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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. World Cup Finals have started with the men's downhill at the moment Last men's downhill of the season
  2. I think AIBA is doing it way too fast. You just can't change something so big months before the Olympics when a big part of the field has already qualified... They should implement this for 2020, so the whole qualification process can start with everyone being eligible from the beginning. Obviously professionals should eventually be allowed, because that's the exact reason why boxing is such a joke as Olympic sport, but with professionals it could finally become a real Olympic sport
  3. General standings in Algeria after the 3rd stage are hilarious "Gewiss-Dubai" as they are jokingly called on a Dutch forum (most cycling fans will know what they mean with Gewiss-Dubai)
  4. Our coach Max Caldas: "We want to give our players enough rest. After the national competition and play-offs and the Euro Hockey League, there is way too little time until the Champions Trophy, so we'll skip this year." Furthermore, they got the invitation during the Hockey World League last year, but the technical director of the Dutch federation already immediatly said they wouldn't accept it. Mostly because the tournament would be exactly within the short time off/vacation for the Dutch team. Caldas then said they should go, but with a selection of players who would likely not make the Olympic team, so the rest issue wouldn't be a problem. However, apparently travelling to Argentina would have been too expensive, so they decided not to send any team. (and then it got changed to England, but the decision either didn't change or it was too late already)
  5. I very strongly disagree that the required points must be lower (ie the standards must be stricter), I very much like it to see athletes we don't normally see in World Cups Thanks for the explanation, I hadn't thought about the Nations Cup yet.
  6. That really is a shame, it would have been pretty much the first time I would see or hear anything out of Turkmenistan
  7. Zambian boxers had to train in the hotel hallways because the Cameroonian organization had no training venue for them Reading a little it looks like this is a very typical African sports event in terms of organization (you know, the kind of organization that even a 3 year old child would do better).
  8. Because in the past year or so we have gotten more silver than the 17th century Spanish armada
  9. Looking at the past year or so, we (Netherlands) will probably go home with 1 gold, 186 silver medals and maybe 1 or 2 bronzes
  10. Anywhere between 20 and 25 for the Netherlands would be my guess after a quick look (quick as in, taking 60 seconds to make a very quick guess )
  11. I'm planning on watching some World Cup replays on to familiarize myself with the big names, the main rules and the other ways of this sport. However, as I have never ever seen a full competition (only a bit of the epically terrible horse jumping), could someone point me to a few things I should look for? Like in biathlon there are people like Miriam Gössner who are world-class in skiing speed (compared with other biathletes) but who lack a good shooting capability. How is this here? Are there very clear "experts" in certain sports? I mean, people who you'll almost always see in the top-5 of a discipline but who are far behind in the rest?
  12. Fantastic song, but the part at 1:35 (where the music "really" starts) is in my opinion one of the greatest parts of any song ever
  13. It doesn't mean they are not so important, it only means it would be important to keep everything readable. Of course results are important, but without discussion a forum is no forum, so in my opinion the most important is to make space for discussion. And that would absolutely not mean sacrificing results, it would just mean putting results in spoilers so you still have exactly the same data as you had before, with the difference being it takes up 1 line instead of dozens of lines.
  14. But if you have them in a spoiler you still have the extremely detailed results, the only difference is that threads will remain readable because there won't be a million names and flags to scroll, wrestle and fight your way through
  15. What an absolutely wonderful final race of these World Championships, wow
  16. Fourcade is a monster. I still don't like him and I never will probably, but damn, the man is a legend
  17. Does anyone know why Belgium could compete in the men's relay yesterday? Is it because Michael Rösch got a sub-150 points and qualified or are there more additional rules?
  18. Competition cancelled in Titisee-Neustadt Also meaning that all celebrations and everything for Kasai's 500th individual World Cup start were in vain, because his 500th will come in the next competition then
  19. I agree especially with your number 2. Don't get me wrong, I find it very important to have a lot of results from especially smaller sports and competitions. Federations like FIS and IBU already have their own, much better results databases and sports like athletics and cycling have a thousand sites where it's easier to find what you want. However, many federations have a very messed up way of putting results online and so having them on the forum is extremely useful. My one and only complaint is the huge lists of results and flags and huge letters and colours and everything that makes some threads look like a children's website project and completely the opposite of a place where you can discuss as well. With spoilers it's much "cleaner" and you still have all results (which I find important, I love the results of smaller sports).
  20. But in that case major events should have 2 threads: one in which only results are posted and nothing else, and one for discussion. Because threads of major events in which huge lists of results are posted become almost unreadable for some people (my browser often nearly exploded with the overload of results and moving flags and everything)
  21. Definitely true! As a big Dahlmeier-fan I can be nothing else but very, very happy with these World Championships Especially the way she stayed with Makarainen on today's uphills was impressive.
  22. Fantastic race for Laura 5th medal in 5 races, wonderful job
  23. That's weird, I was sure I had selected the Nordic combined Anyway it should have 1 vote, because I would definitely vote for it
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