls tested positive.
  12. Main result of this is no Stuyven and Pedersen.
  13. The final women's standings show the dominance of Kramer pretty well Too bad she had the issues halfway with the negative/positive/negative COVID tests and so missed two more rounds, otherwise she'd have been far ahead of the rest considering she won a majority of the events. Veluwe
  14. Can't wait for Gibraltar to deliver the Netherlands that cake next week The butcher and bakery in Gibraltar will be closed next week, they're on the midfield.
  15. We don't want things to be fair, now, do we?
  16. Brazilian 2014 and 2018 Olympic bobsledder Odirlei Pessoni died in a motorcycle accident today, aged 38.
  17. Ugh, the Dutch army had one seriously big battle since the Korea War and now, 14 years later, that's leading to court cases and this case a Dutch lawyer who has money in her eyes and so decided to find some people who want to blame the army for the death of their family members. The situation was very simple at that moment. Tragic, but simple, there were two options: 1. Retreat. The result: Afghan military compound plus surrounding villages being overrun by the approaching Taliban force (which included foreign fighters as well), with most likely everyone in there being slaughtered. Srebrenica 2.0, followed by major control of the entire area by the Taliban. 2. Hold their ground and fight. Local villagers were warned as much as possible to leave the area, because a large Taliban force was on it's way and there would absolutely be heavy fighting. They went for option two, fought their asses off for days and managed to push back the Taliban and kill quite some of their leaders. Unfortunately civilians were also killed, which is what makes the defending force be seen as 'monsters' nowadays (luckily not by everyone). It's a tragic thing.
  18. And now the toilet paper runs start for real, because this thing with Ever Given in the Suez Canal means materials are badly delayed and shortages can be expected
  19. If this means Sagan is really getting back in shape to also have a chance to do it against the top level guys in the next few weeks....Flanders and Roubaix could be epic
  20. Too late, but finally it got cancelled. Sandro Pertile isn't making good impressions as of yet as the race director..
  21. What the hell, completely missed Tande's fall Still in a (medically induced) coma?
  22. Right, even if the competition goes ahead, the German trainer will pull his athletes out because it's just not safe.
  23. Always this super smart scheduling of the Planica events right in the most windy times
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