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  1. settimana che si conclude con luci e ombre per i colori azzurri. la stella più luminosa, anche se arriva in una disciplina che di sportivo ha solo l'agonismo che ci mettono i piloti, è la vittoria mondiale di Bagnaia su Ducati nella MotoGP. Pilota e moto Italiana insieme...non accadeva dai tempi di Agostini. venendo a sport più tradizionalmente al centro dell'interesse di questo forum, l'evento principale è stato ovviamente il mondiale di Ginnastica Artistica. e qui non c'è troppo da gioire, visto che, nonostante tutte le giustificazioni relative a infortuni, giudici prezzolati e sfortuna, non è arrivata neanche una misera medaglietta, con il quarto posto della squadra maschile che ancora grida vendetta. personalmente, spero che, una volta ottenuta la qualificazione di squadra a Parigi 2024, poi alle Olimpiadi al maschile si punti sui migliori "specialisti" per cercare soddisfazione (=medaglie) nelle finali agli attrezzi, le uniche in cui si potrebbe realisticamente raccattare qualcosa. discorso diverso per le ragazze, dove, al netto di infortuni da evitare, la gara a squadre rappresenta proprio l'occasione migliore, seguita probabilmente più dall'all-around che non dalle singole finali di specialità. altro sport molto attivo nel fine settimana, il Nuoto. tra CdM e meeting italiani si sono visti all'opera molti dei nostri migliori rappresentanti e il migliore è stato senz'altro Lorenzo Mora, che a Genova ha spazzolato la lista dei record nazionali del dorso in vasca corta, migliorando quelli dei 100m e dei 200m. personalmente, sono invece molto deluso dai mancati miglioramenti di Chiara Tarantino (che a genova non ha nemmeno gareggiato...malanni di stagione per lei? ), da cui mi aspetto un salto di qualità nettissimo dopo l'esplosione (relativa) degli europei di Roma della scorsa estate. infine, il Judo. si è disputato a Baku un nuovo torneo Grand Slam, con in palio tantissimi punti per il ranking olimpico. e le cose sono andate benino, anzi, bene per gli azzurri, che hanno portato a casa 5 medaglie, tra cui il trionfo di Alice Bellandi nei -78kg femminili, che ancora una volta ha facilmente disposto di tutte le avversarie, inclusa la stella francese Madeleine Malonga. ora le rimane da sfatare solamente il tabù delle rivali tedesche (di Anna Maria Wagner soprattutto), le uniche capaci fino ad oggi di metterla completamente fuori strada (e che le sono costate un risultato dignitoso ai mondiali). altre medaglie sono arrivate da Francesca Milani (argento nei -48kg, categoria in cui tra lei e Assunta Scutto rischiamo di avere problemi di abbondanza non da ridere...e personalmente ritengo che la napoletana abbia più chances di vincere l'oro olimpico, ma se Francesca continua così il posto non potrà che essere suo), Odette Giuffrida (bronzo nei -52kg...anche qui, perchè si "frena" il talento di Giulia Carnà? si è deciso di "proteggere la romana ad ogni costo nella corsa a Parigi 2024 nonostante sia chiaro che l'oro non è alla sua portata?), Christian Parlati (bronzo che è un oro buttato nel cesso nei -90kg) e Gennaro Pirelli (bronzo nei -100kg, cui il salto nella categoria superiore pare aver dato nuova linfa...che finalmente si sia trovato un ragazzo in grado di qualificarsi in questa categoria? sperèm! ). 2 parole anche su Manuel Lombardo, "solo" settimo a il ragazzo non si era seriamente infortunato a un legamento ai mondiali? e lo rimettiamo già in gara con sprezzo del pericolo? mi permetto di essere un po' perplesso sulla sua gestione...spero che non si stia sprecando uno dei più forti talenti che il judo azzurro abbia mai avuto. alla prossima...
