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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. And that flag bearer. Anky van something or other.
  2. Twenty years later and that certain guy is spending time in Paraguayan prison.
  3. Lesotho will have their beautiful flag. Myanmar will have their Taiwan flag.
  4. Back when baggy sportswear was in style. It looks awful.
  5. I always try to polish up my French when watching the Parade.
  6. MJ Tumbridge the flag bearer. The only ever Pan Am gold medalist for Bermuda.
  7. No, there is no video footage from 1896. Earliest ones are from 1900.
  8. And wait... This is supposed to be a torch runner? I always thought that was a rhythmic gymnast.
  9. @Sindo apparently the threads from Totallympics Mixed Zone have disappeared from the latest replies list. EDIT: Or maybe the whole general section...
  10. Aside from Belarus, apparently the sports events in Burundi, Nicaragua and Tajikistan are still being held.
  11. Do you have info about the total number of tests in Slovakia?
  12. Or really any new sports topics for that matter, aside from cancelaltions / postponements.
  13. Looks like Sint Maarten had a rough day...
  14. Yeah, that' how it mostly is East of Oder. Corona or no corona.
  15. Yeah, who knows... Maybe there will be a Winter season next year?
  16. Bicycle Thieves... I wonder if something just like that is waiting for us when this Corona thing blows over...
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