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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Wow!
    james89 reacted to Surlympics in Athletics   
    Evan Dunfee sets the world record in the men’s 35km race walk 
  2. Love
    james89 reacted to Surlympics in Freestyle skiing   
    And it's Gold!!
  3. Like
    james89 reacted to Josh in Snowboarding   
    Gold for Liam Brearley in men’s slopestyle at the World Championships!
  4. Like
    james89 got a reaction from orangeman in Short Track Speed Skating   
    So we won gold or silver in every event!
  5. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Josh in Short Track Speed Skating   
    So we won gold or silver in every event!
  6. Love
    james89 got a reaction from Surlympics in Short Track Speed Skating   
    So we won gold or silver in every event!
  7. Love
    james89 reacted to Josh in Speed skating   
    Connor Howe with a surprising bronze in the men’s 1500m at the World Championships!
  8. Like
    james89 got a reaction from orangeman in Swimming   
    Not to bury the lead but MSH I think has 4 silver medals here and I saw Cole Pratt picked up a medal in the 200m back. 
  9. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Surlympics in Speed skating   
    He finished that up with a bronze in the 1000m. 
    And it was a 4/5 place finish on the women's side. 
  10. Love
    james89 reacted to Topicmaster1010 in Luge   
    It's a bronze in the team relay! First World Championship medal this year
  11. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Josh in Speed skating   
    He finished that up with a bronze in the 1000m. 
    And it was a 4/5 place finish on the women's side. 
  12. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Topicmaster1010 in Speed skating   
    He finished that up with a bronze in the 1000m. 
    And it was a 4/5 place finish on the women's side. 
  13. Like
    james89 got a reaction from intoronto in Speed skating   
    He finished that up with a bronze in the 1000m. 
    And it was a 4/5 place finish on the women's side. 
  14. Haha
    james89 got a reaction from Surlympics in Cross-Country Skiing   
    Good for the future but now I feel ancient....
  15. Haha
    james89 got a reaction from Topicmaster1010 in Cross-Country Skiing   
    Good for the future but now I feel ancient....
  16. Haha
    james89 reacted to intoronto in Cross-Country Skiing   
    Imagine. Me. I'm like a grandpa at this point (I'm not but it feels like it
  17. Haha
    james89 got a reaction from intoronto in Cross-Country Skiing   
    Good for the future but now I feel ancient....
  18. Like
    james89 reacted to Josh in Canada's 2026 Olympics Qualification Discussion   
    Excellent news, I’ve just talked to Devin and all matches will be live streamed for free on the Curling Canada YouTube channel 

  19. Like
    james89 got a reaction from orangeman in Swimming   
    Jankovic broke the Canadian Record twice in one day which had stood since 2003. 
    And a bronze for the mixed 4x100m medley relay. 
  20. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Surlympics in Swimming   
    Jankovic broke the Canadian Record twice in one day which had stood since 2003. 
    And a bronze for the mixed 4x100m medley relay. 
  21. Sad
    james89 reacted to Josh in Volleyball/Sitting Volleyball   
    Stephen Maar retires from the men’s national team 

  22. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Josh in Swimming   
    Jankovic broke the Canadian Record twice in one day which had stood since 2003. 
    And a bronze for the mixed 4x100m medley relay. 
  23. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Safe Dragonfly in Swimming   
    Jankovic broke the Canadian Record twice in one day which had stood since 2003. 
    And a bronze for the mixed 4x100m medley relay. 
  24. Like
    james89 got a reaction from intoronto in Swimming   
    Jankovic broke the Canadian Record twice in one day which had stood since 2003. 
    And a bronze for the mixed 4x100m medley relay. 
  25. Like
    james89 got a reaction from Topicmaster1010 in Swimming   
    Jankovic broke the Canadian Record twice in one day which had stood since 2003. 
    And a bronze for the mixed 4x100m medley relay. 
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