  2. Baku Grand Slam Day #3 Finally, some full success also for Italy! Alice Bellandi, in fact, dominated the women's -78kg weight class. the last women's event, the +78kg, instead, has been won by Milica Zabic. Serbia was one of the most successful Nations earlier Today also among the men, thanks to Nemanja Majdov and Aleksandar Kukolj, who won silver in the -90kg and -100kg respectively, after beating in the semifinals their Italian rivals (Parlati and Pirelli). today's men's Gold Medals went to Marcus Nyman (-90kg), Zelym Kotsoyev (-100kg) and Temur Rakhimov (+100kg). This means that Azerbaijan won with quite some margin the final medal table with 4 Gold Medals, followed by 10 Nations with 1 Gold Medal each ( and ). Italy ended the tournament with 5 medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 3 Bronze), which is a very good result, even if we should carry home more regrets than joy, especially because of today's 2 losses in the semifinal matches in the men's -90kg and -100kg, bouts that our guys should have won quite comfortably, according to how things developed on the mat. but they both lost because of stupid mistakes.
  3. by the way, among the other senseless options, I went with Brazil. even if my heart, being Italy out once again, is 99% with Argentina and the remaining 1% with Switzerland.
  4. you didn't put the only true winners as an option in this poll: money, hypocrisy, misogyny, homophobia, exploitation and corruption
  5. I understand your POV, even if I'm sorry you don't follow Judo anymore...especially if it's because of that (very sad) story (and the consequence it has on the Iranian NT and Federation)...
  6. Stage #3 ( Indianapolis) best of day #3 Matthew Sates back on top of a SCWC race. he won the M 400m IM in 4.04.12. as written above, Katie Ledecky swam a new WR over the W 800m Free, 7.57.42. she was followed by summer McIntosh in 8.07.12 and by 3 more girls (Leah Smith, Katie Grimes, Claire Weinstein) all on the 8.12s. this time the W 100m Fly were almost a no contest, as Louise Hansson won in 55.45, more than a second faster than the rest of the field. Dylan Carter was once again unbeatable over the M 50 Fly and he also was the only swimmer breaking the 22-sec mark (21.99). clean sweep in the W 200m Back, with Beata Nelson (2.00.43) beating Bella Sims (2.01.64) and Katie Grimes (2.02.34). Shaine Casas edged out Kacper Stokowski 49.40 to 49.63 in the M 100m Back (and they were slower than Lorenzo Mora, who swam 49.37 in an Italian meet). Ruta Meilutyte once again went close to Alia Atkinson's WR in the W 50m Breast (28.70, the WR is 28.56) and clearly beat Lilly King, who couldn't swim faster than 29.16. Andrea Podmanikova was 3rd, also below the 30-sec mark (and she was good also in the 100m and 200m in the previous days @hckošice ). the machine Nick Fink easily confirmed himself the breaststroke specialist in the best shape at the moment, taking the M 200m Breast in 2.02.70. "Stakhanov" Beata Nelson was unstoppable also in the W 200 IM. she won in 2.04.92, ahead of Sydney Pickrem, almost a second slower (2.05.87). we already said that Siobhan Haughey has no rivals in the 100m and 200m Free right now...and yesterday she confirmed that by taking the W 100m Free in 51.00, more than half a second ahead of Madison Wilson (51.54) and Abby Weitzeil (51.63). finally, the M 200m Free race was won by Kieran Smith in 1.41.78, just a fraction ahead of Danas Rapsys, Drew Kibler and Kyle Chalmers (all of them also below the 1.42 mark). Full Results:
  7. Baku Grand Slam Day #2 Azeri athletes take it all in today's men's division: Hidayat Heydarov wins the -73kg and Saeid Mollaei triumphs in the -81kg, leading their Nation on top of the medal table with 3 Gold Medals in 2 days at the office. Today's women's events were won by Inbal Shemesh (-63kg) and Sanne Van Dijke (-70kg). therefore, after 2 days of competitions, as I wrote before, Azerbaijan have 3 Gold Medals and 6 Nations follow with 1 Gold Medal each ( and ). Tomorrow the tournament will come to an end with the heaviest weight classes.
  8. and later Today we're going to have a "classic" in the men's -81kg final: Matthias Casse vs Saeid Mollaei @MHSN
  9. in Day #1 of the Baku Grand Slam Tournament, local hero Balabay Aghayev won the M -60kg class. meanwhile, in the M -66kg category, it was Denis Vieru to take the top honor. among the women, Shirine Boukli, Diyora Keldiyorova and Christa Deguchi won respectively the -48kg, -52kg and -57kg competitions. Results can be found here: Today the tournament continues with the men's -73kg and -81kg and with the women's -63kg and -70kg weight classes.
