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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. well there A LOT to eat basically food here is a mix of food from all around the World as most of the Israelis have a 2nd citezenship (Including me) the things that concidered to be very "Israeli" are Falafel Sambusak ShakShuka Ptitim Hummus I think its the best way to show how it is over here You can never be in a situation where you don't have somthing to enjoy eating
  2. Is the French Jury available? i need them ASAP
  3. And now it's time for our fisrt break. at this point I would like to thank you all for taking part and i'll use this stage to truely invite you to visit here In Israel, and to write/ask anyithng if needed So enjoy your break we will be back in 1H
  4. Israel Italy 12 Ireland 11 The United States 10 The Netherlands 9 Czech Republic 8 Slovakia 7 Croatia 6 France 5 India 4 Germany 3 Indonesia 2 Argentina 1
  5. Israel Ireland 11 The United States 10 The Netherlands 9 Czech Republic 8 Slovakia 7 Croatia 6 France 5 India 4 Germany 3 Indonesia 2 Argentina 1
  6. Israel Greetings in Native Language: שלום ותודה רבה שלקחתם חלק בתחרות, שמח אני להציג בפניכם את ההצבעה של חבר השופטים הישראלי English Translation: Hello and thank you very much for taking part in the competition, I am happy to present to you the vote of the Israeli jury The United States 10 The Netherlands 9 Czech Republic 8 Slovakia 7 Croatia 6 France 5 India 4 Germany 3 Indonesia 2 Argentina 1
  7. Indonesia Hungary 12 Brazil 11 France 10 Vietnam 9 Spain 8 Czech Republic 7 Ukraine 6 Greece 5 China 4 Israel 3 Malta 2 Portugal 1
  8. Indonesia Brazil 11 France 10 Vietnam 9 Spain 8 Czech Republic 7 Ukraine 6 Greece 5 China 4 Israel 3 Malta 2 Portugal 1
  9. Indonesia Vietnam 9 Spain 8 Czech Republic 7 Ukraine 6 Greece 5 China 4 Israel 3 Malta 2 Portugal 1 France 10
  10. sorry my COM is burning like hell and it's hard to remember what next
  11. Bulgaria Czech Republic 12 New Zealand 11 Indonesia 10 Portugal 9 Mexico 8 Croatia 7 Slovakia 6 Spain 5 Ireland 4 Slovenia 3 Denmark 2 Moldova 1
  12. Bulgaria New Zealand 11 Indonesia 10 Portugal 9 Mexico 8 Croatia 7 Slovakia 6 Spain 5 Ireland 4 Slovenia 3 Denmark 2 Moldova 1
  13. Bulgaria Greetings in Native Language: Insert Text Here English Translation: Insert Text Here Indonesia 10 Portugal 9 Mexico 8 Croatia 7 Slovakia 6 Spain 5 Ireland 4 Slovenia 3 Denmark 2 Moldova 1 Next is New Zealand Good Night
  14. Argentina Denmark 12 Czech Republic 11 Sweeden 10 Ukrine 9 Croatia 8 Mexico 7 China 6 Moldova 5 New Zealand 4 France 3 Kazakhstan 2 Slovakia 1
  15. Argentina Czech Republic 11 Sweeden 10 Ukrine 9 Croatia 8 Mexico 7 China 6 Moldova 5 New Zealand 4 France 3 Kazakhstan 2 Slovakia 1
  16. Argentina Ukrine 9 Croatia 8 Mexico 7 China 6 Moldova 5 New Zealand 4 France 3 Kazakhstan 2 Slovakia 1 Sweeden 10
  17. New Zealand Italy 12 Hungary 11 Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Lithuania 8 Mexico 7 Indonesia 6 France 5 Ireland 4 Portugal 3 Colombia 2 Great Britain 1
  18. New Zealand Hungary 11 Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Lithuania 8 Mexico 7 Indonesia 6 France 5 Ireland 4 Portugal 3 Colombia 2 Great Britain 1
  19. New Zealand Argentina 9 Lithuania 8 Mexico 7 Indonesia 6 France 5 Ireland 4 Portugal 3 Colombia 2 Great Britain 1 Denmark 10
  20. Next is New Zealand Good Night @Wanderer
  21. Have we got anyone from Great Britain here to present the votes?
  22. Portugal Spain 12 Hungary 11 France 10 Czech Republic 9 Moldova 8 The United States 7 Germany 6 Romania 5 New Zealand 4 Brazil 3 China 2 Kazakhstan 1
  23. you still have the honor of deliveirng the NO1 pick
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