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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The new one, without a doubt. Obviously it's sad that all old content is gone....not so much results that can be found anywhere on internet, but unique things like the all-sports medal tables and the threads about which nations have yet or not yet qualified for Rio. Discuz however was so hopeless in terms of options...I mean, for crying out loud, it did not even have a "spoiler" option Also it's cool that the other had so many results (although discussing was often impossible because people just had to urge to post every single result of every single heat of every single event for World Championships or World Cups), but without a working "search" function, that's 90% useless... On this forum we have both the search and spoiler function which I think would greatly increase the whole results thing: - Post results in a spoiler --> They won't get in the way of discussions and won't take you forever to scroll down the page - Simply use the search function when you want to find certain results Perfect
  2. What makes me think that she's a cheater is that she used a prohibited substance and there is just no way I'm believing a huge super star like Sharapova really doesn't know it's prohibited. As I said, she's either a cheater or she's one of the dumbest athletes in history of sports..I'm going with cheater. And how come that it's all "excuses" when someone blames a girl in a club or their coach, but when Sharapova comes up with a family history it's definitely not an excuse? That doesn't seem to be a very neutral way of thinking. Like I said before, I would believe someone who is ranked 1544th or something could make a mistake like this, but one of the biggest super stars in world sports? Only if she really is incredibly stupid, but I don't believe she is.
  3. Well that's just confusing. So because athletes who don't get caught are doping, an athlete who announces it herself must have made an honest mistake? She started using it before most clinical tests even began (well that's what she said). And yes, there are indeed real cheaters who say they've let down the fans and sport. Because there are more dirty athletes/dopers like Sharapova who admit they were wrong and let everyone down. Of course most don't, but a few of them do, including Sharapova now. She's either one of the most dumb athletes in the history of sports (using a substance for years that's been on the watchlist for years and then missing each and every announcement that it would become illegal) or an ordinary doper. I'm going for the latter, but at least good for her that her fans think she's just plain stupid instead of a cheater.
  4. Says he met her on Facebook, they talked for a while and she agreed with the whole thing. Especially with the youth of nowadays I guess that's definitely possible, but, obviously the biggest thing: he is the adult, he should know better And even if he had already travelled to England he still had the chance to say "Ok you know what? Let's eat a BigMac and some fries and then I go back home", but nope. Guess we won't see him in Rio (although he wouldn't qualify anyway normally)
  5. Exactly. And there is no way I'm gonna believe that for years she took a drug that was already on WADA's list of monitored drugs without she or anyone surrounding her having an idea that it might become illegal. I can imagine the world number 1544 or something misses the notification of the drug becoming illegal, but not a worldwide sports super star like Sharapova (when it's even being announced on RUSADA's site, in Russian, that meldonium will become illegal). No way Maria. No. Way.
  6. I think it will leave the same mark that every other dirty athlete has on their results: a very big one.
  7. In case you missed it, Dutchman Steven van de Velde thought it'd be a wonderful idea to travel to England and have sex with a 12 year old girl. English justice unsurprisingly thinks otherwise and he's facing quite a prison sentence.
  8. And Martina Navratilova already reacted saying something like "I hope this gets cleared up because it looks like an honest mistake". No, Martina, it does not look like an honest mistake. It looks very much like deliberatly cheating.
  9. Sharapova (mostly the 2nd one) Please just don't even try to give excuses for it, nobody is gonna believe that all these tons of athletes who suddenly got busted for exactly the same drug use it for anything else than enhancing performance. Maria, good thing you announced it yourself like this, but shame on you for not just saying "I used doping and I cheated, the end" and coming up with excuses instead.
  10. No because Tomasheva and Aregawi won't lose them
  11. Maybe they thought "We might as well wait until Bulut is stripped of her medal just like Alptekin already is, so we can get it straight to Jamal" You know, a purely logistic matter
  12. Alptekin is, isn't she? Or at least CAS already announced last year that will happen.. Bulut looks like she could lose it as well, Tomasheva and Aregawi won't. So gold for Jamal, silver for Tomasheva ( ) and bronze for Aregawi ( ).
  13. Thanks! My inner calculator malfunctioned I think
  14. I had to choose 6 1. Biathlon 2. Skeleton 3. Bobsleigh 4. Alpine skiing 5. Ski jumping 6. Luge At the bottom I would put freestyle skiing and freestyle snowboarding, the sports in which they don't really seem to care about winning or losing. I want winners to get crazy and losers to smash their poles out of frustration, not winners and losers dancing around a tree together.
  15. Like Eilers, that was just a monstrous keirin final
  16. What a wonderful day and a race I'm gonna remember forever, Laura
  17. Well that's definitely not going to happen Thanks!
  18. So the Dutch athletes in the women's keirin and/or sprint will automatically come from the couple that is chosen for the team sprint? Supposing of course one of them won't do the omnium, because there's Kirsten Wild for that So basically, we have the maximum number of 8 male athletes for Rio and we'll have 3 women then (2 team sprint/sprint/keirin and 1 in omnium).
  19. How does this work for the Olympics? We have 3 good sprinters/keirin riders/team sprinters: - Shanne Braspennincx (recovering) - Laurine van Riessen - Elis Ligtlee We qualified in the team sprint, does that mean theoretically all 3 could go to the Olympics? For example Van Riessen/Ligtlee in the team sprint and sprint and Ligtlee/Braspennincx in the keirin?
  20. Yeah I pretty much agree with you I think Norway, Russia, Germany and France are the main contenders for the medals (somewhat in that order) and indeed Austria depends on Julian's shooting. Every other team in the top-5 is of course always possible, mistakes are made easily, but would be a surprise.
  21. There are 3 events left and all three gold medals can of course be won by non-French Though unfortunately France will again be one of the favorites in the men's relay..
  22. Great race for Fak by the way, at least there's that
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