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Posts posted by De_Gambassi

  1. 2 hours ago, heywoodu said:

    Wouldn't this lead to every single match being a 'big match' and so every big match being nothing special anymore? :d 


    Plus it'd probably destroy the sports in many countries, since at best 1 or 2 teams from most countries would even remotely stand a chance of having any kind of competition then. One might have like 10 different levels between which one can fight for promotion/relegation (we definitely should not have the closed market that is the North American system of sports), but good luck to a small team from, say, Ireland going to an away match against a small team from, say, Turkey, they aren't going to be able to keep paying that :p 

    Again, but you do have a closed market for professional football in the Netherlands :hug:

  2. 11 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    Definitely agree with the latter, not so sure about the former :p Much as I'd like to see actual cheats be removed forever, there are doping offences where genuine mistakes are involved (say contamination, which should lead to a ban because it can increase performance, but I wouldn't be a fan of a lifetime ban for that).


    No idea what would be the most fair way to deal with the whole thing though, glad I'm not a rulemaker :p 


    Well at the end of the day, mistake or not, the athlete did use a performance-enhancing drug. And really, this is about incentives, because at the moment, there are barely any for an athlete not to dope (unlikely chance to get caught, great chance to cheat the system anyway, and in worst case scenario, a relative lenient sanction)

  3. 13 minutes ago, Jinzha said:

    I'm not sure if I agree with this. For viewership at the elite level (and for sponsors) the American model is maybe better, but I much prefer the grassroots model of the European sporting pyramid. It creates local engagement and a connection to grassroots talents. And with Champions Leagues and Euro cups in all team sports there is still the opportunity for the best teams to compete. If the CL becomes the normalised regular competition it also loses its prestige imo.


    Local competitions are also much more sustainable than weekly flight between say Copenhagen and Barcelona for handball games or Milan and Istanbull for volleyball games.


    You d'on't have a football pyramid in the Netherlands (or didn't, not sure where it stands today)

  4. :basketball:Rebuild the Euroleague from scratch with the aim of two divisions of ~20 teams each (East and West), without national leagues participation, salary floors and caps all across the board and a heavy emphasis on financial fair play. Plus a traditional elimination cup on top of that. :basketball:


    Generally speaking, most national leagues for team sports in Europe make zero sense. They were okish in an amateur aera, but not today. They are not competitive and are totally dominated by one or two teams and are for the most part a shit product. NA leagues are much better in this regard. We should look at cross-countries or continental leagues.


  5. 7 hours ago, rajiv said:

    Every Olympic medal event must have the support of a minimum  of 10% of all NOCs (currently that's 21 countries)) with ño continent having more than half of these NOCs


    There are so many events-especially in the Winter Games -which are just not really very international (although they can be demonstration sports)


    Yes for snowboarding as a demonstration sport for Doha 2036 !

  6. Ah, voilà l'article que je cherchais. En 2022, le DTN fixait ses objectifs



    Il est orienté pour une qualification de six à huit bateaux (il y en avait cinq au Japon) et l’obtention de trois à quatre médailles pour les valides.

    Pour le premier objectif, c'est raté et pour le second, ça risque d'être compliqué :rolleyes:

  7. Au final, 5 bateaux qualifiés sur 14, le même total qu'à Tokyo (le quatre sans barreur masculin ayant remplacé le quatre de couple féminin). On en avait bien plus dans les années 2000


    2000 : 9

    2004 : 6

    2008 : 8

    2012 : 5

    2016 : 7

    2020 : 5

    2024 : 5

  8. 3 hours ago, heywoodu said:

    To be fair, it is simply not unthinkable. And it might get proven for example by hair analysis, where in this case it might be possible that Thibus is shown to not have been a user of this substance and Imboden has been, in which case the defense has quite a good point.


    Apparently, there were two cases where the athletes was able to "prove" just that. Basically, you have to show evidence that the amount of the prohibitive substance from your partner is much higher than your own.


    (in french)


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