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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Oscar films were definitely less political in the past. I mean, BlacKkKlansman literally has a newsreel footage with Trump in it (even though the film is set in 70s). That really says more than enough...
  2. A lot of Oscars for Black Panther and Bohemian Rhapsody. I didn't like that at all... Cold War should have won the cinematography... At least my favorite won the best picture.
  3. The Favorite on the road to get 0/10... Too many Oscars for Bohemian Rhapsody and Black Panther.
  4. Top 10 for an Argentinian skier today. Randomly historic day for their skiing.
  5. Surprisingly good combined race actually. Both slalom and downhill really mattered. Possibly the most meaningful combined in years...
  6. Can you believe that Holdener was only 0.39 faster than Macarena Simari BIrkner? Yes, in slalom. Just goes to show what kind of a start number game alpine skiing really is.
  7. Macarena more than a second faster in slalom than Siebenhofer.
  8. Seeing how the featured events on the right hand side are incredibly long, is there still a reason to have only 12 featured posts? It should be at least 15.
  9. Big flag. Can you also spot a big truck and a big tree?
  10. Possibly another near miss coming up for Karsch. Unbelieveable.
  11. Commentator is still just putting forward his age-obsessed statements. Funny, because shooting is very much a sport where age doesn't count for much...
  12. As far as the guest commentator goes, this final is a one man (Saurabh) show.
  13. That's hardly a surprise. Every time a bunch of "qualifiers" don't start in any of the remaining distance races. I'd say the majority, even.
  14. Now that I've seen them all, here is the list of Oscars Best Picture nominees sorted by my preference. Green Book Roma The Favorite Vice A Star is Born Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody BlacKkKlansman It's close between the top 2. Bottom 3 do not belong here.
  15. until
    Equestrian FEI Jumping Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2019 Multi-Stage Event - 12 February 2019 - 24 March 2019 Discuss about this event
  16. until
    Equestrian FEI Jumping Vilamoura Atlantic Tour 2019 Multi-Stage Event - 12 February 2019 - 24 March 2019 Discuss about this event
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