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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Nope, four semifinalists. The winners of the semifinals went to the final to fight for gold, it's a knockout system.
  2. Four in the men's semifinals and four in the women's semifinals..
  3. Something went very much not well with Aleksandra Miroslaw's hand/finger there
  4. Wow, the commentator actually used the term 'ape index', that's....surprising
  5. That is excellent for those were I like to skip some bits, especially the bottom parts in lead for example The Olympic Channel stream isn't even rewindable, but for speed that's ok now since I can watch live anyway (for now)
  6. Yeah I see some action coming up now, the 17:30 they showed in the stream was probably done by people who forgot it's winter time now
  7. Not even statistics on her reindeer collection?
  8. Day two, classic sprints this time. A very convincing victory for @brunamoura, who destroyed everyone (and her own PB) in the qualifying and then finished miles ahead of Duda Ribera and Tatah da Silva in the final. The men's win went to Lucão Lima, after all these years he finally got his first sprint win! He narrowly beat out Yuri Rocha and Victor Santos, who kept the Chileans @Jesús and Martin Flores (a new name for me, he was fastest in qualifying!) out of the podium. Next up: the 5 and 10 kilometers classic with individual start tomorrow.
  9. Right, I remember seeing that now that you mention it
  10. Thanks! Too bad, that platform is so much worse than the usual YouTube, but it's better than nothing Hopefully it'll be available as replay as well.
  11. No planned live streams on YouTube by the way Won't it be shown anywhere?
  12. IFSC: and is the second woman in Sport Climbing history to break the 7-second barrier! Huh?
  13. Perfect use of the circumstances by Vlhova, well done Although this is the one time I'm also going to be happy with a Shiffrin win after her personal tragedy of last season.
  14. I would bet some money that there will be at least one slalom where it won't be Shiffrin - Vlhova or Vlhova - Shiffrin in the top-2
  15. Excellent second run for Mair, 16th to at least 9th.
  16. Well that is a little ungrateful since I generally cheer for the likes of Popovic
  17. Raul Fernandez moves up to Moto2 with Ajo next year
  18. Fun bit of analysis with a top-10 of 2020's best sprinters. The top-4 is quite clearly miles above the rest, as we could see the whole season basically, with Bennett in first...although interestingly, he loses in all the head-to-heads against the other three of the big four
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