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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. And then the stage went back up to possibly 180km, then riders were standing around in the rain on the roads waiting for the bus of their teams to turn around and pick them up for a 100km stage and now it seems to be 112km from godknowswhere to probably the original finish location. What an epic mess. Also Wilco Kelderman's luck: finally he has a big leader's jersey and his one glorious day to show it is washed away in a sea of rain and chaos
  2. Same here (this being a problem I mean), mostly at open sea. People here are fed up with these huge machines anyway, even more so since a while ago they built a complex with a good few of the huge ones, which could provide power for over 300.000 households! The number of households it provides with power?
  3. I am now rather curious why I was mentioned in a post that's now ready to be deleted.
  4. Positive test (no, not COVID-19 test, the classic one) for Matteo Spreafico. It came from samples on 15 and 16 October, the day before the time trial where he and his teammate blatantly broke the rules in front of the cameras and nothing was done against it
  5. Accomodations are being readied, most likely delegations will get to know their destinations tomorrow
  6. I'm especially meaning the 10km race walk.
  7. Wow, that is some bullshit. Oh well, it's only the Commonwealth Games anyway, I can't be too bothered (is what I'm telling myself).
  8. Alright, the voting window will close on Friday October 30th at the end of the day. Everything from there has moved up by one week, meaning the Grand Final will be held on Saturday November 14th.
  9. Editing the dates is the very next thing I am going to do as of this moment.
  10. APELDOORN - Personal issues have made for a bit of a delay to the Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020, but we've received word that the ball is rolling once more, so to speak. Our neutral party has received the votes of the Dutch host delegation. A word from our president: "We'd like to extend our sincere apologies for the delay, sometimes life throws you a curveball and you just have to focus on more important things for a bit. This week we started to feel like the situation was well enough to give all songs a good listen and a fair chance to compete for points, and boy, they did. Some songs were more to our liking than others, some songs got better after more listens. Interestingly, the top-2 stood tall after the first round of listening and remained high above the rest, it was only a matter of careful consideration to choose the twelve and eleven points. Anyhow, we're happy to announce the Dutch votes have been sent and we are now entirely open for everyone else to send in their votes. A handful of juries have already done so, but a sense of honour and justice made sure nobody in the Dutch delegation opened any of the messages yet." A change in the schedule to give everyone appropriate time to send in their votes will be announced today, not to worry. From the entire Dutch delegation: "May we have your votes please?"
  11. Kelderman holds on and takes the pink, with Hindley in second!
  12. Wondering if Hindley will attack or not, he seems stronger.
  13. Looks like Kelderman has been mentally broken when his team's car drove past him towards Hindley.
  14. Oh wow, Hindley with what's potentially an absolutely fatal rookie mistake at the intermediate sprint
  15. Hindley almost crashing head-first into a stone wall because he's been fighting to get his jacket on for minutes now.
  16. Kelderman's team has broken Almeida....after which an out-of-this-earth Rohan Dennis has broken Kelderman. Jai Hindley is incredibly strong.
  17. Valverde +0:51 Dumoulin +0:51 Formolo +0:51 Martinez +4:29 Vlasov +4:31 Pinot +9:56 Ion Izagirre +11:12 Froome +11:12 Woods +18:29 That was stage 1.
  18. Incredible first stage, what a war already! And my predictions are an absolute and total disaster
  19. Imagine getting screwed for 8000 euro by Ben O'Connor of all places.
  20. Chris quietly optimistic Froome is nearly being dropped from the peloton which still counts at least 50+ riders at the start of the day's last climb.
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