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Everything posted by dcro

  1. San Marino is doing even worse... 0.56% of total population is infected.
  2. It's hard to look at all those lower case letters of this thread...
  3. I do hope one of you will be able to present the votes. Presumably Matt, given the time. It's not often that you get the honor of presenting your votes first.
  4. I guess this one should be HAVID-20?
  5. First cases in Laos. Still no cases in And a whole bunch of Pacific nations that will probably never get a case...
  6. Wrong. "It was also agreed that the Games will keep the name Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020."
  7. Still no official requests for a swap. I'll allow it for a few more days.
  8. Manu Dibango is the first celebrity victim of coronavirus...
  9. It should actually work better for the outdoor sports. Endurance events would be able to go forward as planned. Tokyo 1964 was held in October.
  10. And another interesting point. Pretty much everyone I know despises working from home. They can't wait to go back to their working place.
  11. Well, if everyone is on a loss, then nothing changes.
  12. It will probably disappear by itself, like Spanish flu did.
  13. Surely you don't expect them to cater to your extremely unique preferenes...? Nobody gives a damn about 2021 regional games or whatnot.
  14. Wow, what drama for no reason. We all knew that Olympics were going to get postponed. It's the only sensible decision so who the hell cares about lobbying. Only Abe and his cronies remained delusional.
  15. To be fair, if they really had only 8 cases in two days, then they deserve no criticism, even from Heywood.
  16. +61 in Croatia today. We climbed from 100 to 300 in about three days. Oh, and had an earthquake somewhere in between.
  17. I thought Slovakia only had +7 yesterday and +1 today. But still 60 new measures? Are we missing something?
  18. I wonder if Japan will start testing people now. No reason to hide their numbers anymore.
  19. I am just getting tired of "COVID-19".
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