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Posts posted by LDOG

  1. 44 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

    I think his speech got a lot of positive reviews:


    Quite funny that he flew commercial, while all those people who desperately want to save the climate flew private, producing infinitely more CO2 ...



    I welcome the austerity but flying there to say nazism, communism and social democracy is all the same... you could hear the crickets in the auditorium at the end.

  2. On 1/20/2024 at 10:18 AM, MHSN said:

    former World Champion and 2012 Olympic silver medalist :ARM Arsen Julfalakyan is going to represent :ARG Argentina :yikes:


    ARM and ARG are next to each other alphabetically. maybe that explains the move :p

    ARG has one of the largest armenian diaspora in the world and they are surprisingly prominent in society, quite a few of the country's richest businessmen are of that origin. So it wouldn't be so random, their football NT has 2 argentinians for example. 


    I have no clue what motivates this action though and, apparently, I can't find any information about it either?

  3. I'm familiar with most of these brazilian sites/accounts and I can say we have NOTHING in comparison. The olympic specialized people are only 20 or so and they all have minimal levels of engagement on social media. From big conglomerates there's basically 0 coverage about "olympic sport" except when the main (summer) event arrives.


    COA does no effort either, their website and social media accounts just provide minimal info and nothing else. 


    There are journalists or sites/accounts that specialize in sports other than football and they have very decent following but they all just stay within their own area so to speak. They don't particularly care about the olympics and the people who consume their content, for the most part, are also only interested in that sport.


    It didn't use to be like this 10+ years ago, but right now EVERYTHING is football and nothing else. This week it was announced that public TV will not broadcast the olympics for the first time since 2000. 


  4. 36 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

    In case it matters, I actually am aware of my tendency to overreact quite often in the moment and regret it a few days later :p 


    I think that's a common feeling in a good number of people. 


    Sometimes I'm happy the old forum is gone because I'd cringe at anything I posted back then.

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