  10. Stage #3 ( Indianapolis) best of day #2 Sydney Pickrem opened the session winning the W 400m IM in 4.26.66, just ahead of Katie grimes (4.27.11). Olympic Champion Bobby Finke won the M 1500m Free in a very modest 14.45.77. Dylan Carter beat quite comfortably the bunch (Ryan Murphy, Justin Ress, Coleman Stewart) in the M 50m Back, swimming also quite a good time (22.72, only half a second outside the WR). Siobhan Haughey proved too strong for Katie Ledecky, Madison Wilson, Bella Sims and Summer McIntosh in the W 200m Free. She won the race in 1.51.19, while the other girls ended up in the written order, all of them in the 1.52s. Kieran Smith had a surprising outing in the M 200m IM, and he even won the race in 1.52.98 ahead of Danas Rapsys (1.53.37 for him). Bella Sims swam a new WJR in the W 100m Back, 55.75. and she won the race ahead of her teammate Beata Nelson (55.90) and Ingrid Wilm (56.00). Nick Fink is just unstoppable in the men's Breaststroke. he won also yesterday's M 50m race in 25.83, ahead of Niccolò Martinenghi (26.03) and Michael Andrew (26.32). Louise Hansson took her revenge over Beryl Gastaldello and won the W 50m Fly in 25.16 (25.18 for the French swimmer). Ruta Meilutyte went once again below the 1.03 mark (1.02.77) to beat Lilly King ("only" 1.03.74 for her). Chad Le Clos edged out once again Trenton Julian in the M 200m Fly (1.49.89 to 1.50.09). finally, in the M 100m Free we saw a copycat race as in Toronto last week, with Kyle Chalmers comfortably ahead of the rest of the field in 45.55 ( Thomas Ceccon was once again second, this week in 46.27). Full Results:
  11. KBO 2022 Korean Series game #4: SSG Landers Incheon @ Kiwoom Heroes Seoul 3-6 (series tied 2-2) the Landers took an early, illusive lead already in the first inning, but then the home team had a great reaction and first they tied the game in the second stint thanks to 3 bunts (1 misplayed by the Landers' first baseman), a very unusual way to manufacture a run nowadays. in the 3rd inning the Heroes closed the game, scoring 5 runs through a series of hits that forced the Landers' starter (Shawn Morimando) to leave the game too early. finally, despite the good job of the relievers, who didn't give up anything to the Heroes' bats, the guests could only score 2 more runs in the 7th inning. too little and too late. so, the series is now tied at 2 apiece and the teams head back to Incheon, where all the remaining matches will be played. here's Today's match boxscore: game #5 is scheduled for Monday, November 7th in Incheon @ 6.30 p.m. local time (10.30 a.m. CET).
  12. with the Russians and the Belarussians out and Norway without their 2 "big names", this season the women's races will be very poor. it might be a Swedish fest (with just a couple of contenders every once in a while, like Wierer, Hermann and the French girls).
  13. just saw a heartbreaking score... Yumin Abbadini tonight scored 13.666 on the PH (it was his best score of the night), meanwhile in the very last exercise of the team final he fell down and scored only 12.300. If he had scored tonight's mark in the team final, Italy would have won the bronze medal, overtaking GBR by 0.102
  14. men's All-Around Gold: Daiki Hashimoto Silver: Zhang Boheng Bronze: Wataru Tanigawa
  15. and it's all over... Tanigawa scores 13.600 on the HB and that's enough to save the Bronze Medal from Malone's attack.
  16. Hashimoto equals Zhang's 14.433 on the HB and wins the Gold Medal. now only the fight for bronze is left.
  17. Zhang 14.433 on the he has to sit and wait for Hashimoto to know which color is his medal.
  18. Hong 11.500 on the HB, calls himself out of the medal race.
  19. after 5 Rotations, Hashimoto has 72.765, Zhang 72.332, Tanigawa 71.631, Hong and Malone plus Yulo are in the 70.X. Malone has the Floor left, all the others will be on the Horizontal Bar. I think those are the only people left in the medal race (with the top 2 fighting for Gold and Silver and the others for Bronze).
