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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Yeah, they are definitely not cheap as far as hospitality industry is concerned. Dubrovnik's old town probably has some record prices in restaurants, but going there as a volunteer I luckily never had to experience that. However, as places to live, Dubrovnik (and Hvar) are in most ways like any other city. They are not exclusive for millioners like Monte Carlo or something.
  2. It's not that expensive though. I stayed once for free. Not to mention how speaking Croatian can give you some handy discounts.
  3. First cases in Botswana. First new country in several days...
  4. Last I heard was a plan to boycott due to COVID-19 concerns. And that's total bullshit. Penguins can't get infected (sadly?).
  5. We tried to, but then we received warnings about possible UFO landings and Planet X collisions during the Grand Final weekend, so... Who can tell, right?
  6. Croatians have started returning from all around the globe. Among other places, they are returning from Barcelona (11 of them), Madrid (29), Tyrol (13), New Delhi (20), Cuba (7 ), Peru (16) and Bolivia (1)
  7. CHIO Aachen, initially scheduled for early June, got postponed to a later date in 2020. Just as well. The event is usually held in mid-July, but this year was supposed to be an exception to allow nations to use it as the final selection event. But then again, it's doubtful whether it will be held at all. Certainly not in its usual format with 200k or so spectators...
  8. New Zealand should have decided already, but looks like ICF will not update their table for a while...
  9. Yeah, good luck in remembering who won which edition.
  10. Meh, that's now a global event every year. They really should have left something for the continents to have...
  11. Well, following the historic qualification of the first ever Irish dressage team, the postponement of the Olympics was undoubtedly a heartbreak for Judy Reynolds. It is indeed very questionable whether Vancouver will be fit enough to compete at the age of 19, but Judy remains hopeful...
  12. And on the same day we have the biggest daily jump of cases in Tokyo yet. Looks like they are finally starting to test people.
  13. Malawi taekwondo star makes uniform donation This is literally the most random piece of news I have ever read. ITG
  14. Michael Jackson was smart.
  15. Brazil and India have made a swap. India (#6) will now vote at 11:00 (14:30), while Brazil (#24) will vote at 17:18 (12:18). Both nations are members of the Njivice Sailors. Funnily enough, India and Indonesia will vote back-to-back. Surely that didn't happen before.
  16. Well, Bayro was one of the nicest dressage horses around. His show jumping record was quite spotless too. Cross-country was their undoing at times, but also show jumping in high-stress situations (including an unexpected rail that cost them individual bronze at the Europeans last year)... Overall, they were capable of staying on sub-25 dressage score on a good day, and that is very much medal territory.
  17. Would have been one of the medal favorite in the normal world...
  18. It's a sad sight when some "expert" on national TV is saying that coronavirus should grow weaker as the temperatures increase. Isn't it common knowledge at this point that this virus can survive Spring / Summer temperatures?
  19. That's obvously not the case when there is no pandemic going around.
  20. One lesson we all learned from this. Buy a pack of masks when this blows over.
  21. Another win for #thewolfpack at the E3 Harelbeke.
  22. Most similar back-to-back votes in TISC history? For our random fact of the day, we will try to find the most similar back-to-back votes in TISC history. Specifically, we are looking for the back-to-back votes which contained the highest number of shared nations between them. For this purpose, only the number of shared nations is considered, while their specific order on the voting template is irrelevant. And the winners are? Well, it happened during the 2016 Annual held in Slovakia. France was scheduled to vote right after the lunch break (#19) and Ireland was ready to go just after (#20). While nobody noticed it at the time, it turns out that these juries had the most similar back-to-back votes in TISC history. They had a whopping 8 songs in common! Their votes were as follows: France - Ireland - Nations that appeared on both sets are: Netherlands, Italy, Chile, Algeria, Great Britain, Malta, Indonesia and Lithuania.
  23. We have headlines like "Dark weekend in Spain". Yeah surely coronavirus got very motivated because it's weekend. Tomorrow it's all going to be better.
  24. No, mainly because Duffy apparently topped the wall in qualifying and Bailey was so slow. It looked like he was barely even trying.
  25. When watching it live, I thought it was rather obvious what wound happen...
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