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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I know Rita Ora and Imanbek took the main melody for Bang Bang from another song, but I just can't place my finger on me please I mean, it's not a doubt, I am 100% sure and I'm sure it's not a secret or something, but it's annoying that I can't find the name of the song where the melody comes from
  2. Quite surprising to see such a big difference between for example The Netherlands on one hand and Austria and Germany on the other hand. One wouldn't think it's that different
  3. I have no idea how sharing stuff with Spotify works (I only joined the Spotify bandwagon late last year ) but I've added all songs posted so far in a playlist for myself, no idea if you guys can see it too
  4. I even already started listening today, so far I'm positively surprised by the quality and that's after only 10 songs or so
  5. Always the case early in the season, those crashes It's sort of the cycling version of ring rust after a long winter.
  6. There is hope for Brazil to have an actual president next year...
  7. Kyle Larson dominated in Las Vegas and got his first win since the controversy, he's back
  8. Klaebo had nowhere to go because he tried to go into a gap which didn't exist. It's like saying a race car driver had nowhere to go when he could have simply not accelerated in a certain place. Not trying a pass is also a way to go if there's no space. Just like Bolshunov tried to attack Mäki in Lahti when there was just no space for it.
  9. It's getting a little insane how much things are getting completely out of hand in Brazil... I don't think right now there is any more worrying country than that. Brazil's current situation is about to become like Lombardy a year ago.
  10. Excellent mass start race. Too bad Klaebo pulled a Bolshunov on Bolshunov and both ended up being the losing side
  11. The English Eurosport commentators spoiling the results of the 50k classic during the biathlon broadcast...seriously, fuck these guys. What moronic commentator spoils 'fresh' results of other sports during their broadcast? They are already not great in itself in terms of, let's say, not exactly logical things they often spill out, but this takes the cake. Go to hell. /rant
  12. Ah yeah, noticed that too. Oddly the location of the finish itself looked (but maybe wasn't) the same, but the road towards it - specifically until around 300 meters - didn't
  13. And Gjerdalen's time was 10 minutes faster than the fastest time ever. The start location was different though, so it kind of makes me wonder if they'll count these course records and if the distance was the same That solo win for Gjerdalen
  14. Yep. Karlsson quite clearly had the speed to pass her, but yeah. Wrong choice.
  15. Paralympic snowboarding legend Bibian Mentel, who was one of the main people to get snowboarding on the Paralympic program and who has kicked cancer's ass 15 (!) times, has been told by doctors that this time they can't treat her anymore, and she should probably start saying her goodbyes She was about to qualify for Salt Lake in 2002 aged 27 and then got bone cancer, followed by years and years of new bouts of cancer and dominating the world of para-snowboarding in between.
  16. Absolutely, although Lithuania is still not the one deserving any blame for that (and at least I didn't read any posts here like anything was directed against them instead of against FIS). Anyhow, no Thailand, Australia and Armenia at the start tomorrow. Chances for Brazil keep on living.
  17. It's not hate towards Lithuania at all (at least that's not how it was meant from my side), it's more of an amazement at the incredible opportunity missed by other countries and Lithuania being the 'image' of that opportunity. With some luck, it might be the exact same thing for Brazil in the men's event.
  18. Parmakoski beating out Diggins for bronze in a sprint is just the absolute image of USA's and specifically Diggins' championships..
  19. There's Lithuania already and, with that, their two Olympic tickets.
  20. I wonder why countries like Korea or Australia didn't go for it. Just like Brazil they could easily have had four women competing here.
  21. Lithuania at the start, now all they need to do is just keep going until they get lapped and their second ticket is 99,9% certain.
  22. But these rules were known before the season, surely it shouldn't have been too hard to at the very least pick up the free points wherever possible?
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