  20. Tomorrow also start the 2022 Taiwan Series, with game #1 of the best-of-7 series between the Rakuten Monkeys and the CTBC Brothers. game #1 is scheduled for 5.05 p.m. local time (10.05 a.m.) in Taoyuan (home of the Monkeys, who have the home field advantage and will play at home games 1, 2 and, if necessary, 5, 6 and 7, according to the unusual rules of that League).
  21. KBO 2022 Korean Series game #3: SSG Landers Incheon @ Kiwoom Heroes Seoul 8-2 (SSG Landers lead the series 2-1) very close game until the 9th inning and very good performance by the starting pitchers. the Heroes got the lead 1-0 in the bottom of the 4th inning, thanks to a double by the Cuban superstar Yasiel Puig, who then scored on a center field single by Kim Tae-Jin. after that, it was a pitchers' domination till the 8th, when the Landers turned things around, scoring 2 runs off an error by the Heroes' shortstop, followed by a 2-run shot by former NY Mets outfielder Juan Lagares. it was the beginning of the end for the team from Seoul. in the top of the 9th inning, in fact, the guests just exploded and scored 6 runs, destroying relievers Kim Jae-Woong and Kim Tae-Hoon. the second run scored by the Heroes in the bottom of the 9th was just cosmetic. now the RS champions lead the series 2 games to 1. here's Today's match boxscore: game #4 is scheduled for Tomorrow (Saturday, November 5th) in Seoul, always @ 2 p.m. local time (6 a.m. CET).
  22. Stage #3 ( Indianapolis) best of day #1 Katie Ledecky took advantage of McIntosh's decision to swim other races and easily won yesterday's W 400m Free in 3.54.04. Bella Sims also went under the 4-min mark in 3.58.85. Matthew Sates couldn't continue his personal streak over the M 400m Free, as he was only 5th in a race dominated by Kieran Smith in 3.35.99. Kylie Masse was the only swimmer below the 26-sec mark in the W 50m Back (25.96 for her). Summer McIntosh edged out Katie Grimes in the W 200m Fly, 2.03.40 to 2.04.16. Chad Le Clos was more than a second faster than his closest rival in the M 100m Fly. 48.85 his winning time. Lilly King dominated the W 200m Breast from start to finish in 2.17.56. Sydney Pickrem was the only other swimmer below the 2.20-mark (2.19.77). Nick Fink continued his sweep of the M 100m Breast, even if not in an amazing clocking (56.15 for him). Katarzyna Wasick right now is in a class of her own over the W 50m Free distance: 23.10 for her, not so far away from Ranomi Kromowidjojo's WR (22.93). Dylan Carter edged out Kyle Chalmers in the M 50m Free, one of the best men's races of the night. They were also the only 2 swimmers below the 21-sec mark (20.72 to 20.81). the closest race of the night, however, was the W 100m IM, where Beata Nelson just outtouched Beryl Gastaldello 57.81 to 57.82, with Louise Hansson not so far behind them (58.12). finally, the man of yesterday's session, Shaine Casas, who won 2 events. First, he dominated the M 200m Back in 1.48.40 and then he ended the evening with the gold medal over the M 100m IM in 51.04, beating Michael Andrew (51.22). Full Results:
  23. in Italy we use to call the Dominican Republic "Santo Domingo", at least when we speak of them. Formally, however, it's always the Dominican Republic also here (Repubblica Dominicana in Italian).
  24. please, don't try and justify that score (actually, only Jones got 7.900, the 7.633 are all 0.4 behind her...even Ou got a miserable 7.666 -4th best E score...can't judge the Dutch girl who got 7.733 'cause I didn't see her), she wasn't that good.
  25. I'm a bit disappointed by the Italian girls, but it was their fault...too many mistakes... pity especially for Martina Maggio, who could have been in the fight for bronze* without that bloody fall on the UB. *I don't think she would eventually got it, but still...
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