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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Parade of Nations (2/3) Second batch of nations is welcomed by Dalmatian klapa singers. The word "klapa" translates as "a group of friends". For tonight we picked Klapa Maslina. They will perform a song of a fitting title - "Da te mogu pismom zvati" (eng. If I Could Call You with a Song). KANADA / CANADA Jury Members: @intoronto Total Participations: 12 Best Result: 3rd (2016 Open) Points Record: 150 (2013 Open) KAZAHSTAN / KAZAKHSTAN Jury Members: @Ruslan Total Participations: 10 Best Result: 10th (2014 Annual) Points Record: 99 (2014 Annual) KINA / CHINA Jury Members: @Vic Liu Total Participations: 3 Best Result: 11th (2019 Annual) Points Record: 91 (2019 Annual) LITVA / LITHUANIA Jury Members: @Werloc Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 1st (2015 Open) Points Record: 158 (2015 Open) MAĐARSKA / HUNGARY Jury Members: @Vektor Total Participations: 5 Best Result: 4th (2019 Open) Points Record: 167 (2019 Open) MALTA / MALTA Jury Members: @Glen Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 5th (2017 Annual) Points Record: 124 (2017 Annual) MEKSIKO / MEXICO Jury Members: @mrv86 Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 2nd (2016 Open) Points Record: 176 (2016 Open) MOLDAVIJA / MOLDOVA Jury Members: @Ionoutz24 Total Participations: 7 Best Result: 18th (2017 Annual) Points Record: 73 (2017 Annual) NIZOZEMSKA / NETHERLANDS Jury Members: @heywoodu Total Participations: 12 Best Result: 1st (2019 Open) Points Record: 194 (2019 Open) NORVEŠKA / NORWAY Jury Members: @Skijumpingmaster Total Participations: 5 Best Result: 2nd (2018 Annual) Points Record: 161 (2018 Annual) NOVI ZELAND / NEW ZEALAND Jury Members: @Wanderer Total Participations: 12 Best Result: 6th (2017 Annual) Points Record: 124 (2017 Annual) NJEMAČKA / GERMANY Jury Members: @catgamer Total Participations: 9 Best Result: 1st (2014 Annual) Points Record: 200 (2014 Annual)
  2. Ireland has so many wins that a special abbreviation had to be introduced just for them.
  3. Parade of Nations (1/3) First batch of nations is welcomed by folk dancers from Slavonia. Their performance consists of two parts. First up is a traditional party song celebrating rakija. It's basically tailor made for @Wumo. Second part features a traditional kolo (eng. circle) dance. IRSKA / IRELAND Jury Members: @OlympicIRL Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 1st (2014O, 2015A, 2016O, 2017O, 2019A) Points Record: 333 (2014 Open) ARGENTINA / ARGENTINA Jury Members: @konig Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 5th (2017 Open) Points Record: 140 (2017 Open) AUSTRALIJA / AUSTRALIA Jury Members: @KingOfTheRhinos Total Participations: 5 Best Result: 2nd (2019 Open) Points Record: 172 (2019 Open) BRAZIL / BRAZIL Jury Members: @titicow @vinipereira Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 2nd (2017 Annual) Points Record: 142 (2017 Annual) BUGARSKA / BULGARIA Jury Members: @Federer91 Total Participations: 13 Best Result: 5th (2018 Open) Points Record: 109 (2018 Open) DANSKA / DENMARK Jury Members: @Wumo Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 1st (2018 Open) Points Record: 202 (2018 Open) FRANCUSKA / FRANCE Jury Members: @Benolympique @Bohemia Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 3rd (2014 Open, 2015 Annual) Points Record: 194 (2014 Open) GRČKA / GREECE Jury Members: @Janakis Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 12th (2014 Open) Points Record: 98 (2014 Open) INDIJA / INDIA Jury Members: @Ashton @Fly_like_a_don Total Participations: 13 Best Result: 14th (2017 Open) Points Record: 84 (2017 Open) INDONEZIJA / INDONESIA Jury Members: @Griff88 Total Participations: 9 Best Result: 6th (2016 Annual) Points Record: 114 (2016 Annual) IRAN / IRAN Jury Members: @MHSN Total Participations: 4 Best Result: 4th (2017 Annual) Points Record: 135 (2017 Annual) ITALIJA / ITALY Jury Members: @Gianlu33 @Henry_Leon @Pablita @SteveParker Total Participations: 14 Best Result: 1st (2018 Annual) Points Record: 206 (2013 Open) IZRAEL / ISRAEL Jury Members: @Dnl Total Participations: 1 Best Result: - (debut) Points Record: - (debut)
  4. Parade of Nations Ladies and gentlemen, we are honored to present the nations of the Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020. Coming from six continents, dignitaries from a total of 38 nations have gathered in Croatia. Israel is making their debut, while Bulgaria, Germany, Iran, Ukraine and Uruguay are returning after missing one or more recent editions. Parade of Nations will be divided into three segments. Each segment will be accompanied by traditional folk songs and dances from various regions of Croatia...
  5. Lijepa Naša After... Whatever that was, it is time for the first official part of the ceremony. Ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the National anthem of Croatia!
  6. Finally I can say it... This video has been creeping me out. I pretty much had it in mind for the ceremony since my first bid years ago, and now it gets to be played during a pandemic and just after the Zagreb earthquake... And I wasn't even supposed to host this edition.
  7. Opening Act Seats are getting filled, performers are warming up, anticipation is at its high... But wait a minute... Turns out @bestmen was right all along! It's not UFO. It's not Coronavirus. It is Planet X! And it is about to collide with Earth!! Well, that is some rotten luck right there. But like we say in showbiz - The Show Must Go On. And indeed, upon taking over the hosting duties on record-short notice, and during the COVID-19 pandemic at that, we found ourselves dealing with seemingly an impossible task. We had our work cut out and we had to compromise. Nevertheless, it is such an honour to play host to all of you, and I do hope you enjoy the show! Performing the Opening Act are 2CELLOS. This talented musical duo consists of Stjepan Hauser and Luka Šulić. Like any good success story, they started small, but then a video of their Smooth Criminal cover went viral and brought them global recognition. Tonight, they will quite appropriately perform a cover of Queen's The Show Must Go On. 2CELLOS... Remember that name. We may just meet them again sometime...
  8. ... Ireland 2013 Mexico 2014 ... ... Serbia 2014 Denmark 2015 ... ... Ireland 2015 Slovakia 2016 ... ... Lithuania 2016 Great Britain 2017 ... ... Tunisia 2017 Brazil 2018 ... ... United States 2018 Mexico 2019 ... ... Denmark 2019 . . . Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Opening ceremony of the Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020!
  9. Anyone remembers when Germany entered Titanium for the Eurovision?
  10. Host town Rijeka is enjoying a wonderful Spring afternoon, with temperatures hovering around 23 degrees celsius. As a reminder, the Opening Ceremony will be held in the Croatian National Theatre Ivan pl. Zajc.
  11. My Easter tradition are Hitchcock classics. Specifically, The Man Who Knew Too Much and Dial M For Murder. I don't remember how it started exactly, but it has been going on for a while now.
  12. First results from the Stable View Virtual Competition.
  13. Jesus Angel Garcia will not retire yet.
  14. It's always possible that his legs are thinner than his arms... Not.
  15. First case in Yemen. are the only ones "left" in Asia...
  16. Turkmenistan banned the use of word "coronavirus", because that will help.
  17. This is a whole new level of boredom. Someone made puppets of Alemka, Krunoslav, Davor and Vili. They are the people who lead the daily press-conferences about the coronavirus.
  18. 24 hours to go Q: Collision eminent Q: Emergency procedure #996 activation access #996 procedure: XZY1 F11A EE ZL
  19. Well, they are not 40 years apart from the other messy editions. Incidentally, each time it took several editions for the Olympics to recover... 1900 - Olympics continued to be poorly organized in 1904 and 1908. Only in 1912 they stopped lasting for months... 1940 - 1944 Olympics got cancelled as well... 1980 - boycotts continued in 1984 and 1988... 2020 - ?
  20. I am loving this thread. I can immediately revisit whichever song I randomly remember (like Chile at the 2016 Annual just now).
  21. Greenland is now fully healed. Although when I said the same about , it all changed very quickly.
  22. So I had a new TISC nigthmare. This time I was forced to conduct the Grand Final with pen and paper. It all went to hell after just 5 votes or something.
  23. So... How many corona kilos have you gained? Apparently that's a thing now.
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